13 research outputs found

    Heat shock protein and heat shock factor I expression and localization in vaccinia virus infected human monocyte derived macrophages

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    BACKGROUND: Viruses remain one of the inducers of the stress response in the infected cells. Heat shock response induced by vaccinia virus (VV) infection was studied in vitro in human blood monocyte derived macrophages (MDMs) as blood cells usually constitute the primary site of the infection. METHODS: Human blood monocytes were cultured for 12 – 14 days. The transcripts of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) and two viral genes (E3L and F17R) were assayed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and the corresponding proteins measured by Western blot. Heat shock factor 1 DNA binding activities were estimated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and its subcellular localization analyzed by immunocytofluorescence. RESULTS: It appeared that infection with vaccinia virus leads to activation of the heat shock factor 1. Activation of HSF1 causes increased synthesis of an inducible form of the HSP70 both at the mRNA and the protein level. Although HSP90 mRNA was enhanced in vaccinia virus infected cells, the HSP90 protein content remained unchanged. At the time of maximum vaccinia virus gene expression, an inhibitory effect of the infection on the heat shock protein and the heat shock factor 1 was most pronounced. Moreover, at the early phase of the infection translocation of HSP70 and HSP90 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of the infected cells was observed. CONCLUSION: Preferential nuclear accumulation of HSP70, the major stress-inducible chaperone protein, suggests that VV employs this particular mechanism of cytoprotection to protect the infected cell rather than to help viral replication. The results taken together with our previuos data on monocytes or MDMs infected with VV or S. aureus strongly argue that VV employs multiple cellular antiapoptotic/cytoprotective mechanisms to prolong viability and proinflammatory activity of the cells of monocytic-macrophage lineage

    Memory-multi-fractional Brownian motion with continuous correlations

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    We propose a generalization of the widely used fractional Brownian motion (FBM), memory-multi-FBM (MMFBM), to describe viscoelastic or persistent anomalous diffusion with time-dependent memory exponent α(t)\alpha(t) in a changing environment. In MMFBM the built-in, long-range memory is continuously modulated by α(t)\alpha(t). We derive the essential statistical properties of MMFBM such as response function, mean-squared displacement (MSD), autocovariance function, and Gaussian distribution. In contrast to existing forms of FBM with time-varying memory exponents but reset memory structure, the instantaneous dynamic of MMFBM is influenced by the process history, e.g., we show that after a step-like change of α(t)\alpha(t) the scaling exponent of the MSD after the α\alpha-step may be determined by the value of α(t)\alpha(t) before the change. MMFBM is a versatile and useful process for correlated physical systems with non-equilibrium initial conditions in a changing environment.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, RevTe

    Review 2 vol IV is 1

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    Qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e S So oc ci io ol lo og gy y R Re ev vi ie ew w V Vo ol lu um me e I IV V I Is ss su ue e 1 1 w ww ww w. .q qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve es so oc ci io ol lo og gy yr re ev vi ie ew w. The book edited by Shirley K. Drew, Melanie B. Mills and Bob M. Gassaway is a collection of articles concerning the ambiguities inherent in the concept of a "dirty work". Usually regarded as stigmatized, the "dirty" occupations are sometimes related to low prestige and very often to hard, unpleasant tasks and activities. Yet they are necessary to guarantee an appropriate standard of life, to which we have become accustomed. This is why it is essential to learn more about everyday work of people who are doing for us and instead of us these dirty tasks. The main focus of the book is on how people working in particular occupations construct and reconstruct the understanding of their jobs and its value, especially if it is a dirty work. The term "dirty work", introduced in 1951 by E. Hughes, refers to tasks and occupations that are likely to be regarded as disgusting or degrading. Although these kinds of work have to be done, the society stigmatizes people who do it, which is why the dirty work is connected with physical, social and moral taint (Ashforth and Kreiner 1999). The physical taint appears in case of job connected with dirt, garbage, death, bodily fluids and dangerous conditions. The social taint appears when a job requires from employee a servile relationship to others or regular contact with stigmatized people; and the moral taint occurs when the occupation is generally regarded as sinful or of doubtful morality. These categories of taint are not exclusive; therefore, the "dirtiness" is rather a social construction than an objective feature of the work. The employees in order to manage taint connected with their work construct several taint-management strategies. Applying these strategies to everyday practices and interactions help to reframe dirty tasks as valuable and to concentrate on positive aspects of the job. The book is a good example of application of "dirty work" conception to the ethnographic research conducted in various fields. The book is divided into three main parts: "Taint Management Ethnographies", "Case Studies" and "Conclusions". The first part (chapters 1 to 7) focuses on the results of ethnographic studies in different research areas. In the first chapter, "Doing Justice", Shirley K. Drew introduces the reader to the world of everyday activities of lawyers and judges working in the criminal justice system in southeast Kansas. During the eight months of participant observation, "hanging around" in courthouse, analyzing documents © ©2 20 00 05 5--2 20 00 08 8 Q Qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e S So oc ci io ol lo og gy y R Re ev vi ie ew w V Vo ol lu um me e I IV V I Is ss su ue e 1 1 w ww ww w. .q qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve es so oc ci io ol lo og gy yr re ev vi ie ew w. .o or rg g 2 22 24

    IEEE BigData Cup 2022 Report Privacy-preserving Matching of Encrypted Images

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    We summarize the results of IEEE BigData 2022 Cup: Privacy-preserving Matching of Encrypted Images - a data mining challenge organized at the KnowledgePit platform in association with the IEEE BigData 2022 conference. We describe the challenge in the hearth of the competition task, as well as the data acquisition and preparation steps. We also provide a brief overview of the top-performing solutions submitted by participants. Finally, we present results of the post-competition data analysis, in which we consider the similarity of solutions submitted by various teams in terms of their errors on the test data. We conclude this analysis by discussion of the significance and impact of the competition results on the underlying problem of constructing effective and efficient anonymization algorithms for monitoring in the DOOH advertising industry.</p