22 research outputs found

    Adsorption of phenolic compounds from water on polymeric adsorbents with olefin groups

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    Removal and recovery of aromatic pollutants from water by solid adsorbents have been of considerable concern recently. In this paper, adsorption of phenolic compounds from aqueous solution onto a polymeric adsorbent with olefin groups at temperatures from 297 K was studied

    Birth after IVF: caesarean only?

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures, No I Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Targu Mures, Romania, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Assisted reproduction technology ( ART )represents a current problem in the treatment of couple sterility ( feminine and masculin). In vitro fertilization ( IVF ) is an advanced method within human assisted reproduction. Being fond of this issue I have initiated this study. Object: The identification of birth assistance modality at the after IVF pregnant women in the casuistry of Clinica Obstetrica – Ginecologie I, Targu Mures Materialy and methods: The work represents a retrospective analytical study during the period between 01.01.2013 – 31. 01.2013 on the casuistry of SCJU Mures, No I Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic.The inclusion criteria is formed by the assisted birth at No I Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic,Targu Mures, during birth obtained with IVF. Their report was made at the total number of birth during the year 2013, depending on some parameters: total births 2013: 1095; total births at term: 916; total premature: 179; total vaginal births: 616; total caesarean births: 479. After IVF: total births: 13; total births at term: 6; total premature: 7; total vaginal births: 1; total caesarean births: 12. Inclusion criteria: after IVF and assisted birth at No I Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Targu Mures. Results: From the total number of births after IVF:: 7,69 % vaginal births; 92,30 % caesarean births; 46,15 % at term; 53,84 % premature. Caesarean indications because of obstetrical causes: 6 ( 50% ) and human assisted reproduction ( IVF ): 6 (50% ). The rate of vaginal births after IVF: 7,69 % from the total number of assisted birth during the period of the study. Conclusions: 1.In the study group, the caesarean birth represents a rule almost. 2. The rate of vaginal births with IVF ist lower despite the multiple services dedicated to this problem 3.The prematurity ist higher possibly because of the multiple pregnancy

    Removal of candida albicans from water by adhesion to aminophosphorous groups grafted onto poly (styrene-co-divinylbenzene)

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    Candida albicans is a fungal pathogen capable of causing opportunistic infections that may be lethal. The purpose of this study was to establish the removal percent of a Candida albicans culture from a water solution by using some polymers with antimicrobial activity. The mechanism of action is based on yeast adhesion on aminophosphorous active groups

    The characterization of recycled poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) functionalized with α-hydroxyphosphonic acids for new study of antimicrobal tests

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    Antimicrobials are a wide variety of compounds with the attack for the destruction or inhibition of microorganisms.This article describes the using of recycled α-hydroxyphosphonic acids grafted on styrene-divinylbenzene copolymeras a recycled material for new study of antimicrobial tests

    Risk of Salinization in the Agricultural Soils of Semi-Arid Regions: A Case Study from Moldavian Plain (NE Romania)

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    In the present study, the salinization trends of different soil types from a small hydrographic basin situated in NE Romania (Roșior basin) are investigated. The climatic conditions are favorable for long dry summers and intensive evaporation. The soils are developed on immature evolved clay sediments, as revealed by geochemical analysis. The salinity varies among soil types, attaining maximum values for Solonetz with total dissolved salts (TDS) between 1165.75 to 1881.25 mg/L. The aqueous solutions are represented by natural water and soil solution. The hydrogeochemical facies of the natural waters change from HCO3−—Mg2+ in the upper basin to SO42−—Na+ in the middle or lower basin. The soil solution is moderately or strongly salinized and shows anionic variations from HCO3− to SO42− in the studied profiles, whereas Na+ is always the main cation. The concentrations of Na+ and SO42− evolve simultaneously. Raman spectroscopic exploration of the white efflorescences, which occur on topsoil, reveals the presence of thenardite as the dominant phase. The composition of soil solution results from both the ionic exchange and evaporation processes. The nature of soil solution mineralization and summer temperatures are two main factors that interact and promote the thenardite precipitation. The soil salinization induces negative effects on crop nutrition, impacting further the crop yields. The results of this study can be extrapolated to larger areas formed on Sarmatian sedimentary deposits affected by salinization processes


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    Frecvenţa comportamentului suicidar la copii şi la adolescenţi a cunoscut o creştere semnifi cativă în ultimii ani, reprezentând un fenomen plurifactorial, cu determinanţi încadraţi atât în rândul patologiilor psihiatrice, relaţionându-se predominant depresiei si tulburărilor de conduită, cât şi în rândul unor variaţi factori de mediu ce includ familiile disfuncţionale, eşecul şcolar, relaţiile defectuase cu anturajul şi incluzând o problemă de interes crescând care se situează la graniţa dintre boală şi factor social, reprezentată de abuzul de substanţe psihoactive. Modalităţile de abordare rămân nesistematizate şi insufi ciente, menţinând astfel deschisă o temă de studiu fundamentală, suicidul la copil şi adolescent şi ridicând problema perfecţionării unor mijloace de intervenţie efi ciente, pentru această situaţie de importanţă globală


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    The frequency of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents has increased signifi cantly in recent years, representing a plurifactorial phenomenon, with determining factors in both psychiatric disorders, especially depression and conduct disorders, and also environmental factors including dysfunctional families, academic failure, faulty relationships, including an issue of increasing interest which lies on the border between illness and social factor, represented by the abuse of psychoactive substances. Approaches remain unorganized and inadequate, thus maintaining a real interest in the folowing subject, child and adolescent suicide, and furthermore raising the issue of improving the means of effective intervention for this situation of global importanc