99 research outputs found

    On selection criteria for problems with moving inhomogeneities

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    We study mechanical problems with multiple solutions and introduce a thermodynamic framework to formulate two different selection criteria in terms of macroscopic energy productions and fluxes. Studying simple examples for lattice motion we then compare the implications for both resting and moving inhomogeneities.Comment: revised version contains new introduction, numerical simulations of Riemann problems, and a more detailed discussion of the causality principle; 18 pages, several figure

    Supersonic crack propagation in a class of lattice models of Mode III brittle fracture

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    We study a lattice model for mode III crack propagation in brittle materials in a stripe geometry at constant applied stretching. Stiffening of the material at large deformation produces supersonic crack propagation. For large stretching the propagation is guided by well developed soliton waves. For low stretching, the crack-tip velocity has a universal dependence on stretching that can be obtained using a simple geometrical argument.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Propagating mode-I fracture in amorphous materials using the continuous random network (CRN) model

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    We study propagating mode-I fracture in two dimensional amorphous materials using atomistic simulations. We used the continuous random network (CRN) model of an amorphous material, creating samples using a two dimensional analogue of the WWW (Wooten, Winer & Weaire) Monte-Carlo algorithm. For modeling fracture, molecular-dynamics simulations were run on the resulting samples. The results of our simulations reproduce the main experimental features. In addition to achieving a steady-state crack under a constant driving displacement (which had not yet been achieved by other atomistic models for amorphous materials), the runs show micro-branching, which increases with driving, transitioning to macro-branching for the largest drivings. Beside the qualitative visual similarity of the simulated cracks to experiment, the simulation also succeeds in explaining the experimentally observed oscillations of the crack velocity

    Microscopic theory of quantum dot interactions with quantum light: local field effect

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    A theory of both linear and nonlinear electromagnetic response of a single QD exposed to quantum light, accounting the depolarization induced local--field has been developed. Based on the microscopic Hamiltonian accounting for the electron--hole exchange interaction, an effective two--body Hamiltonian has been derived and expressed in terms of the incident electric field, with a separate term describing the QD depolarization. The quantum equations of motion have been formulated and solved with the Hamiltonian for various types of the QD excitation, such as Fock qubit, coherent fields, vacuum state of electromagnetic field and light with arbitrary photonic state distribution. For a QD exposed to coherent light, we predict the appearance of two oscillatory regimes in the Rabi effect separated by the bifurcation. In the first regime, the standard collapse--revivals phenomenon do not reveal itself and the QD population inversion is found to be negative, while in the second one, the collapse--revivals picture is found to be strongly distorted as compared with that predicted by the standard Jaynes-Cummings model. %The model developed can easily be extended to %%electromagnetic excitation. For the case of QD interaction with arbitrary quantum light state in the linear regime, it has been shown that the local field induce a fine structure of the absorbtion spectrum. Instead of a single line with frequency corresponding to which the exciton transition frequency, a duplet is appeared with one component shifted by the amount of the local field coupling parameter. It has been demonstrated the strong light--mater coupling regime arises in the weak-field limit. A physical interpretation of the predicted effects has been proposed.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Discrete models of dislocations and their motion in cubic crystals

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    A discrete model describing defects in crystal lattices and having the standard linear anisotropic elasticity as its continuum limit is proposed. The main ingredients entering the model are the elastic stiffness constants of the material and a dimensionless periodic function that restores the translation invariance of the crystal and influences the Peierls stress. Explicit expressions are given for crystals with cubic symmetry: sc, fcc and bcc. Numerical simulations of this model with conservative or damped dynamics illustrate static and moving edge and screw dislocations and describe their cores and profiles. Dislocation loops and dipoles are also numerically observed. Cracks can be created and propagated by applying a sufficient load to a dipole formed by two edge dislocations.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Arrested Cracks in Nonlinear Lattice Models of Brittle Fracture

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    We generalize lattice models of brittle fracture to arbitrary nonlinear force laws and study the existence of arrested semi-infinite cracks. Unlike what is seen in the discontinuous case studied to date, the range in driving displacement for which these arrested cracks exist is very small. Also, our results indicate that small changes in the vicinity of the crack tip can have an extremely large effect on arrested cracks. Finally, we briefly discuss the possible relevance of our findings to recent experiments.Comment: submitted to PRE, Rapid Communication

    Velocity Fluctuations in Dynamical Fracture: the Role of Microcracks

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    We address the velocity fluctuations of fastly moving cracks in stressed materials. One possible mechanism for such fluctuations is the interaction of the main crack with micro cracks (irrespective whether these are existing material defects or they form during the crack evolution). We analyze carefully the dynamics (in 2 space dimensions) of one macro and one micro crack, and demonstrate that their interaction results in a {\em large} and {\em rapid} velocity fluctuation, in qualitative correspondence with typical velocity fluctuations observed in experiments. In developing the theory of the dynamical interaction we invoke an approximation that affords a reduction in mathematical complexity to a simple set of ordinary differential equations for the positions of the cracks tips; we propose that this kind of approximation has a range of usefulness that exceeds the present context.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Phase-Field Model of Mode III Dynamic Fracture

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    We introduce a phenomenological continuum model for mode III dynamic fracture that is based on the phase-field methodology used extensively to model interfacial pattern formation. We couple a scalar field, which distinguishes between ``broken'' and ``unbroken'' states of the system, to the displacement field in a way that consistently includes both macroscopic elasticity and a simple rotationally invariant short scale description of breaking. We report two-dimensional simulations that yield steady-state crack motion in a strip geometry above the Griffith threshold.Comment: submitted to PR

    van der Waals coupling in atomically doped carbon nanotubes

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    We have investigated atom-nanotube van der Waals (vdW) coupling in atomically doped carbon nanotubes (CNs). Our approach is based on the perturbation theory for degenerated atomic levels, thus accounting for both weak and strong atom-vacuum-field coupling. The vdW energy is described by an integral equation represented in terms of the local photonic density of states (DOS). By solving it numerically, we demonstrate the inapplicability of standard weak-coupling-based vdW interaction models in a close vicinity of the CN surface where the local photonic DOS effectively increases, giving rise to an atom-field coupling enhancement. An inside encapsulation of atoms into the CN has been shown to be energetically more favorable than their outside adsorption by the CN surface. If the atom is fixed outside the CN, the modulus of the vdW energy increases with the CN radius provided that the weak atom-field coupling regime is realized (i.e., far enough from the CN). For inside atomic position, the modulus of the vdW energy decreases with the CN radius, representing a general effect of the effective interaction area reduction with lowering the CN curvature.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Spontaneous decay dynamics in atomically doped carbon nanotubes

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    We report a strictly non-exponential spontaneous decay dynamics of an excited two-level atom placed inside or at different distances outside a carbon nanotube (CN). This is the result of strong non-Markovian memory effects arising from the rapid variation of the photonic density of states with frequency near the CN. The system exhibits vacuum-field Rabi oscillations, a principal signature of strong atom-vacuum-field coupling, when the atom is close enough to the nanotube surface and the atomic transition frequency is in the vicinity of the resonance of the photonic density of states. Caused by decreasing the atom-field coupling strength, the non-exponential decay dynamics gives place to the exponential one if the atom moves away from the CN surface. Thus, atom-field coupling and the character of the spontaneous decay dynamics, respectively, may be controlled by changing the distance between the atom and CN surface by means of a proper preparation of atomically doped CNs. This opens routes for new challenging nanophotonics applications of atomically doped CN systems as various sources of coherent light emitted by dopant atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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