92 research outputs found

    Prediction of thermophysical and transport properties of ternary organic non-electrolyte systems including water by polynomials

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    The description and prediction of the thermophysical and transport properties of ternary organic non-electrolyte systems including water by the polynomial equations are reviewed. Empirical equations of Radojković et al. (also known as Redlich-Kister), Kohler, Jacob-Fitzner, Colinet, Tsao-Smith, Toop, Scatchard et al. and Rastogi et al. are compared with experimental data of available papers appeared in well know international journals (Fluid Phase Equilibria, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, Journal of Solution Chemistry, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Thermochimica Acta, etc.). The applicability of empirical models to estimate excess molar volumes, VE, excess viscosities, Ī·E, excess free energies of activation of a viscous flow

    Correlation of the liquid mixture viscosities

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    In this paper forty two selected correlation models for liquid mixture viscosities of organic compounds were tested on 219 binary and 41 ternary sets of experimental data taken from literature. The binary sets contained 3675 experimental data points for 70 different compounds. The ternary sets contained 2879 experimental data points for 29 different compounds. The Heric I, Heric-Brewer II, and Krishnan-Laddha models demonstrated the best correlative characteristics for binary mixtures (overall absolute average deviation < 2%). The Heric I, Heric-Brewer II, Krishnan-Laddha and Heric II models demonstrated the best correlative characteristics for ternary mixtures (overall absolute average deviation < 3%)

    Local heat transfer coefficients during refrigerant R-134a evaporation in a vertical plate heat exchanger

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    The evaporation heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant R-134a in a vertical plate heat exchanger was investigated. The area of the plate was divided into several segments along the vertical axis. For each of the segments, the local value of the heat transfer coefficient was calculated and presented as a function of the mean vapor quality in the segment. The temperature distribution and vapor quality profile inside the plate were determined. The influences of the mass flux, heat flux, system pressure, and flow configuration on the heat transfer coefficient were accounted for and a comparison with published data was carried out. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (Prague, Czech Republic 8/24-28/2008)

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    Molecular interaction studies of the volumetric behaviour of binary liquid mixtures containing alcohol

    Lokalni koeficijenti prelaza toplote pri isparavanju 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoretana (R-134a) u pločastom razmenjivaču toplote

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    The evaporation heat transfer coefficient of the refrigerant R-134a in a vertical plate heat exchanger was investigated experimentally. The area of the plate was divided into several segments along the vertical axis. For each of the segments, the local value of the heat transfer coefficient was calculated and presented as a function of the mean vapor quality in the segment. Owing to the thermocouples installed along the plate surface, it was possible to determine the temperature distribution and vapor quality profile inside the plate. The influences of the mass flux, heat flux, pressure of system and the flow configuration on the heat transfer coefficient were also taken into account and a comparison with literature data was performed.U ovom radu je eksperimentalno ispitivan koeficijent prelaza toplote pri dvofaznom toku rashladnog fluida 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroetana (R-134a) u vertikalnom pločastom razmenjivaču toplote. PovrÅ”ina ploče je podeljena u nekoliko segmenata duž vertikalne ose. U svakom od segmenata izračunata je lokalna vrednost koeficijenta prelaza toplote i prikazana u funkciji srednjeg stepena suvoće u segmentu. Zahvaljujući termoparovima postavljenim duž povrÅ”ine ploče, bilo je moguće odrediti temperaturne profile i raspodelu stepena suvoće duž ploče. Ispitivani su uticaji masenog fluksa, toplotnog fluksa, radnog pritiska i konfiguracije toka fluida na koeficijent prelaza toplote i izvrÅ”eno je poređenje sa odgovarajućim literaturnim podacima

    Heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop during refrigerant R-134a condensation in a plate heat exchanger

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    The condensation heat transfer coefficient and the two-phase pressure drop of refrigerant R-134a in a vertical plate heat exchanger were investigated experimentally. The area of the plate was divided into several segments along the vertical axis. For each of the segments, local values of the heat transfer coefficient and frictional pressure drop were calculated and presented as a function of the mean vapor quality in the segment. Owing to the thermocouples installed along the plate surface, it was possible to determine the temperature distribution and vapor quality profile inside the plate. The influences of the mass flux and the heat flux on the heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drop were also taken into account and a comparison with previously published experimental data and literature correlations was carried out

    Simultaneous presentation of VLE, H-E and c(p)(E) by the PRSV equation of state with the modified van der Waals one-fluid and Huron-Vidal-Orbey-Sandler mixing rules

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    The Stryjek-Vera modification of the Peng-Robinson equation of state with two parameter van der Waals one-fluid mixing rule suggested by Schwartzentruber and Renon (SR) and the Orbey-Sandler modification of the Huron-Vidal mixing rule (HVOS) was applied for simultaneous description of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE), excess enthalpy (H-E) and excess heat capacity (c(p)(E)) data (VLE + H-E, H-E + C-p(E) VLE + c(p)(E) and VLE + HE + CpE). The HVOS mixing rule coupled with the NRTL equation using the temperature dependent parameters with six optimized coefficients gave mostly satisfactory results for simultaneous fitting of VLE + HE, VLE + c(p)(E), H-E + C-p(E) and VLE + H-E + c(p)(E) data of the non-ideal binary systems diverse complexity

    Viskoznosti i indeksi prelamanja binarnih sistema aceton+1-propanol, aceton+1,2-propandiol i aceton+ 1,3-propandiol

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    Viscosities and refractive indices of three binary systems, acetone+1-propanol, acetone+1,2-propanediol and acetone+1,3-propanediol, were measured at eight temperatures (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15 and 323.15 K) and at atmospheric pressure. From these data, viscosity deviations and deviations in refractive index were calculated and fitted to the Redlich-Kister equation. The viscosity modelling was done by two types of models: predictive UNIFAC-VISCO and ASOG VISCO and correlative Teja-Rice and McAlister equations. The refractive indices of binary mixtures were predicted by various mixing rules and compared with experimental data.Viskoznosti i indeksi prelamanja tri binarna sistema aceton+1-propanol, aceton +1,2-propandiol i aceton+1,3-propandiol izmereni su na osam temperatura (288,15, 293,15, 298,15, 303,15, 308,15, 313,15, 318,15 i 323,15 K) i na atmosferskom pritisku. Iz izmerenih podataka izračunate su promene viskoznosti i promene indeksa prelamanja koje su korelisane jednačinom Redlich-Kister. Podaci za viskoznost su modelovani pomoću dva tipa modela: prediktivnih UNIFAC-VISCO i ASOG VISCO i korelativnih Teja-Rice i McAlister. Indeksi prelamanja dobijeni predviđanjem različitim pravilima meÅ”anja poređeni su sa eksperimentalnim podacima

    Experimental measurements and modelling of volumetric properties, refractive index and viscosity of selected binary systems with butyl lactate at 288.15-323.15 K and atmospheric pressure. New UNIFAC-VISCO interaction parameters

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    Densities, refractive indices and dynamic viscosities of three binary systems: butyl lactate + 1-propanol, butyl lactate + 1,2-propanediol and butyl lactate + 1,3-propanediol, have been measured in temperature range 288.15-323.15 K with temperature step of 5 K and at atmospheric pressure. From these experimental data, excess molar volumes, deviation in the refractive index and viscosity deviation were determined and fitted to the Redlich-Kister equation. Considering the calculated results, molecular interactions and mixing behaviour in the investigated binary systems have been analyzed. The excess molar volumes were correlated by the Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera cubic equation of state (PRSV CEOS) coupled with the van der Waals (vdW1) mixing rule and CEOS/G(E) mixing rule introduced by Twu, Coon, Bluck and Tilton (TCBT). The refractive indices of binary mixtures were calculated by various mixing rules and compared with experimental values. The viscosity modelling was performed by two types of models: predictive UNIFAC-VISCO and ASOG-VISCO and correlative Teja-Rice and McAllister models. For predictive UNIFAC-VISCO model the experimental viscosity data were used to determine the new CH-COO interaction parameter
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