60 research outputs found

    Global regulatory developments for clinical stem cell research: diversification and challenges to collaborations

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    In this article, we explore regulatory developments in stem cell medicine in seven jurisdictions: Japan, China, India, Argentina, Brazil, the USA and the EU. We will show that the research methods, ethical standards and approval procedures for the market use of clinical stem cell interventions are undergoing an important process of global diversification. We will discuss the implications of this process for international harmonization and the conduct of multicountry clinical research collaborations. It will become clear that the increasing heterogeneity of research standards and regulations in the stem cell field presents a significant challenge to international clinical trial partnerships, especially with countries that diverge from the regulatory models that have been developed in the USA and the EU

    Bilateral proximal tibia fracture

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    A bilateral fracture of the proximal tibia is rare in children. We describe a girl with a bilateral fracture just distal of the epiphyseal plate after minimal trauma

    The Economics and Politics of Contracting out with the Private Sector: Evidence from the US Transit Industry

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    The paper studies contracting practices in the US transit industry. It employs the methods of transaction cost economics and public choice theory to develop an empirical model of bus contracting in the US transit industry. The empirical results shed light on why transit services in the US remain largely public, despite many attempts to introduce competition by contracting out services to the private sector. The results show that the decision by transit agencies to contract out with the private sector is constrained by the transaction costs of contracting and the institutional and subsidy arrangements that govern the transit industry in the US. Services that require idiosyncratic investments to provide large densities of passengers are less likely to be contracted out than those services that are provided using standard, small vehicles. Similarly, increases in federal subsidies and dedicated subsidies are found to discourage contracting out with the private sector. On the other hand, increases in state and local subsidies, other things being equal, encourage contracting. Agencies that have high labor costs –– indicating strong labor unions –– are less likely to contract out. In light of these findings, the paper concludes that piecemeal contracting out of services is not likely to increase the role of the private sector in the provision of public transit services. Structures of subsidies and federal arrangements creates intertwined incentives that discourage contracting by transit agencies, thus foiling the attempts to increase efficiencies by establishing competition for transit markets.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    Motivations for seeking experimental treatment in Japan

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    In this article on innovative medical treatment for serious conditions in Japan we aim to revise two widespread notions: first, that people living with severe conditions are all waiting for a cure or are impatient to try out experimental treatment, in particular regenerative medicine. Showing that motivations for cure seeking are complex and linked to somatic identity, we argue that gaining a cure also means a new social normality, which for some people narrows the only normality that is meaningful to them; and, second, that people living with a serious (latent) condition necessarily define their lives as not normal in the light of normalization. People with a condition conceptualise normal life variously and multiply in the light of both individual and collective experiences. The two revisions are crucial to attempts at understanding what makes people seek experimental medicine. Comparing the narratives of people with four different conditions – spinal cord injury, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Diabetes Mellitus type 1 and cardiovascular disease – it becomes clear that the difference between seeking treatment or not largely depends on somatic identities; rather than through notions of (ab)normality, it is more adequately understood in terms of the experience of somatic lacking and wholeness

    Issues in the management of simple and complex meconium ileus

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    Various surgical methods are used to treat meconium ileus (MI), including resection with enterostomy (RES), primary anastomosis (RPA), and purse-string enterotomy with intra-operative lavage (PSI). The aim of this study is to discuss the surgical treatment of MI, based on our experience. Of the 41 MI patients treated at our institution between 1984 and 2007, 18 had simple MI and 23 had complex MI. These groups were analyzed according to treatment modality, concentrating on length of hospital stay, complications [peritonitis, septicemia, adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO), and malabsorption/diarrhea], need for additional surgical procedures, mortality. Of the 18 patients with simple MI, 7 (39%) were successfully treated with diluted Gastrografin® enema. The remaining 11 patients were treated surgically: two underwent RPA, of whom one died; five had RES, of whom one developed ASBO; four underwent PSI, of whom two developed peritonitis. In the complex MI group, 14 patients underwent RPA, with peritonitis occurring in three (one died); nine underwent RES, of whom two developed ASBO. In patients with simple MI, conservative treatment with diluted Gastrografin® enema is an effective initial treatment in our hands. In case of failure, RES is advisable. Patients with complex MI are candidates for RES. RPA and PSI seem to have higher complication rate

    Local biologicals and the politics of standardization: Making ethical pluripotent stem cells in the United Kingdom and Japan

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    In 2003, the United Kingdom and Japan had adopted relatively similar approaches to human embryonic stem cells science. The decade since has witnessed significant divergence in their national policies as differing responses to ethical questions about research use of human embryos emerged. The United Kingdom pursued a vision of ‘institutionally accredited stem cells’ by reconfiguring the role of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and establishing the UK Stem Cell Bank. In contrast, Japan followed a vision of ‘technically advanced stem cells’ by developing induced pluripotent stem cells and supporting its research programs enthusiastically. Our research – drawing upon extensive fieldwork in both countries – demonstrates the socio-technical arrangements developed to instantiate these visions and articulates their divergence while at the same time revealing their connectedness. This relationship becomes progressively evident as the two visions face each other in the politics of standardization in global stem cell science. Drawing on Franklin’s concept of local/global biological, we discuss the connectedness of the two local arrangements. In so doing, we explicate the future challenges for both countries as they need to demonstrate the significance of their visions in this global enterprise, while the success of one would likely undermine the significance of the other

    Kindermishandeling; je gaat pas zien als je het doorhebt

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