18 research outputs found

    Mathematically Gifted Adolescents Have Deficiencies in Social Valuation and Mentalization

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    Many mathematically gifted adolescents are characterized as being indolent, underachieving and unsuccessful despite their high cognitive ability. This is often due to difficulties with social and emotional development. However, research on social and emotional interactions in gifted adolescents has been limited. The purpose of this study was to observe differences in complex social strategic behaviors between gifted and average adolescents of the same age using the repeated Ultimatum Game. Twenty-two gifted adolescents and 24 average adolescents participated in the Ultimatum Game. Two adolescents participate in the game, one as a proposer and the other as a responder. Because of its simplicity, the Ultimatum Game is an apt tool for investigating complex human emotional and cognitive decision-making in an empirical setting. We observed strategic but socially impaired offers from gifted proposers and lower acceptance rates from gifted responders, resulting in lower total earnings in the Ultimatum Game. Thus, our results indicate that mathematically gifted adolescents have deficiencies in social valuation and mentalization

    Mesures visant à freiner la hausse des coûts dans l’assurance obligatoire des soins : rapport du groupe d'experts

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    La santé est un des ingrédients fondamentaux du bien-être humain. On peut escompter que l’élévation du niveau de vie, la multiplication des maladies chroniques et le risque croissant de multimorbidité dû à l’évolution démographique entraînent une hausse des coûts de la santé imputable à plusieurs facteurs. Au total, ces coûts sont passés de 37,5 milliards de francs en 1996 à 77,8 milliards en 2015, tandis que ceux de l'AOS ont grimpé de 10,8 à 27,5 milliards de francs. Notons qu'au cours de cette période en question, l’importance économique a augmenté non seulement en termes absolus mais également rapporté au produit intérieur brut (PIB), indice qui mesure la performance économique d’un pays. Alors que les coûts globaux de la santé représentaient, en 1996, 9,2 % du PIB par année, ce pourcentage était supérieur à 12 en 2015. En comparaison avec la croissance démographique, les coûts des soins de santé ont également augmenté de façon disproportionnée: la progression des prestations nettes dans l’AOS est en effet de 4 % environ par assuré en moyenne, soit 3,5 % déduction faite de l’inflation. Certes, les bases de données ne sont pas parfaites, mais le faisceau d’indices pointant une tendance à l’accélération de la hausse des coûts est incontestable. Pour tenter de la freiner, une intervention politique s’impose de plus en plus, si bien que les mesures de nature à permettre au système de santé de rester financièrement viable sur la durée, tant pour les payeurs de primes que les pouvoirs publics, gagnent en importance. Les mesures envisagées dans le présent rapport visent en particulier à éviter que des prestations médicales inutiles et évitables soient fournies et, partant, à contribuer à freiner la hausse des coûts. (Contexte

    Predicting Decisions in Human Social Interactions Using Real-Time fMRI and Pattern Classification

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    Negotiation and trade typically require a mutual interaction while simultaneously resting in uncertainty which decision the partner ultimately will make at the end of the process. Assessing already during the negotiation in which direction one's counterpart tends would provide a tremendous advantage. Recently, neuroimaging techniques combined with multivariate pattern classification of the acquired data have made it possible to discriminate subjective states of mind on the basis of their neuronal activation signature. However, to enable an online-assessment of the participant's mind state both approaches need to be extended to a real-time technique. By combining real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and online pattern classification techniques, we show that it is possible to predict human behavior during social interaction before the interacting partner communicates a specific decision. Average accuracy reached approximately 70% when we predicted online the decisions of volunteers playing the ultimatum game, a well-known paradigm in economic game theory. Our results demonstrate the successful online analysis of complex emotional and cognitive states using real-time fMRI, which will enable a major breakthrough for social fMRI by providing information about mental states of partners already during the mutual interaction. Interestingly, an additional whole brain classification across subjects confirmed the online results: anterior insula, ventral striatum, and lateral orbitofrontal cortex, known to act in emotional self-regulation and reward processing for adjustment of behavior, appeared to be strong determinants of later overt behavior in the ultimatum game. Using whole brain classification we were also able to discriminate between brain processes related to subjective emotional and motivational states and brain processes related to the evaluation of objective financial incentives