4 research outputs found
Significant influence of biometeorological conditions on the incidence of spontaneous pneumothorax in the Kragujevac city
Aim To explore and establish an influence of biometeorological conditions on the occurrence of spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) in the city of Kragujevac (Serbia) in a five-year period. Methods According to the type of series of cases, this was a retrospective,non interventional study. The data collected from the medical records and operative protocols of the Thoracic Surgery Department in the period between 01.01.2005 and 31.12.2009, as well as the data on daily biometeorological phases for the Kragujevac city obtained from the Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, and afterwards a comparative analysis of the data were performed. Results A total number of 159 patients with spontaneous pneumothorax were hospitalized. Most patients were treated in 2009(55, 34.6%), least in 2005 (22, 13.8%). Most cases occurred in March (20, 12.6%), on Tuesdays (33, 20.7%), and in the biometeorological phase 2 (0.15 SP/day). The least number of cases occurred in September (9, 5.7%), on Saturdays (6, 3.8%) and in phase 8 (0.04/day) (p<0.01). Conclusion There was an evident biometeorological influence onthe occurrence of spontaneous pneumothorax in our area, so mostcases were in the phase with sunny weather (atmospheric pressurefalling, air temperature and moisture rising), while the lowestnumber was in the phase with a fall of atmospheric pressure, moistureand air temperature. The results of this research suggest a necessity of further investigations on this field
Biometeorological phases influence pedestrian trauma
Introduction. Biometeorological circumstances have a big influence on all traffic participants, especially reflexes, moving coordination and perception ability. With a lower attention and drivers’ and pedestrians’ concentration, there was a larger amount of pedestrian trauma in certain biometeorological phases. Objective. The aim of this study was to establish the correlation between pedestrian trauma and biometeorological phases. Methods. The comparative analysis of everyday biometeorological phases for the city of Kragujevac determined by RHMI and the evidence of knocked-down pedestrians from the Kragujevac traffic police for the period 2003-2008. Results. There were 6,127 accidents, with 696 knocked pedestrians in 666 (10.87%) accidents. Most of them happened in 2003 (135), and the fewest in 2005 (90). Most accidents were during December (74), the fewest were in June (46). The fewest accidents were during 04-05-06 hour interval (by 2), most during 13-14 hours (61). There were 374 males and 349 females. Most of the males (by 60) were 0-10 and 11-20 years old, most of the females (74) were 11-20 years old. There were 443 pedestrians who suffered slight body injuries (112 were 11-20), 225 suffered heavy and 28 had lethal injuries (most over 70). As provokers, the pedestrians suffered because of improper crossing roads (185), while as a casualties, they suffered due to speeding of vechicles (285). Most accidents happened in biometeorological phases 4 (168) and 9 (151), the fewest in phase 10 (4). Conclussion. Statistical analysis shows a significant correlation between pedestrians’ accidents and biometeorological phases, when the most accidents occurred during penetrations of cold fronts, while there was a sudden switch of weather conditions from warm-dry to cold-wet weather
Uticaj biometeoroloških faza na incidencu suicida
Cilj: Utvrditi uticaj biometeoroloških faza na incidencu suicida sobzirom na dob, pol, mesto stanovanja, dane u nedelji, mesece u godini, te način izvršenja suicida. Metode: Komparativna analiza podataka ispitanika o suicidima (s obzirom na period, mesece i dane u nedelji, mesto stanovanja, dob, pol, prosečnu starost) dobijenih iz Policijske uprave Kragujevac za period 2004-2008. godine i svakodnevnih biometeoroloških faza za grad Kragujevac dobijenih od Republičkog hidrometeorološkog zavoda (RHMZ) Srbije. Rezultati: U posmatranom periodu dogodila su se 144 suicida (14/100.000 stanovnika godišnje). Najviše suicida dogodilo se u 2005. (36), a najmanje u 2007. (24) godini; najviše u januaru i junu (po 18), a najmanje u avgustu (7). Tri četvrtine slučajeva bili su iz urbanog okruženja. Tri četvrtine slučajeva su bili muškarci i to najviše u dobnim grupama 41-45 i 51-55 godina (po 11), a jedna četvrtina slučajeva bile su žene, najviše u starosnoj grupi 61-65 godina života (7). Ukupna je prosečna starost iznosila 54,66 godina. Dve trećine svih suicida izvršeni su vešanjem (93) (od čega su dve trećine bili muškarci), a jedna šestina vatrenim oružjem (88% su bili muškarci). Najviše suicida dogodilo se u biometeorološkim fazama 4 i 9 (po 38), što čini više od polovine svih suicida. Zaključak: Statističkim metodama dobijena je značajna korelacijaizmeđu biometeoroloških faza i incidence suicida, a najviše se suicida desilo u fazama stabilnog sunčanog vremena i naglog prodorafrontova, s naglom promenom vremenske situacije. Preporuka ovog rada jeste striktno poštovanje upozorenja iz svakodnevne bioprognoze koju daje RHMZ Srbije, pa u ovim vremenskim prilikama posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na sve osobe sa suicidalnim tendencijama
Biometeorological influence on motorcyclists and bicyclists trauma
Introduction. Biometeorological circumstances have great influence on all traffic participants, especially on reflexes, movement coordination and perception ability, increasing the number of accidents. Motocyclists and bicyclists are specific participants in traffic, so their traumatism has its own special characteristics. Objective. The aim of this study was to establish biometeorological influence on motorcyclists and bicyclists accidents. Methods. Comparative analysis of everyday biometeorological phases for the city of Kragujevac determinated by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia and motorcyclists and bicyclists accident evidence received from Kragujevac traffic police for the period 2004-2008. Results. There were 5,180 traffic accidents in this period, with 180 accidents in which 77 motorcyclists and 116 bicyclists were knocked down. Most of the accidents were in 2008 (53) and the least in 2005 (28). Most accidents occurred during August (28) and between 19.00 and 20.00 hours (18). There were no accidents during January, between 04.00 and 06.00 hours. There were 85% accidents in the urban area. Most of 169 males were aged 16-20 and 21-25 years (20 and 21). Most of 24 females (6) were aged 11-15 years. Those who caused the accident mostly sustained injuries due to improper speed limit (31), while the victims due to the disrespect of street-crossing priorities (32). Forty-one motorcyclists and 85 bicyclists suffered mild body injuries. Thirty-one motorcyclists and 27 bicyclist suffered severe injuries. Five motorcyclists and four bicyclists ended lethally. Most accidents happened in biometeorological phases 9 (63), 4 (32) and 1 (31). Conclusion. Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between accidents and biometeorological phases, with most accidents occurring during stabile warm weather and rapid penetrations of cold fronts, and with a sudden switch of weather conditions