31 research outputs found

    Mechanism of collisionless sound damping in dilute Bose gas with condensate

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    We develop a microscopic theory of sound damping due to Landau mechanism in dilute gas with Bose condensate. It is based on the coupled evolution equations of the parameters describing the system. These equations have been derived in earlier works within a microscopic approach which employs the Peletminskii-Yatsenko reduced description method for quantum many-particle systems and Bogoliubov model for a weakly nonideal Bose gas with a separated condensate. The dispersion equations for sound oscillations were obtained by linearization of the mentioned evolution equations in the collisionless approximation. They were analyzed both analytically and numerically. The expressions for sound speed and decrement rate were obtained in high and low temperature limiting cases. We have shown that at low temperature the dependence of the obtained quantities on temperature significantly differs from those obtained by other authors in the semi-phenomenological approaches. Possible effects connected with non-analytic temperature dependence of dispersion characteristics of the system were also indicated.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Coexistence of photonic and atomic Bose-Einstein condensates in ideal atomic gases

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    We have studied conditions of photon Bose-Einstein condensate formation that is in thermodynamic equilibrium with ideal gas of two-level Bose atoms below the degeneracy temperature. Equations describing thermodynamic equilibrium in the system were formulated; critical temperatures and densities of photonic and atomic gas subsystems were obtained analytically. Coexistence conditions of these photonic and atomic Bose-Einstein condensates were found. There was predicted the possibility of an abrupt type of photon condensation in the presence of Bose condensate of ground-state atoms: it was shown that the slightest decrease of the temperature could cause a significant gathering of photons in the condensate. This case could be treated as a simple model of the situation known as "stopped light" in cold atomic gas. We also showed how population inversion of atomic levels can be created by lowering the temperature. The latter situation looks promising for light accumulation in atomic vapor at very low temperatures.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    On the spatially periodic ordering in the system of electrons above the surface of liquid helium in an external electric field

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    A theory of equilibrium states of electrons above a liquid helium surface in the presence of an external clamping field is built based on the first principles of quantum statistics for the system of many identical Fermi-particles. The approach is based on the variation principle modified for the considered system and on Thomas-Fermi model. In terms of the developed theory we obtain the self-consistency equations that connect the parameters of the system description, i.e., the potential of a static electric field, the distribution function of electrons and the surface profile of a liquid dielectric. The equations are used to study the phase transition of the system to a spatially periodic state. To demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed method, the characteristics of the phase transition of the system to a spatially periodic state of a trough type are analyzed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Zero sound in a quantum gas of spin-3/2 atoms with multipole exchange interaction

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    In the context of quantum gases, we obtain a many-body Hamiltonian for spin-3/2 atoms with general multipole (spin, quadrupole, and octupole) exchange interaction by employing the apparatus of irreducible spherical tensor operators. This Hamiltonian implies the finite-range interaction, whereas, for zero-range (contact) potentials parameterized by the ss-wave scattering length, the multipole exchange interaction becomes irrelevant. Following the reduced description method for quantum systems, we derive the quantum kinetic equation for spin-3/2 atoms in a magnetic field and apply it to examine the high-frequency oscillations known as zero sound.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Broken-axisymmetry state and magnetic state diagram of spin-1 condensate through the prism of quadrupole degrees of freedom

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    We theoretically study a weakly interacting gas of spin-1 atoms with Bose-Einstein condensate in external magnetic field within the Bogoliubov approach. To this end, in contrast to previous studies, we employ the general Hamiltonian, which includes both spin and quadrupole exchange interactions as well as the couplings of the spin and quadrupole moment with the external magnetic field (the linear and quadratic Zeeman terms). The latter is responsible for the emergence of the broken-axisymmetry state. We also re-examine ferromagnetic, quadrupolar, and paramagnetic states employing the proposed Hamiltonian. For all magnetic states, we find the relevant thermodynamic characteristics such as magnetization, quadrupole moment, thermodynamic potential, as well as excitation energies for broken-axisymmetry state. We show that the broken-axisymmetry state can be prepared at three different regimes of applied magnetic field. We also present the magnetic state diagrams for each regime of realizing the broken-axisymmetry state.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 4 table