26 research outputs found

    Rollator usage lets young individuals switch movement strategies in sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit tasks

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    The transitions between sitting and standing have a high physical and coordination demand, frequently causing falls in older individuals. Rollators, or four-wheeled walkers, are often prescribed to reduce lower-limb load and to improve balance but have been found a fall risk. This study investigated how rollator support affects sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements. Twenty young participants stood up and sat down under three handle support conditions (unassisted, light touch, and full support). As increasing task demands may affect coordination, a challenging floor condition (balance pads) was included. Full-body kinematics and ground reaction forces were recorded, reduced in dimensionality by principal component analyses, and clustered by k-means into movement strategies. Rollator support caused the participants to switch strategies, especially when their balance was challenged, but did not lead to support-specific strategies, i.e., clusters that only comprise light touch or full support trials. Three strategies for sit-to-stand were found: forward leaning, hybrid, and vertical rise; two in the challenging condition (exaggerated forward and forward leaning). For stand-to-sit, three strategies were found: backward lowering, hybrid, and vertical lowering; two in the challenging condition (exaggerated forward and forward leaning). Hence, young individuals adjust their strategy selection to different conditions. Future studies may apply this methodology to older individuals to recommend safe strategies and ultimately reduce falls

    Sensitivity of Local Dynamic Stability of Over-Ground Walking to Balance Impairment Due to Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation

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    Impaired balance control during gait can be detected by local dynamic stability measures. For clinical applications, the use of a treadmill may be limiting. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test sensitivity of these stability measures collected during short episodes of over-ground walking by comparing normal to impaired balance control. Galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) was used to impair balance control in 12 healthy adults, while walking up and down a 10 m hallway. Trunk kinematics, collected by an inertial sensor, were divided into episodes of one stroll along the hallway. Local dynamic stability was quantified using short-term Lyapunov exponents (λs), and subjected to a bootstrap analysis to determine the effects of number of episodes analysed on precision and sensitivity of the measure. λs increased from 0.50 ± 0.06 to 0.56 ± 0.08 (p = 0.0045) when walking with GVS. With increasing number of episodes, coefficients of variation decreased from 10 ± 1.3% to 5 ± 0.7% and the number of p values >0.05 from 42 to 3.5%, indicating that both precision of estimates of λs and sensitivity to the effect of GVS increased. λs calculated over multiple episodes of over-ground walking appears to be a suitable measure to calculate local dynamic stability on group level

    Contribution of arm movements to balance recovery after tripping in older adults

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    Falls are common in daily life, often caused by trips and slips and, particularly in older adults, with serious consequences. Although arm movements play an important role in balance control, there is limited research into the role of arm movements during balance recovery after tripping in older adults. We investigated how older adults use their arms to recover from a trip and the difference in the effects of arm movements between fallers (n = 5) and non-fallers (n = 11). Sixteen older males and females (69.7 ± 2.3 years) walked along a walkway and were occasionally tripped over suddenly appearing obstacles. We analysed the first trip using a biomechanical model based on full-body kinematics and force-plate data to calculate whole body orientation during the trip and recovery phase. With this model, we simulated the effects of arm movements at foot-obstacle impact and during trip recovery on body orientation. Apart from an increase in sagittal plane forward body rotation at touchdown in fallers, we found no significant differences between fallers and non-fallers in the effects of arm movements on trip recovery. Like earlier studies in young adults, we found that arm movements during the recovery phase had most favourable effects in the transverse plane: by delaying the transfer of angular momentum of the arms to the body, older adults rotated the tripped side more forward thereby allowing for a larger recovery step. Older adults that are prone to falling might improve their balance recovery after tripping by learning to prolong ongoing arm movements

    Age- and sex-related differences in trunk kinematics during walking in able-bodied adults

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    Abstract: Introduction Trunk motion during walking acts as a biomarker for decreased mobility and can difer between sexes. Knowing how age and sex afect trunk motion and energy conservation can help clinicians decide when and in whom to intervene with physiotherapy to prolong functional mobility. Methods A large sample of 138 able-bodied males and females in the age-categories 20\u201339 years, 40\u201359 years, 60\u201369 years, 70\u201379 years, and 80\u201389 years received a full-body 3D gait analysis. A two-factor ANOVA was performed to examine the efect of age and sex and their interaction on 3D trunk kinematics and positive mechanical work of the lower limbs, head-arms-trunk (HAT) segment and whole body. Results A signifcant decrease in walking speed was only found in those above 80 years (~.05 nm/s, p<.006), while changes in 3D trunk kinematics were observed earlier. From 60 years on, trunk rotations decreased (~2\u20133\ub0, p<.05), from 70-year frontal pelvic motion (~4\ub0, p<.001), and from the age of 80 years sagittal thorax motion (~1\u20136\ub0, p<.05). There were only small aging efects for mechanical energy demands that were more pronounced in females, showing decreased of HAT contributions (p=.020). Furthermore, age-related diferences in trunk kinematics are highly dependent on sex whereby age-related changes were observed sooner in females than males in all three planes of motion. Conclusions Age-related diferences in 3D trunk kinematics are observed from 60 years onward and increase with age. Age-related stifening of the trunk did not seem to afect the body\u2019s total mechanical work. Importantly, our data did show a stark contrast between males and females, indicating that training to prolong mobility should be tailored to sex. Future research should include sex-matched data when examining normal age and pathologic gait decline

    Relationship Between Muscular Activity and Assistance Magnitude for a Myoelectric Model Based Controlled Exosuit

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    The growing field of soft wearable exosuits, is gradually gaining terrain and proposing new complementary solutions in assistive technology, with several advantages in terms of portability, kinematic transparency, ergonomics, and metabolic efficiency. Those are palatable benefits that can be exploited in several applications, ranging from strength and resistance augmentation in industrial scenarios, to assistance or rehabilitation for people with motor impairments. To be effective, however, an exosuit needs to synergistically work with the human and matching specific requirements in terms of both movements kinematics and dynamics: an accurate and timely intention-detection strategy is the paramount aspect which assume a fundamental importance for acceptance and usability of such technology. We previously proposed to tackle this challenge by means of a model-based myoelectric controller, treating the exosuit as an external muscular layer in parallel to the human biomechanics and as such, controlled by the same efferent motor commands of biological muscles. However, previous studies that used classical control methods, demonstrated that the level of device's intervention and effectiveness of task completion are not linearly related: therefore, using a newly implemented EMG-driven controller, we isolated and characterized the relationship between assistance magnitude and muscular benefits, with the goal to find a range of assistance which could make the controller versatile for both dynamic and static tasks. Ten healthy participants performed the experiment resembling functional daily activities living in separate assistance conditions: without the device's active support and with different levels of intervention by the exosuit. Higher assistance levels resulted in larger reductions in the activity of the muscles augmented by the suit actuation and a good performance in motion accuracy, despite involving a decrease of the movement velocities, with respect to the no assistance condition. Moreover, increasing torque magnitude by the exosuit resulted in a significant reduction in the biological torque at the elbow joint and in a progressive effective delay in the onset of muscular fatigue. Thus, contrarily to classical force and proportional myoelectric schemes, the implementation of an opportunely tailored EMG-driven model based controller affords to naturally match user's intention detection and provide an assistance level working symbiotically with the human biomechanics.ISSN:2296-914

    How to measure responses of the knee to lateral perturbations during gait? A proof-of-principle for quantification of knee instability

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    Knee instability is a major problem in patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury or knee osteoarthritis. A valid and clinically meaningful measure for functional knee instability is lacking. The concept of the gait sensitivity norm, the normalized perturbation response of a walking system to external perturbations, could be a sensible way to quantify knee instability. The aim of this study is to explore the feasibility of this concept for measurement of knee responses, using controlled external perturbations during walking in healthy subjects. Nine young healthy participants walked on a treadmill, while three dimensional kinematics were measured. Sudden lateral translations of the treadmill were applied at five different intensities during stance. Right knee kinematic responses and spatio-temporal parameters were tracked for the perturbed stride and following four cycles, to calculate perturbation response and gait sensitivity norm values (i.e. response/perturbation) in various ways. The perturbation response values in terms of knee flexion and abduction increased with perturbation intensity and decreased with an increased number of steps after perturbation. For flexion and ab/adduction during midswing, the gait sensitivity norm values were shown to be constant over perturbation intensities, demonstrating the potential of the gait sensitivity norm as a robust measure of knee responses to perturbations. These results show the feasibility of using the gait sensitivity norm concept for certain gait indicators based on kinematics of the knee, as a measure of responses during perturbed gait. The current findings in healthy subjects could serve as reference-data to quantify pathological knee instability