151 research outputs found

    Tire stiffness and damping determined from static and free-vibration tests

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    Stiffness and damping of a nonrolling tire were determined experimentally from both static force-displacement relations and the free-vibration behavior of a cable-suspended platen pressed against the tire periphery. Lateral and force-and-aft spring constants and damping factors of a 49 x 17 size aircraft tire for different tire pressure and vertical loads were measured assuming a rate-independent damping form. In addition, a technique was applied for estimating the magnitude of the tire mass which participates in the vibratory motion of the dynamic tests. Results show that both the lateral and force-and-aft spring constants generally increase with tire pressure but only the latter increased significantly with vertical tire loading. The fore-and-aft spring constants were greater than those in the lateral direction. The static-spring-constant variations were similar to the dynamic variations but exhibited lower magnitudes. Damping was small and insensitive to tire loading. Furthermore, static damping accounted for a significant portion of that found dynamically. Effective tire masses were also small

    A stability study and moral analysis of a space-station - Centrifuge configuration

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    Dynamic stability of space station-centrifuge configuratio

    Accelerometer-controlled automatic braking system

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    Braking system, which employs angular accelerometer to control wheel braking and results in low level of tire slip, has been developed and tested. Tests indicate that system is feasible for operations on surfaces of different slipperinesses. System restricts tire slip and is capable of adapting to rapidly-changing surface conditions

    Experimental investigation of an accelerometer controlled automatic braking system

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    An investigation was made to determine the feasibility of an automatic braking system for arresting the motion of an airplane by sensing and controlling braked wheel decelerations. The system was tested on a rotating drum dynamometer by using an automotive tire, wheel, and disk-brake assembly under conditions which included two tire loadings, wet and dry surfaces, and a range of ground speeds up to 70 knots. The controlling parameters were the rates at which brake pressure was applied and released and the Command Deceleration Level which governed the wheel deceleration by controlling the brake operation. Limited tests were also made with the automatic braking system installed on a ground vehicle in an effort to provide a more realistic proof of its feasibility. The results of this investigation indicate that a braking system which utilizes wheel decelerations as the control variable to restrict tire slip is feasible and capable of adapting to rapidly changing surface conditions

    Summary of NASA landing-gear research

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    Research relative to tire tread, powered-wheel taxiing, air cushion landing systems, and crosswind landing gear is discussed

    Summary of NASA landing-gear research

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    This paper presents a brief summary of the airplane landing gear research underway at NASA. The technology areas include: ground handling simulator, antiskid braking systems, space shuttle nose-gear shimmy, active control landing gear, wire brush skid landing gear, air cushion landing systems, tire/surface friction characteristics, tire mechanical properties, tire-tread materials, powered wheels for taxiing, and crosswind landing gear. This paper deals mainly with the programs on tire-tread materials, powered wheel taxiing, air cushion landing systems, and crosswind landing gear research with particular emphasis on previously unreported results of recently completed flight tests. Work in the remaining areas is only mentioned

    Preliminary test results of the joint FAA-USAF-NASA runway research program. Part 1: Traction measurements of several runways under wet and dry conditions with a Boeing 727, a diagonal-braked vehicle, and a mu-meter

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    The stopping distance, brake application velocity, and time of brake application were measured for two modern jet transports, along with the NASA diagonal-braked vehicle and the British Mu-Meter on several runways, which when wetted, cover the range of slipperiness likely to be encountered in the United States. Tests were designed to determine if correlation between the aircraft and friction measuring vehicles exists. The test procedure, data reduction techniques, and preliminary test results obtained with the Boeing 727, the Douglas DC-9, and the ground vehicles are given. Time histories of the aircraft test run parameters are included

    An experimental simulation study of four crosswind landing gear concepts

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    An experimental investigation was conducted in order to evaluate several crosswind landing-gear concepts which have a potential application to tricycle-gear-configured, short take-off and landing (STOL) aircraft landing at crab or heading angles up to 30 deg. In this investigation, the landing gears were installed on a dynamic model which had a scaled mass distribution and gear spacing but no aerodynamic similarities when compared with a typical STOL aircraft. The model was operated as a free body with radio-control steering and was launched onto a runway sloped laterally in order to provide a simulated crosswind side force. During the landing rollout, the gear forces and the model trajectory were measured and the various concepts were compared with each other. Within the test limitations, the landing gear system, in which the gears were alined by the pilot and locked in the direction of motion prior to touchdown, gave the smoothest runout behavior with the vehicle maintaining its crab angle throughout the landing runout

    Cardiac troponin I levels in canine pyometra

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    BACKGROUND: Myocardial injury may contribute to unexpected deaths due to pyometra. To detect myocardial damage, measurement of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is currently the most sensitive and specific method. The aims of the present study were to evaluate presence of myocardial damage in canine pyometra by analysis of cTnI, to explore whether myocardial injury was associated with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and to evaluate whether other clinical or laboratory parameters were associated with cTnI increase. METHODS: Preoperative plasma levels of cTnI were investigated in 58 female dogs with pyometra and 9 controls. The value of physical examination findings, haematological, serum biochemical and pro-inflammatory (CRP and TNF-α) parameters as possible predictors of increased cTnI levels was also evaluated. RESULTS: Seven dogs with pyometra (12%) and one control dog (11%) had increased levels of cTnI. In the pyometra group, the levels ranged between 0.3–0.9 μg l(-1 )and in the control dog the level was 0.3 μg l(-1). The cTnI levels did not differ significantly between the two groups. No cardiac abnormalities were evident on preoperative physical examinations. Four of the pyometra patients died within two weeks of surgery, of which two were examined post mortem. In one of these cases (later diagnosed with myocarditis and disseminated bacterial infection) the cTnI levels increased from 0.9 μg l(-1 )preoperatively to 180 μg l(-1 )the following day when also heart arrhythmia was also detected. The other patient had cTnI levels of 0.7 μg l(-1 )with no detectable heart pathology post mortem. CTnI increase was not associated with presence of SIRS. There was a trend for the association of cTnI increase with increased mortality. No preoperative physical examination findings and few but unspecific laboratory parameters were associated with increased cTnI levels. CONCLUSION: Increased cTnI levels were observed in 12% of the dogs with pyometra. The proportions of dogs with cTnI increase did not differ significantly in the pyometra group compared with the control group. CTnI increase was not associated with presence of SIRS. A trend for association of cTnI increase and mortality was observed. Preoperative physical examination findings and included laboratory parameters were poor predictors of increased cTnI levels