8 research outputs found

    Veterinary service in the years of the Great Patriotic war

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    ветеринарная медицина, ветеринария, Великая Отечественная война, ВОВ, истори

    Developing a System for Hidden Information Using a Transposition Cipher

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    This article discusses: an algorithm for hiding data using a permutation cipher and the main functions of the developed software product

    Evolution of in vitro digestibility techniques: a systematic review

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    The inability to reproduce certain digestive processes in vivo, high research costs and ethical aspects have led to the development of a large number of in vitro digestion models. These models allow us to take into account various factors of modeling complex multistage physiological processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, which makes them promising and widely used. A significant part of in vitro methods includes assessment by enzymatic digestion and are based on the calculation of nitrogen remaining after digestion in relation to the initial total nitrogen (according to the Dumas, Kjeldahl method, spectrophotometric or chromatographic method). There are also a number of titrometric methods (pH‑stat), which are mainly used to assess the digestibility of feed, most successfully for aquatic animals due to the simplicity of their digestive tract. Methods for assessing the digestibility of food products by enzymatic digestion have undergone various stages of evolution (since 1947) and have been widely modified by including various enzymes (pepsin, trypsin, pancreatin, erepsin, etc.) in model systems, indices for various products have been determined on their basis (pepsin-digest-residue (PDR) index, 1956; pepsin pancreatin digest (PPD) index, 1964; pepsin digest dialysate (PDD), 1989). As a result, a single protocol was formed to study the digestibility of food — INFOGEST (2014–2019), which includes three stages of digestion (oral, gastric and intestinal). It allows researchers to accurately reproduce the conditions of the human gastrointestinal tract and is widely used by scientists around the world

    Frequency of occurrence of recessive 35delG mutation in GJB2 gene in children with sensorineural hearing loss

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    Introduction: A human being is known to have about 100 genes associated with deafness and hearing loss, which are located in both the nucleus and mitochondria. Most commonly detected mutations are those in the GJB2 gene, mononucleotic deletion 35 delG including, which accounts for up to 50% of cases of neurosensory hearing loss in Europeans.We studied frequency of occurrence of the above-mentioned mutation among Belarusian schoolchildren with the impaired hearing. Methods: 35delG mutation was detected with the help of blood's polymerase chain reaction. The children's parents were asked about the presence of risk factors and timely diagnosis of sensorineural hearing loss by means of questionnaires.Results: 68 children aged 6-19 years old with severe to profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (according to the WHO classification) were examined. Autosomal recessive genotype was detected in 51.4%, heterozygous genotype in 2.9% of children.The questionnaires showed that impaired hearing was first noted by the parents when the child was under 1 year old in 42.6%, from 1 to 3 years old in 38.2%, and above 3 years old in 19.1% of children.Reasons for impaired hearing as reported by the parents were as follows: ototoxic antibiotics intake in 32.3%, heredity in 30.9%, unknown factors in 25%, other factors in 11.8% of children.Conclusion: The conducted study demonstrates frequent occurrence of 35delG nuclear mutation (53.4%) in sensorineural hearing loss in children from Minsk-city. Possible risk factors for sensorineural hearing loss such as ototoxic antibiotics intake and heredity have been determined. Impaired hearing loss has been noted by parents in almost half of the children (42.6%) under 1 year old

    Mitochondrial mutations in Belarus patients with sensorineural hearing loss

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