114 research outputs found

    Empirical Studies on "Health, Information and Consumer Behaviour"

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    Forbrug af økologisk frugt og grønt

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    I DETTE KAPITEL ser vi på mulige årsager til den høje vækst i den økologiske mængdeandel for frugt og grønt. Vi har brugt en model baseret på observerede køb af frugt og grønt i perioden 2002 til 2007, og resultaterne viser, at udviklingen i priser, øget udbud og flere typer af butikker på markedet ikke er de eneste forklaringer på den voldsomme vækst. Information om pesticidrester i konventionelt produceret frugt og grønt samt information, der kobler økologi sammen med sundhed, kan være en medvirkende årsag. Overordnet set får information om pesticidrester flere til at købe økologi, mens information om økologi som sundhedsfremmende får husholdningerne til at købe mere. Prisen er dog ikke uden betydning for det økologiske salg, da følsomheden over for ændringer i prisen er forholdsvis stor, især for økologisk frugt. Det er dog især de mere discountorienterede samt husholdninger, der har et højt forbrug af økologiske fødevarer, der reagerer meget på ændringer i prisen. Resultaterne peger på, at hvordan kampagner fokuseres, har betydning for, om vi lokker nye forbrugere ind på øko-markedet eller får de allerede eksisterende forbrugere af økologiske varer til at øge deres økologiske mængdeandel. Desuden har prisen, især for nogle typer af forbrugere, stor betydning for hvor meget økologisk frugt og grønt der købes

    Medierne rolle i det øgede forbrug af økologi

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    Mediernes øgede fokusering på at økologi er sundt samt omtale af fund af pesticider i frugt og grønt kan måske være en del af forklaring på det stigende forbrug af økologi gennem de sidste par år. Især hos de allerede overbeviste økologiske forbrugere der er mere bekymrede for pesticider i maden end andre typer af forbrugere

    Hvem driver stigningen i økoforbruget?

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    Stigningen i forbruget af økologisk frugt og grønt ser ud til primært at være drevet af et øget forbrug hos de overbeviste økologiske forbrugere

    Food Safety Information and Food Demand Effects of Temporary and Permanent News

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    This paper examines the cross-impacts of food safety news concerning one product on the demand for another product, using the Danish demand for pasteurized eggs versus shell eggs as an illustrative case. The study identifies news with a temporary impact and news with a permanent impact on consumers' food demand behavior. The techniques used to identify the permanent versus temporary news are recursive estimation and parameter stability. Whereas "permanent" news is identified to be represented by a specific individual event, "temporary" news concerning salmonella in eggs is aggregated into a news-index variable. Both temporary and permanent news concerning salmonella in shell eggs appear to have significant positive impacts on the demand for pasteurized eggs. The model is estimated as an Error Correction Model. Consumers are found to adjust quite rapidly to both temporary and permanent news. Both the composition of egg consumption accounted as mean budget shares varies across socio-demographic household groups as well as the impact of the considered permanent news.salmonella, news, egg demand, error correction model, socio-economic groups, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Forbrugernes interesse i økologiske madvarer

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    Forbruget af økologiske madvarer er nærmest eksploderet i de seneste fem år, både herhjemme og i udlandet. Danmark er i dag det land i verden, der har det højeste forbrug af økologiske varer per indbygger. Der har imidlertid været forsket meget lidt i hvilke motiver, der driver forbrugerne. Der mangler også viden om hvilke forbrugertyper, der efterspørger de økologiske varer

    Sin Taxes and Self-Control

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    "Sin taxes" are high on the political agenda in the global fight against obesity. According to theory, they are welfare improving if consumers with low self-control are at least as price responsive as consumers with high self-control, even in the absence of externalities. In this paper, we investigate if consumers with low and high self-control react differently to sin tax variation. For identification, we exploit two sets of sin tax reforms in Denmark: first, the increase of the soft drink tax in 2012 and its repeal in 2014 and, second, the fat tax introduction in 2011 and its repeal in 2013. We assess the purchase response empirically using a detailed homescan household panel. Our unique dataset comprises a survey measure of self-control linked to the panelists, which we use to divide the sample into consumers with low and high levels of self-control. We find that consumers with low self-control reduce purchases less strongly than consumers with high self-control when taxes go up, but increase purchases to a similar extent when taxes go down. Hence, we document an asymmetry in the responsiveness to increasing and decreasing prices. We find empirical and theoretical support that habit formation shapes the differential response by self-control. The results suggest that price instruments are not an effective tool for targeting self-control problems

    Differentiated Food Taxes as a Tool in Health and Nutrition Policy

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    The purpose of the present study is to analyse the effects of using economic policy tools in nutrition policy, e.g. introduction of specific taxes on unhealthy food components or differentiated VAT on foods. The effects of such regulation instruments are demonstrated using Denmark as an illustrative case. A model concept combining econometric models of food consumption behaviour for different socio-demographic groups with a model for conversion between food consumption and nutrient intake is developed. The socio-demographic effects of four different tax or subsidy regulation schemes are investigated.obesity, food taxes, econometric model, socio-demographic differences, Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Differentiated Food Taxes as a Tool in Health and Nutrition Policy

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    The purpose of the present study is to analyse the effects of using economic policy tools in nutrition policy, e.g. introduction of specific taxes on unhealthy food components or differentiated VAT on foods. The effects of such regulation instruments are demonstrated using Denmark as an illustrative case. A model concept combining econometric models of food consumption behaviour for different socio-demographic groups with a model for conversion between food consumption and nutrient intake is developed. The socio-demographic effects of four different tax or subsidy regulation schemes are investigated.obesity, food taxes, econometric model, socio-demographic differences, Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,
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