3 research outputs found

    The analysis of secondary raw material uses in the manufacture of concrete products

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    In Master thesis, it is analysed opportunities to use different recycled materials in producing products from concrete and analysed strength features when using these materials together. Research of scientific works was made where scientist analyse opportunities to use glass plastic, PET, polyester and rubber in producing concrete materials. In a research, part on thesis methodology of this research is showed. Research was made with concrete cube (100 x 100 x 100 mm3) to test it strength on its own and same test with concrete cube filled and mixed with glass plastic, PET, polyester and rubber (3 mm and 5 mm). Results of the tests shows that two different size fillings could be used in producing concrete. Results are presented at the end of this thesis

    The analysis of secondary raw material uses in the manufacture of concrete products

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    In Master thesis, it is analysed opportunities to use different recycled materials in producing products from concrete and analysed strength features when using these materials together. Research of scientific works was made where scientist analyse opportunities to use glass plastic, PET, polyester and rubber in producing concrete materials. In a research, part on thesis methodology of this research is showed. Research was made with concrete cube (100 x 100 x 100 mm3) to test it strength on its own and same test with concrete cube filled and mixed with glass plastic, PET, polyester and rubber (3 mm and 5 mm). Results of the tests shows that two different size fillings could be used in producing concrete. Results are presented at the end of this thesis


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    As demands of technology and equipment increase, the requirement to quickly create a computer model of a product increases. Usingmodern 3D modelling software, more severe technical mistakes can be avoided, which are noticeable in the production stage, beforemanufacturing of a part. In this article, the principles of modelling and simulation while using SolidWorks software package arestudied. Modelling and prototyping of a rotating and redirecting platform is chosen as an example. A virtual model of the platformwas created to test it with modelling software, the forces that will interact with it are calculated and endurance of it‘s structure wasanalyzed. This kind of testing shows the weak aspects of this assembly. The results received showed, that additional supports are notnecessary.KEY WORDS: SolidWorks, virtual model, simulation