4 research outputs found

    Characteristics of fetal growth in the population of south-west Croatia

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    The aim of this work was to define nomograms and standards of fetal biometric parameters in the population of pregnant women in southwest region of Croatia. Study design and Methods. During the nine-year period from 1st January 2002 to 31st December 2010 ultrasound examination was performed on 1594 pregnant women with singleton uncomplicated pregnancy between 22nd and 41st gestation week. In total, 2728 ultrasound measurements were performed. Measurement were obtained for biparietal diameter, femur length, abdominal circumference and the transverse cerebellar diameter. The results were presented as mean values with standard deviations and percentiles. Results. Normal fetal biometry charts for own population of pregnant women in the southwest region of Croatia were constructed

    Medical termination of unplanned pregnancy

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    Medicinski pobačaj se definira kao prekid trudnoće pomoću lijekova. Mifepriston u kombinaciji s mizoprostolom najčešći je oblik medikamentoznog prekida trudnoće. Cilj je ovoga rada predstaviti primjenjivost i učinkovitost medikamentoznog prekida neželjene trudnoće u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka gdje se primjenjuje od sredine 2015. godine. Medicinski pobačaj u KBC Rijeka vrši se prema protokolu Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije za medikamentozni prekid trudnoće od 9. do 12. tjedna trudnoće, a sastoji se od jednokratne peroralne primjene mifepristona u dozi od 200 mg i nakon 36–48 sati vaginalne ili bukalne primjene mizoprostola u dozi od 800 mcg. Nakon 6 sati od primjene prve doze mizoprostola učini se procjena stanja ginekološkim i ultrazvučnim pregledom te u slučajevima nedovršenog pobačaja nastavlja se svaka 3 sata s primjenom mizoprostola bukalnim putem u dozi od 400 mcg do najviše 4 dodatne primjene (2400 mcg kumulativne doze mizoprostola). Kombinacijom navedenih lijekova u 860 slučajeva postignuta je uspješnost od 99% (N=851) prekida trudnoće, a u 9 (1,0%) neuspjelih slučajeva prekid trudnoće dovršen je sljedećeg dana kirurškim putem. Ukupna stopa ostatnog tkiva trofoblasta (tzv. rezidua) u navedenoj studiji iznosila je 1,9%. Medikamentozni pobačaj predstavlja sigurnu i učinkovitu metodu prekida neželjenih trudnoća.Medical termination is defined as a termination of pregnancy by medications. Mifepristone in combination with misoprostol is the most common protocol of use for medical termination of pregnancy. The aim of this paper is to present the applicability and efficiency of medical termination of unplanned pregnancies at Clinical Hospital Center (CHC) Rijeka, where it has been practiced since the mid-2015. In CHC Rijeka we follow the protocol of the World Health Organization for medical termination of pregnancy from nine up to 12 weeks of gestation. It consists of a single dose of mifepristone 200 mg administered orally, followed by vaginal or buccal administration of misoprostol 800 mcg after 36–48 hours. After six hours of the first dose of misoprostol, gynecological and ultrasound examination determines whether the termination has occurred. In cases of uncompleted termination, the treatment is continued every three hours with the use of buccal misoprostol in a dose of 400 mcg to a maximum of four additional doses (2400 mcg of cumulative dose of misoprostol). Following the above procedure in 860 cases a success rate of 99% was achieved in the termination of pregnancies. Unresolved nine (0.1%) women underwent surgical removal of pregnancy. Total rate of residual tissue of the trophoblast (so-called residua) in this study was 1.9%. Medical termination of unwanted pregnancy represents a safe and effective method of abortion

    CYFRA 21-1 Protein - a Potential Marker of Endometriosis

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    Endometrioza je kronična upalna bolest karakterizirana pojavom i rastom endometrija izvan maternice. Etiopatogeneza nije razjašnjena, a postoji više teorija nastanka endometrioze. Patološki procesi prisutni u endometriozi jesu adhezija, invazija, proliferacija, angiogeneza i promijenjena imunost. Moguće je da procesi invazije i proliferacije uzrokuju povećanu sintezu određenih proteina koji se zatim izlučuju urinom. Protein citokeratin 19-9 (CYFRA 21-1) pojačano se izlučuje u urinu pacijentica s endometriozom te je potencijalni marker u ranim stadijima ove bolesti kada nije moguće slikovnim metodama postaviti sumnju na bolest ili ciljanu dijagnozu.Endometriosis is a chronic gynaecological inflammatory disease characterized by the appearance and flourishing of endometrium outside the uterine cavity. The etiopathogenesis is not yet clearly understood. The ongoing pathologic processes are invasion, adhesion, proliferation, angiogenesis, and immune dysfunction. There is a possibility of increased production of proteins caused by proliferation and invasion, that are excreted in the urine. The protein CYFRA 21-1 shows increased production in endometriosis and is a potential marker in the early stages of this disease when it is not possible to suspect the disease or diagnose it with imaging techniques