130 research outputs found

    Strategies for Improving Drought Resistance in Grain Legumes

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    This review distills recent information on drought resistance characteristics of grain legumes with a view toward developing appropriate genetic enhancement strategies for water-limited environments. First, the possible adaptations that allow grain legumes to better cope with drought stress are summarized. It is suggested that there are considerable gains to be made in increasing yield and yield stability in environments characterized by terminal drought stress by further exploiting drought escape, by shortening crop duration. Many traits conferring dehydration avoidance and dehydration tolerance are available, but integrated traits, expressing at a higher level of organization, are suggested to be more useful in crop improvement programs. Possible genetic improvement strategies are outlined, ranging from empirical selection for yield in droughted environments to a physiological genetic approach. It is suggested that in view of recent advances in understanding drought resistance mechanisms, the latter strategy is becoming more feasible. It is concluded that use of this recently derived knowledge in a systematic manner can lead to significant gains in yield and yield stability of the world's major grain legumes, as they are mainly grown (and will continue to be grown) under rain-fed conditions

    Determination of Total Polyphenol Content in Food with the Flow-Injection

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    U ovom radu predložena je modificirana automatizirana metoda ubrizgavanja u protok za određivanje sadržaja ukupnih polifenola u namirnicama bazirana na Folin-Ciocalteauovoj reakciji u 0,5 mol L-1 NaOH. Metoda omogućuje automatiziranu analizu različitih uzoraka brzinom protoka 55 uzoraka na sat uz upotrebu galne kiseline kao standarda. Primjenom predložene metode na konkretne uzorke (bijelo i crno vino, zeleni, indijski te čaj od lipe, metvice i kamilice i bistri voćni sokovi od crnog ribiza i višnje), određen je njihov “indeks ukupnih polifenola” s većom repetibilnošću za razliku od ranije objavljenih metoda, manje ovisno o razrjeđenju uzorka. U odnosu na “batch” metodu, ova je metoda visoko tolerantna prema najčešćim interferentima (SO2, reducirajući šećeri i askorbinska kiselina). Rezultati dobiveni predloženom metodom pokazali su relativno slaganje s onima dobivenim referentnom Folin-Ciocalteauovom metodom.This paper describes an optimised flow-injection method for the determination of total polyphenol in food based on the Folin-Ciocalteau reaction in 0.5 mol L-1 NaOH. The method allows different types of samples to be analysed automatically at a rate of 55 samples per hour by using gallic acid as standard. By applying the proposed method to real samples (white and red wines, green, Indian, lime-tree, mentha and chamomile teas, and blackberry and cherry juices), their total polyphenol indices were determined with a higher reproducibility than obtained by earlier methods, whatever the dilution used. This method is highly tolerant towards the most common interferences (SO2, reducing sugars, and ascorbic acid) associated with the batch method. The results obtained by the proposed method relatively agree with those obtained using the referent Folin-Ciocalteau method

    Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activity of the lichens Cladonia furcata, Lecanora atra and Lecanora muralis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study is to investigate in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activity of the acetone extracts of the lichens <it>Cladonia furcata, Lecanora atra </it>and <it>Lecanora muralis</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Antioxidant activity was evaluated by five separate methods: free radical scavenging, superoxide anion radical scavenging, reducing power, determination of total phenolic compounds and determination of total flavonoid content. The antimicrobial activity was estimated by determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration by the broth microdilution method against six species of bacteria and ten species of fungi. Anticancer activity was tested against FemX (human melanoma) and LS174 (human colon carcinoma) cell lines using MTT method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the lichens tested, <it>Lecanora atra </it>had largest free radical scavenging activity (94.7% inhibition), which was greater than the standard antioxidants. Moreover, the tested extracts had effective reducing power and superoxide anion radical scavenging. The strong relationships between total phenolic and flavonoid contents and the antioxidant effect of tested extracts were observed. Extract of <it>Cladonia furcata </it>was the most active antimicrobial agent with minimum inhibitory concentration values ranging from 0.78 to 25 mg/mL. All extracts were found to be strong anticancer activity toward both cell lines with IC<sub>50 </sub>values ranging from 8.51 to 40.22 μg/mL.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present study shows that tested lichen extracts demonstrated a strong antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer effects. That suggest that lichens may be used as as possible natural antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer agents to control various human, animal and plant diseases.</p

    From functional food to medicinal product: Systematic approach in analysis of polyphenolics from propolis and wine

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    In the last decade we have been working on standardization of propolis extract and determination of active constituents of wine those are rich in polyphenolics and have nutritional as well as therapeutic value. Here we are summarizing our results and providing overview on systematic approach how to analyse natural products rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids

    Lactic acid fermentation as a tool to enhance the antioxidant properties of Myrtus communis berries

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    Background: Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) is a medicinal and aromatic plant belonging to Myrtaceae family, which is largely diffused in the Mediterranean areas and mainly cultivated in Tunisia and Italy. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have already considered the use of the lactic acid fermentation to enhance the functional features of M. communis. This study aimed at using a selected lactic acid bacterium for increasing the antioxidant features of myrtle berries, with the perspective of producing a functional ingredient, dietary supplement or pharmaceutical preparation. The antioxidant activity was preliminarily evaluated through in vitro assays, further confirmed through ex vivo analysis on murine fibroblasts, and the profile of phenol compounds was characterized. Results: Myrtle berries homogenate, containing yeast extract (0.4%, wt/vol), was fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum C2, previously selected from plant matrix. Chemically acidified homogenate, without bacterial inoculum and incubated under the same conditions, was used as the control. Compared to the control, fermented myrtle homogenate exhibited a marked antioxidant activity in vitro. The radical scavenging activity towards DPPH increased by 30%, and the inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation was twice. The increased antioxidant activity was confirmed using Balb 3 T3 mouse fibroblasts, after inducing oxidative stress, and determining cell viability and radical scavenging activity through MTT and DCFH-DA assays, respectively. The lactic acid fermentation allowed increased concentrations of total phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins, which were 5–10 times higher than those found for the non-fermented and chemically acidified control. As shown by HPLC analysis, the main increases were found for gallic and ellagic acids, and flavonols (myricetin and quercetin). The release of these antioxidant compounds would be strictly related to the esterase activities of L. plantarum. Conclusions: The lactic acid fermentation of myrtle berries is a suitable tool for novel applications as functional food dietary supplements or pharmaceutical preparations

    The Effect of Bunt Incidence on the Yield of Wheat in Eastern Washington 1

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    The potential for control of ascochyta blight of lentil with foliar-applied fungicides

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    The effects of fungicides on ascochyta blight of lentil caused by Ascochytafabae f. sp. lentis were investigated. Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the fungitoxicity of benomyl, captafol, carbathiin, chlorothalonil, dinocap, dodine, DPX H6573, fenarimol, folpet, imazalil sulfate, mancozeb, metiram, nuarimol, propiconazole, RH 578IF, and thiophanate methyl on conidial germination and mycelial growth. Captafol, chlorothalonil, folpet, and metiram completely inhibited conidial germination at concentrations of 10 /xg/ mL or less. Benomyl and DPX H6573 completely inhibited mycelial growth at 32 /xg/mL or less. In field tests, the effects of foliar application of 11 fungicides on disease severity, seed yield, and percentage seed infection were studied in 1983 and 1984 with Common Chilean lentil in artificially inoculated plots. Using a single application at early bloom to early pod set, chlorothalonil, captafol, folpet, and metiram provided the best protection. Seed yield was increased and seed infection was reduced by these fungicides.Les effets des fongicides sur la brûlure ascochytique de la lentille induite par Ascochytafabae f. sp. lentis ont été étudiés. Des essais en laboratoire ont été effectués afin d'évaluer les effets fongitoxiques du bénomyl, du captafol, du carbathine, du chlorothalonil, du dinocap, de la dodine, du DPX H6573, du fénarimol, du folpet, du sulphate d'imazalil, du mancozèbe, du métirame, du nuarimol, du propiconazole, du RH 5781F, et du thiophanate-méthyle sur la germination des conidies et la croissance mycélienne. Le captafol, le chlorothalonil, le folpet, et le métirame ont complètement inhibé la germination des conidies à 10 ixg/mLou moins. Le bénomyl et le DPX H6573 ont d'autre part inhibé la croissance mycélienne à 32 ixg/mLou moins. Dans des essais en champ, les effets de 11 fongicides en application foliaire ont été étudiés en 1983 et 1984 avec la variété synthétique "Common Chilean" dans des parcelles inoculées artificiellement. Les variables mesurées ont été la sévérité de la maladie, le rendement en grain et le pourcentage de grains infectés. A l'aide d'une application au début de la floraison ou au début de la formation des gousses, le chlorothalonil, le captafol, le folpet, et le métirame ont donné les meilleurs résultats avec des rendements accrus et une réduction du pourcentage de grains infectés

    Effects of scheduling applications of benomyl, captafol and chlorothalonil on ascochyta blight of lentil

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    The effects on ascochyta blight of lentil of up to three applications of benomyl and captafol in 1983 or captafol and chlorothalonil in 1984 and 1985 were investigated at several locations in Saskatchewan. In 1983, captafol induced mean seed yield increases of about 30% and mean decreases in frequency of seed infection of 25% compared to the checks. The effects of benomyl were slight. Seed yield increased by 15% and seed infection decreased by about 20% with two or three sprays of captafol compared to one spray. In any treatments involving the first date of application, seed yield increased by about 25% and frequency of seed infection decreased by 30% compared to application begun 9 or 18 days later. In 1985 similar results were obtained with both captafol and chlorothalonil at Saskatoon, Smeaton and Star City. However, no significant differences in seed yield were noted at Saskatoon and Star City. At Smeaton, seed yield increased by 12% with three fungicide applications compared to one, and by 19% when application began on date one instead of date two or three. The same trends with frequency of seed infection occurred at all locations. A mean decrease of 50% occurred when all fungicide treatments were compared to their checks, or when application began on date one. Apparently, yield losses and seed infection were prevented by early as opposed to late application, but these effects were linked to weather conditions.Les effets d'applications foliaires de fongicide sur la brûlure ascochytique de la lentille ont été examinés à différents sites en Saskatchewan. Les huits combinaisons possibles de trois dates d'application ont été étudiées à l'aide des fongicides bénomyl et captafol en 1983 ou captafol et chlorothalonil en 1984 et 1985. En 1983, le captafol a permis d'accroître les rendements moyens en grain de 30% et de diminuer l'incidence des grains infectés de 25% comparé aux témoins. Les effets du bénomyl ont été négligeables. Lorsque deux ou trois applications de captafol étaient utilisées, il y a eu des augmentations de rendements en grain de 15% et une diminution des grains infectés de 20% comparé à une application. Dans tous les traitements qui impliquaient la première date d'application, il y a eu des accroissements de rendement en grain de près de 25% et une réduction de l'infection des grains de 30% comparé à des applications qui débutaient neuf ou 18 jours plus tard. En 1985, des résultats semblables ont été obtenus avec le captafol et le chlorothalonil à Saskatoon, Smeaton et Star City. Cependant, des différences significatives du rendement en grain n'ont été obtenues qu'à Smeaton. A ce site, les rendements en grain ont été accrus de 12% avec trois applications de fongicide comparé à une application, et de 19% quand l'application a débuté à la première date plutôt qu'aux dates ultérieures. En ce qui a trait à la fréquence d'infection des grains, les mêmes tendances se sont présentées à tous les sites. Une diminution moyenne de 50% a été notée lorsque tous les traitements anti-fongiques ont été comparés aux témoins, ou lorsque l'application débutait à la première date. Les pertes de rendements en grain et l'infection des grains semblent être prévenues par des applications hâtives plutôt que des applications tardives, mais ces effets ont été reliés aux conditions environnementales