42 research outputs found

    Recursive Estimation of User Intent from Noninvasive Electroencephalography using Discriminative Models

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    We study the problem of inferring user intent from noninvasive electroencephalography (EEG) to restore communication for people with severe speech and physical impairments (SSPI). The focus of this work is improving the estimation of posterior symbol probabilities in a typing task. At each iteration of the typing procedure, a subset of symbols is chosen for the next query based on the current probability estimate. Evidence about the user's response is collected from event-related potentials (ERP) in order to update symbol probabilities, until one symbol exceeds a predefined confidence threshold. We provide a graphical model describing this task, and derive a recursive Bayesian update rule based on a discriminative probability over label vectors for each query, which we approximate using a neural network classifier. We evaluate the proposed method in a simulated typing task and show that it outperforms previous approaches based on generative modeling.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Stabilizing Subject Transfer in EEG Classification with Divergence Estimation

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    Classification models for electroencephalogram (EEG) data show a large decrease in performance when evaluated on unseen test sub jects. We reduce this performance decrease using new regularization techniques during model training. We propose several graphical models to describe an EEG classification task. From each model, we identify statistical relationships that should hold true in an idealized training scenario (with infinite data and a globally-optimal model) but that may not hold in practice. We design regularization penalties to enforce these relationships in two stages. First, we identify suitable proxy quantities (divergences such as Mutual Information and Wasserstein-1) that can be used to measure statistical independence and dependence relationships. Second, we provide algorithms to efficiently estimate these quantities during training using secondary neural network models. We conduct extensive computational experiments using a large benchmark EEG dataset, comparing our proposed techniques with a baseline method that uses an adversarial classifier. We find our proposed methods significantly increase balanced accuracy on test subjects and decrease overfitting. The proposed methods exhibit a larger benefit over a greater range of hyperparameters than the baseline method, with only a small computational cost at training time. These benefits are largest when used for a fixed training period, though there is still a significant benefit for a subset of hyperparameters when our techniques are used in conjunction with early stopping regularization.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Fast and Expressive Gesture Recognition using a Combination-Homomorphic Electromyogram Encoder

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    We study the task of gesture recognition from electromyography (EMG), with the goal of enabling expressive human-computer interaction at high accuracy, while minimizing the time required for new subjects to provide calibration data. To fulfill these goals, we define combination gestures consisting of a direction component and a modifier component. New subjects only demonstrate the single component gestures and we seek to extrapolate from these to all possible single or combination gestures. We extrapolate to unseen combination gestures by combining the feature vectors of real single gestures to produce synthetic training data. This strategy allows us to provide a large and flexible gesture vocabulary, while not requiring new subjects to demonstrate combinatorially many example gestures. We pre-train an encoder and a combination operator using self-supervision, so that we can produce useful synthetic training data for unseen test subjects. To evaluate the proposed method, we collect a real-world EMG dataset, and measure the effect of augmented supervision against two baselines: a partially-supervised model trained with only single gesture data from the unseen subject, and a fully-supervised model trained with real single and real combination gesture data from the unseen subject. We find that the proposed method provides a dramatic improvement over the partially-supervised model, and achieves a useful classification accuracy that in some cases approaches the performance of the fully-supervised model.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables V2: add link to code, fix bibliograph

    User Training with Error Augmentation for Electromyogram-based Gesture Classification

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    We designed and tested a system for real-time control of a user interface by extracting surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity from eight electrodes in a wrist-band configuration. sEMG data were streamed into a machine-learning algorithm that classified hand gestures in real-time. After an initial model calibration, participants were presented with one of three types of feedback during a human-learning stage: veridical feedback, in which predicted probabilities from the gesture classification algorithm were displayed without alteration, modified feedback, in which we applied a hidden augmentation of error to these probabilities, and no feedback. User performance was then evaluated in a series of minigames, in which subjects were required to use eight gestures to manipulate their game avatar to complete a task. Experimental results indicated that, relative to baseline, the modified feedback condition led to significantly improved accuracy and improved gesture class separation. These findings suggest that real-time feedback in a gamified user interface with manipulation of feedback may enable intuitive, rapid, and accurate task acquisition for sEMG-based gesture recognition applications.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    All-optical electrophysiology in mammalian neurons using engineered microbial rhodopsins

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    All-optical electrophysiology—spatially resolved simultaneous optical perturbation and measurement of membrane voltage—would open new vistas in neuroscience research. We evolved two archaerhodopsin-based voltage indicators, QuasAr1 and QuasAr2, which show improved brightness and voltage sensitivity, have microsecond response times and produce no photocurrent. We engineered a channelrhodopsin actuator, CheRiff, which shows high light sensitivity and rapid kinetics and is spectrally orthogonal to the QuasArs. A coexpression vector, Optopatch, enabled cross-talk–free genetically targeted all-optical electrophysiology. In cultured rat neurons, we combined Optopatch with patterned optical excitation to probe back-propagating action potentials (APs) in dendritic spines, synaptic transmission, subcellular microsecond-timescale details of AP propagation, and simultaneous firing of many neurons in a network. Optopatch measurements revealed homeostatic tuning of intrinsic excitability in human stem cell–derived neurons. In rat brain slices, Optopatch induced and reported APs and subthreshold events with high signal-to-noise ratios. The Optopatch platform enables high-throughput, spatially resolved electrophysiology without the use of conventional electrodes

    AutoTransfer: Subject Transfer Learning with Censored Representations on Biosignals Data

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    We provide a regularization framework for subject transfer learning in which we seek to train an encoder and classifier to minimize classification loss, subject to a penalty measuring independence between the latent representation and the subject label. We introduce three notions of independence and corresponding penalty terms using mutual information or divergence as a proxy for independence. For each penalty term, we provide several concrete estimation algorithms, using analytic methods as well as neural critic functions. We provide a hands-off strategy for applying this diverse family of regularization algorithms to a new dataset, which we call "AutoTransfer". We evaluate the performance of these individual regularization strategies and our AutoTransfer method on EEG, EMG, and ECoG datasets, showing that these approaches can improve subject transfer learning for challenging real-world datasets.Comment: 17 page extended version of International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference 2022 pape

    CAMBI-tech/alpha-attenuation: Initial release

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    <p>Initial release of code accompanying "Target-Related Alpha Attenuation in a Brain-Computer Interface Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Calibration".</p&gt

    EMG from Combination Gestures with Ground-truth Joystick Labels

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    <p>Dataset of surface EMG recordings from 11 subjects performing single and combination gestures, from "**A Multi-label Classification Approach to Increase Expressivity of EMG-based Gesture Recognition**" by Niklas Smedemark-Margulies, Yunus Bicer, Elifnur Sunger, Stephanie Naufel, Tales Imbiriba, Eugene Tunik, Deniz Erdogmus, and Mathew Yarossi.</p> <p>For more details and example usage, see the following:</p> <ul> <li>Paper pdf - <a href="https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.12217.pdf">https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.12217.pdf</a></li> <li>Experiment code - <a href="https://github.com/neu-spiral/multi-label-emg">https://github.com/neu-spiral/multi-label-emg</a></li> </ul> <h1>Contents</h1> <p>Dataset of single and combination gestures from 11 subjects. <br>Subjects participated in 13 experimental blocks.<br>During each block, they followed visual prompts to perform gestures while also manipulating a joystick.<br>Surface EMG was recorded from 8 electrodes on the forearm; labels were recorded according to the current visual prompt and the current state of the joystick.</p> <p>Experiments included the following blocks:</p> <ul> <li>1 Calibration block</li> <li>6 Simultaneous-Pulse Combination blocks (3 without feedback, 3 with feedback)</li> <li>6 Hold-Pulse Combination blocks (3 without feedback, 3 with feedback)</li> </ul> <p>The contents of each block type were as follows:</p> <ul> <li>In the Calibration block, subjects performed 8 repetitions of each of the 4 direction gestures, 2 modifier gestures, and a resting pose.<br>Each Calibration trial provided 160 overlapping examples, for a total of: 8 repetitions x 7 gestures x 160 examples = 8960 examples.</li> <li>In Simultaneous-Pulse Combination blocks, subjects performed 8 trials of combination gestures, where both components were performed simultaneously.<br>Each Simultaneous-Pulse trial provided 240 overlapping examples, for a total of: 8 trials x 240 examples = 1920 examples.</li> <li>In Hold-Pulse Combination blocks, subjects performed 28 trials of combination gestures, where 1 gesture component was held while the other was pulsed.<br>Each Hold-Pulse trial provided 240 overlapping examples, for a total of: 28 trials x 240 examples = 6720 examples.</li> </ul> <p>A single data example (from any block) corresponds a window 250ms of EMG recorded at 1926Hz (built-in 20–450 Hz bandpass filtering applied).<br>A 50ms step size was used between each window; note that neighboring data examples are therefore overlapping.</p> <p>Feedback was provided as follows:</p> <ul> <li>In blocks with feedback, a model pre-trained on the Calibration data was used to give realtime visual feedback during the trial.</li> <li>In blocks without feedback, no model was used, and the visual prompt was the only source of information about the current gesture.</li> </ul> <p>For more details, see the paper.</p> <h1>Labels</h1> <p>Two types of labels are provided: </p> <ul> <li>joystick labels were recorded based on the position of the joystick, and are treated as ground-truth.</li> <li>visual labels were also recorded based on what prompt was currently being shown to the subject.</li> </ul> <p>For both joystick and visual labels, the following structure applies. Each gesture trial has a two-part label.</p> <p>The first label component describes the direction gesture, and takes values in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, with the following meaning:</p> <ul> <li>0 - "Up" (joystick pull)</li> <li>1 - "Down" (joystick push)</li> <li>2 - "Left" (joystick left)</li> <li>3 - "Right" (joystick right)</li> <li>4 - "NoDirection" (absence of a direction gesture; none of the above)</li> </ul> <p>The second label component describes the modifier gesture, and takes values in {0, 1, 2}, with the following meaning:</p> <ul> <li>0 - "Pinch" (joystick trigger button)</li> <li>1 - "Thumb" (joystick thumb button)</li> <li>2 - "NoModifier" (absence of a modifier gesture; none of the above)</li> </ul> <p>## Examples of Label Structure</p> <p>Single gestures have labels like (0, 2) indicating ("Up", "NoModifier") or (4, 1) indicating ("NoDirection", "Thumb").</p> <p>Combination gesture have labels like (0, 0) indicating ("Up", "Pinch") or (2, 1) indicating ("Left", "Thumb").</p> <h1>File layout</h1> <p>Data are provided in Numpy and MATLAB format. Descriptions below apply for both.</p> <p>Each experimental block is provided in a separate folder.<br>Within one experimental block, the following files are provided:</p> <ul> <li>`data.npy` - Raw EMG data, with shape (items, channels, timesteps).</li> <li>`joystick_direction_labels.npy` - one-hot joystick direction labels, with shape (items, 5).</li> <li>`joystick_modifier_labels.npy` - one-hot joystick modifier labels, with shape (items, 3).</li> <li>`visual_direction_labels.npy` - one-hot visual direction labels, with shape (items, 5).</li> <li>`visual_modifier_labels.npy` - one-hot visual modifier labels, with shape (items, 3).</li> </ul> <h1>Loading data</h1> <p>For example code snippets for loading data, see the associated code repository.</p&gt