81 research outputs found


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    Assuming that all the wider application of information technology, in addition to a number of diverse changes, in our lives introduces new terminology, which, unfortunately, too easily and uncritically, and often without an elementary understanding of the essence of the meaning of terms, easily introduces in our language, causing problems and dilemmas in their use, the author wishes to in this paper point to several open questions of terminology and also to try to clarify the dilemma of using the term: kiber or cyber.Polazeći od činjenice da sve šira primena informacione tehnologije, pored niza najraznovrsnijih promena, u naš život uvodi i novu terminologiju, koja se, nažalost, olako, nekritički, a često i bez elementarnog razumevanja suštine značenja pojedinih termina, olako uvodi u naš jezik, izazivajući probleme i dileme u njihovoj upotrebi, autor želi da u ovom prilogu ukaže na nekoliko otvorenih terminoloških pitanja i istovremeno da pokuša da razjasni dilemu upotrebe termina: kiber ili sajber

    The ownership structure as a corporate governance mechanism in Serbian hotels

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    This article analyses the development in Serbien tourism sector during the last decade. The article is focused on the ownership structure and company performance in the light of corporate governance theory and the actuel privatisation process. Previous research has proven that Serbien state is a poor and pasive owner, whereas private owners and amployees are more active and more interested in their company's economic performance. This article shows that the transition to private ownership in the Serbian hotels sector has not been finished. Consequently, state-owned and investment funds remain important owners of Serbien hotels. The financial performance of hotel companies is below average in the economy and can be correlated with the current ownership structure. Since the current ownership structure has a negative impact on the hotel sector competitiveness, an ownership change is needed to boost the sector's competitivensess and the competitivensess of Serbia as tourist destination

    Security Threats to 5G Networks for Social Robots in Public Spaces: A Survey

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    This paper surveys security threats to 5G-enabled wireless access networks for social robots in public spaces (SRPS). The use of social robots (SR) in public areas requires specific Quality of Service (QoS) planning to meet its unique requirements. Its 5G threat landscape entails more than cybersecurity threats that most previous studies focus on. This study examines the 5G wireless RAN for SRPS from three perspectives: SR and wireless access points, the ad hoc network link between SR and user devices, and threats to SR and users’ communication equipment. The paper analyses the security threats to confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, authorisation, and privacy from the SRPS security objectives perspective. We begin with an overview of SRPS use cases and access network requirements, followed by 5G security standards, requirements, and the need for a more representative threat landscape for SRPS. The findings confirm that the RAN of SRPS is most vulnerable to physical, side-channel, intrusion, injection, manipulation, and natural and malicious threats. The paper presents existing mitigation to the identified attacks and recommends including physical level security (PLS) and post-quantum cryptography in the early design of SRPS. The insights from this survey will provide valuable risk assessment and management input to researchers, industrial practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders of SRPS.publishedVersio

    Economic crisis impact on changes in international financial institutions operating

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    The emergence and deepening global economic crisis is in large part reflected in the operation of international financial institutions and their current structure. Long-term financial crisis has increased demands for decisive reform moves in operating and structure of the IMF, World Bank Group and other global and regional financial institutions. This means that so far the results of their policies are inadequate and that their role is subject to critical observation. The crisis has imposed the need to reform international financial institutions and new global financial architecture. Changes in their structure and operation should lead to global economic stability. Members of the Euro zone are faced with a new attitude towards the international financial institutions, particularly the International Monetary Fund. Proclaimed missions of International Monetary Fund and World Bank clearly differ in theory, but with the passage of time their activities have become increasingly intertwined

    Platelets in Ulcerative Colitis: From Pathophysiology to Therapy

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    Based on the role of platelets in inflammation and hemostasis it has been assumed that antiplatelet therapy could be beneficial for patients suffering from ulcerative colitis. Platelets present a link between inflammation and coagulation. They have more than 300 active mediators stored in their granules. Upon activation, platelet degranulate and release a lot of microparticles and mediators and interact with other immune and non-immune cells thereby amplifying inflammation. The most important parameters of platelet activation are P-selectin and CD40 ligand expressed on their surface upon activation, and their soluble forms presented in blood. Today, we have potent anti-platelet drugs that can inhibit platelet activation and degranulation, and thereby reduce inflammation. The most important drugs are P2Y12 receptor antagonists such as ticagrelor and clopidogrel and glycoprotein IIbIIIa inhibitors. Ticagrelor is an active drug and besides antiplatelet activity, it has bactericidal activity against Gram-positive strains and Clostridium difficile. Clopidogrel is a prodrug with less anti-inflammatory effect than ticagrelor and no proven bactericidal activity. Glycoprotein IIbIIIa inhibitors are very potent in reducing platelet aggregation but have lower anti-inflammatory potential than ticagrelor and clopidogrel

    Ušteda energije kod poljoprivrednih traktora pri upotrebi raznih vrsta sijalica

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    Advanced technologies contributed to the modernization of the tractor, enable the tractor operator efficiency, comfort, safety at work and the movement of traffic. Halogen bulbs and LED modules, as components for updating lighting fixtures of tractors, give a greater amount of light without shadows and brightness. LED modules is characterized by low nominal power and heat broadcasting, due to its composition are non-toxic. Looking characteristics and purpose of standard bulbs, which are used in agricultural tractor unit of light, is given adequate substitute them with halogen lamps and LED modules. We analyzed the minimum and maximum energy consumption for six models of agricultural tractors production of IMR, when using different light bulbs. There are given some possible variations in the observed energy saving models of tractors, achieved by replacing standard light bulbs to light devices and dashboard of the tractor. According to the official data on the number of agricultural tractors related to the agricultural census, in Serbia there are around 410 894 double-axle tractors. If it is assumed that 60% of registered tractors production of IMR, I came across fact on possible energy savings for a designed period of time.Napredne tehnologije doprinele su modernizaciji traktora, omogućile rukovaocu traktora efikasnost, komfornost, sigurnost u radu i kretanje u saobraćaju. Halogene sijalice i LED moduli, kao sastavni delovi za inoviranje svetlosnih uređaja kod traktora, odaju veću količinu svetlosti bez senki i blještavosti. LED module karakteriše mala nominalna snaga i toplotno emitovanje, a zbog svog sastava nisu toksični. Posmatrajući karakteristike i namenu standardnih sijalica, koje se koriste kod svetlosnih uređaja poljoprivrednih traktora, data je odgovarajuća zamena istih sa halogenim sijalicama i LED modulima. Analizirana je minimalna i maksimalna potrošnja energije za šest modela poljoprivrednih traktora proizvođača IMR-a, pri upotrebi različitih sijalica. Date su neke moguće varijante uštede energije kod posmatranih modela traktora, ostvarene zamenom standardnih sijalica na svetlosnim uređajima i instrument tabli traktora. Prema zvaničnim podacima o broju poljoprivrednih traktora vezanih za popis poljoprivrede, u Srbiji ima oko 410.894 dvoosovinskih traktora. Ako se predpostavi, da je 60 % traktora od ukupno registrovanih traktora proizvodnja IMR-a, dolazimo do podatka o mogućoj uštedi energije za neki projektovani vremenski period

    Značaj efikasnog rad zagrejača na dizel motorima

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    Heater diesel engines, with the flame heating, a system that facilitates starting the diesel internal combustion engines, especially in cold weather. In order to find opportunities to increase the temperature of the intake air of diesel engines, was followed by a study of the new construction of the burner heater using a specified algorithm. Intake manifold of diesel engine wes adapted to watch the propagation of flame heater and assessment the quality.This experiment was conducted using the methodology already developed for laboratory testing of the technical and functional characteristics of the heater using modern systems for measurement, data acquisition and process monitoring tests.Studies have shown that shorter start the diesel engine when using the heater with the burner of the sixteen orifices.This indicates that these heaters with a different frame of commercial burner, enabling more efficient heating of the intake air.The number of orifices in the burner of the heater has a direct impact on the flame or to reliably start diesel engines.Zagrejač dizel motora, sa plamenim grejanjem, predstavlja sistem koji pospešuje startovanje dizel motora sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem, posebno u hladnim vremenskim uslovima. U cilju iznalaženja mogućnosti za povećanje temperature usisnog vazduha dizel motora, usledilo je istraživanje nove konstrukcije gorionika zagrejača pomoću zadatog algoritma. Izvršena je adaptacija usisne grane dizel motora da bi se posmatralo prostiranje plamena zagrejača i oceno kvalitet. Ova istraživanja su sprovedena pomoću već razvijene metodologija za laboratorijsko ispitivanje tehničko-funkcionalnih karakteristika zagrejača uz upotrebu savremenog sistema za merenje, akviziciju i monitoring procesa ispitivanja. Istraživanja su pokazala da je kraće vreme startovanja dizel motora pri upotrebi zagrejača sa gorionikom od šesnaest otvora. To ukazuje da ovi zagrejači sa drugačijom konstrukcijom gorionika od komercijalnih, omogućavaju efikasnije zagrevanje usisnog vazduha. Broj otvora na gorioniku zagrejača ima direktan uticaj na plamen odnosno na pouzdano startovanja dizel motora

    Guinea pig fetus does not change its presentation during second half of gestation

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    Objectives: The aims of this paper are: 1. To investigate spontaneous changes in fetal presentation during the second half of gestation in guinea pig fetus, 2. to observe provoked changes of fetal presentation, by passive positioning fetus into an upside-down position and “sitting” position. Eight fetuses from singleton pregnancies were included. Experimental design: Ultrasound examinations (Toshiba Nemio SSA-550A apparatus) were started on the 26th day of gestation (GD). Each fetus was examined 2-3 times in each 5-day interval until the end of gestation. First the spontaneous orientation of fetus was determined by tracking along the longitudinal and transversal axes of the fetus with the ultrasound probe. Then the fetus was brought into a head-down position relative to gravity for 5 minutes. The examination was repeated with the fetus in the head-up position. Results: In the period from the 26th – 30th GD in 7 of 21 observations spontaneous changes of presentation were observed. From the 31st GD all 133 observations were negative regarding spontaneous changes of presentation and situs. The chi-squared test showed that difference in spontaneous changes of presentation and situs before versus after 30th day of gestation had a statistical significance (χ² = 25.16 p 0.05). Fetuses were brought into a head-down and head-up 154 times. In none of these attempts did a fetus change presentation during the five minutes of observation. Conclusion: Guinea pig fetuses do not spontaneously or at provocation change presentation after 30th GD