22 research outputs found


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    A short review of the world mining situation at the begining of the new millenium is given. A comparison betveen the mining industries of Croatia and the USA regarding production per capi ta is presented. The basic information about the European Mining Coures (EMC) is also given, as wetl as about the university education in mining at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Fngineering in Zagreb.Prikazano je ukratko stanje rudarstva u svijetu na početku novog milenija. Rudarstvo u Hrvatskoj uspoređeno je s rudarstvom u SAD-u po opsegu proizvodnje po stanovniku. Prikazane su osnovne informaci¬je o Europskom rudarskom studiju (European Mining Course - EMC), te o izobrazbi rudarskih inženjera na Rudarsko-geološko-naftnom fakultetu u Zagrebu


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    The exploitation of glass sand in Slavonia and Moslavina has a long tradition. The open-pit »Vrtlinska« is-accordirtg to its dimensions and production capacity the biggest one in this regions. Exploitation reserves within this open pit amount about) 1 000 000 t glass sand of a very good quality, and the production capacity is 200 000 t yearly according to real needs during design and opening the pit, i. e. before the war. This article discusses geological and geomechanical characteristics of the deposit, as well as the exploitation process, which is considerably matching natural characteristics of the deposit. A more detailed description is given of the planned exploitation phase I above groundwater level which is carried out according to discontinuous system. For the exploitation of the depth part under groundwater level in the phase II, the necessity of further examination of hydrogeological characteristics of the deposit is presented, in order to acquire necessary information on groundwater regime and drainage conditions. Such knowledge will influence the choice of the most appropriate solutions in the exploitation of the depth part of the deposit.Eksploatacija kremenog pijeska u Slavoniji i Moslavini ima dugu tradiciju. Površinski kop »Vrtlinska« prema veličini i kapacitetu proizvodnje najveći je u ovim područjima. Eksploata-cijske rezerve u granicama ovog površinskog kopa iznose približno 1 1 000 000 tona kremenog pijeska vrlo dobre kvalitete, a kapacitet proizvodnje planiran je 200 000 t/god. prema realnim potrebama u vrijeme izrade projekta i otvaranja kopa, tj. prije rata. U članku su prikazane geološke i geomehaničke značajke ležišta, te tehnološki proces eksploatacije, koji je u velikom dijelu usklađen s njegovim prirodnim karakteristikama. Detaljnije je obrađena projektirana eksploatacija I. faze iznad razine podzemne vode, koja se izvodi prema diskontinu-alnom sustavu. Za eksploataciju dubinskog dijela ispod razine podzemne vode u II. fazi navedena je potreba detaljnijeg istraživanja hidrogeoloških karakteristika ležišta, u cilju stjecanja nužnih podataka o režimu podzemne vode i uvjetima odvodnjavanja. Takva saznanja utjecat će na izbor najpovoljnijih tehnoloških rješenja i eksploatacije dubinskog dijela ležišta


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    The exploitation of glass sand in Slavonia and Moslavina has a long tradition. The open-pit »Vrtlinska« is-accordirtg to its dimensions and production capacity the biggest one in this regions. Exploitation reserves within this open pit amount about) 1 000 000 t glass sand of a very good quality, and the production capacity is 200 000 t yearly according to real needs during design and opening the pit, i. e. before the war. This article discusses geological and geomechanical characteristics of the deposit, as well as the exploitation process, which is considerably matching natural characteristics of the deposit. A more detailed description is given of the planned exploitation phase I above groundwater level which is carried out according to discontinuous system. For the exploitation of the depth part under groundwater level in the phase II, the necessity of further examination of hydrogeological characteristics of the deposit is presented, in order to acquire necessary information on groundwater regime and drainage conditions. Such knowledge will influence the choice of the most appropriate solutions in the exploitation of the depth part of the deposit.Eksploatacija kremenog pijeska u Slavoniji i Moslavini ima dugu tradiciju. Površinski kop »Vrtlinska« prema veličini i kapacitetu proizvodnje najveći je u ovim područjima. Eksploata-cijske rezerve u granicama ovog površinskog kopa iznose približno 1 1 000 000 tona kremenog pijeska vrlo dobre kvalitete, a kapacitet proizvodnje planiran je 200 000 t/god. prema realnim potrebama u vrijeme izrade projekta i otvaranja kopa, tj. prije rata. U članku su prikazane geološke i geomehaničke značajke ležišta, te tehnološki proces eksploatacije, koji je u velikom dijelu usklađen s njegovim prirodnim karakteristikama. Detaljnije je obrađena projektirana eksploatacija I. faze iznad razine podzemne vode, koja se izvodi prema diskontinu-alnom sustavu. Za eksploataciju dubinskog dijela ispod razine podzemne vode u II. fazi navedena je potreba detaljnijeg istraživanja hidrogeoloških karakteristika ležišta, u cilju stjecanja nužnih podataka o režimu podzemne vode i uvjetima odvodnjavanja. Takva saznanja utjecat će na izbor najpovoljnijih tehnoloških rješenja i eksploatacije dubinskog dijela ležišta


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    Uvodno su kratko prikazani trendovi razvoja rudarstva u Svijetu i Europi. Rudarstvo u Hrvatskom gospodarstvu ima važnu ulogu opskrbljujući ga znatnim dijelom potrebnim energetskim sirovinama, i u potpunosti sirovinama za građevne materijale te industrijskim nemetalnim sirovinama. Detaljni kvantitativni prikaz proizvodnje mineralnih sirovina popraćen je usporedbom s predratnim stanjem. Prezentirana je vrijednost godišnje proizvodnje za svaku mineralnu sirovinu.The trends of World and European mine industry is presented with introductory short review. The mining industry is very important in economy of Croatia, because of cover most of needed petroleum and natural gas quantity, total construction raw materials and industrial non-metallic raw minerals. Detail quantitative presentation of mineral raw material production is compared with pre-war situation. The value of annual production is represented for each raw mineral


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    The article discusses the excavation method in bauxite underground exploitation of the »Trobukva« mine in the »Bauxite Mine Posušje«, and the experiences in drift and crosscut supporting so far. Frame support is the only activity which is not mechanized and it has an important part in the production costs. Therefore the possibility of supporting by bolts and wire mesh has been developed. The estimation of bolting elements was performed for the Swellex boit and it proved, that bolt support compared with the frame support, beside the technical and safety advantages has also a considerable economic justification.U članku prikazana je otkopna metoda kod jamske eksploatacije u jami »Trobukva« - Rudnika boksita Posušje, kao i dosadašnja iskustva na podgrađivanju otkopnih hodnika. Podgrađivanje podupirućom podgradom jedini je posao koji nije mehaniziran, a u toškovima proizvodnje ima značajnu ulogu. Stoga je razrađena mogućnost podgrađivanja sidrenjem i žičanom mrežom. Proračun elemenata sidrenja izveden je za Swellex sidro, a pokazalo se je da podgrada sidrima, pred podupirućom podgradom, osim tehničkih i sigurnosnih prednosti, ima i značajnu ekonomsku opravdanost


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    Na kraju drugog milenija rudatrstvo, temeljna grana gospodarstva mnogih država, nema dobar imidž u Hrvatskoj niti u svijetu. U članku je izložena proizvodnja i značenje rudarstva u nas i u svijetu. Analizirani su trendovi daljeg razvoja rudarstva, na osnovi sadašnjeg stanja, te na temelju ulaganja u istraživanje mineralnih sirovina širom svijeta.At the end of second millennium mining, basic industrial branch in a number of states doesn\u27t have good image both in Croatia and in the world. In the paper is presented production and importance of mining in Croatia and in the world. Trends of future development are analyzed, on the bases of status quo, and on the foundation of investment in exploration of mineral raw materials all around the world


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    In the paper the results of many years of archival and field investigations in the history of bauxite mining of the three authors are presented. It was established that in Istria in the valley of the river Mirna beneath the Castle of Sovinjak bauxite was exploited already 400 years ago, and that 1808 about this ore the first scientific account was published. Accordingly, the statements in the professional literature that the first bauxite mine opened 1873 in the French Provence and that the bauxite ore for the first time was scientifically described 1821 have to be revised. About this necessary revision here the essential proofs are produced.U radu se iznose rezultati višegodišnjeg arhivskog i terenskog istraživanja historije boksitnog rudarstva trojice autora. Utvrđeno je da se u Istri u dolini rijeke Mirne pod Sovinjakom boksit otkopavao još prije 400 godina te da je o toj rudi 1808 objavljen prvi naučni prikaz. Prema tome, treba revidirati podatke u stručnoj literaturi o tome da je prvi rudnik boksita otvoren 1873 u francuskoj Provansi i da je ruda boksit prvi put naučno opisana 1821. O toj potrebnoj reviziji prioriteta izneseni su ovdje neophodni dokazi


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    After a short information about the causes both for the deficiency of papers on bauxite underground mines and for the development of such mines, a concise sketch of the geologic structures of the bauxite regions in the Western Dinarids, inclusive the chemical composition of the bauxites, is given. The main portion of the paper is devoted to the description of the following bauxitic regions: Drniš (with the mines Kalun and Kumanovo), Obrovac (Dračevac, Ćukovac—Grižinice and Krš), Mostar (Orašnica, Tribošić, Trobukva, Dabrica), Jajce (Poljane, Crvene Stijene), Bosanska Krupa (Risovac), and Sinj (Visoka). Presented are the »bauxitic« history of the region as well as its mining characteristics, from the mode of opening to the used mining methods, with their adventages and disadvantages. Comments are made, but no conclusions drawn; the future remains open.Nakon kratke informacije kako o razlozima za nedostatak objavljenih radova o boksitnim podzemnim radovima i za otvaranje takvih rudnika, dat je sažet prikaz geološke građe boksitnih područja u zapadnim Dinaridima, uključivo kemijskog sastava boksita. Glavni dio studije posvećen je opisu sljedećih boksitnih područja: Drniš (s jamama Kalun i Kumanovo), Obrovac (Dračevac, Ćukovac—Grižnice i Krš), Mostar (Orašnica, Tribošić, Trobukva i Dabrica), Jajce (Poljane i Crvene Stijene), Bosanska Krupa (Risovac), i Sinj (Visoka). Izneseni su i »bok-sitaški« historijat pojedinog područja kao i njegove rudarske karakteristike, počev od načina otvaranja jama do otkopnih metoda, s njihovim prednostima i nedostacima. Dati su neki komentari, ali zaključka nema; budućnost ostaje otvorena


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    Sve do posljednjih dva desetljeća se cement proizvodio od lapora zvanog tupina s oko 76% CaCOj, koji je idealna smjesa za proizvodnju cementa. Smanjenjem količina ove sirovine, cement se je nastavio proizvoditi miješanjem ostalih članova fliške serije: vapnenaca, lapora, gline, lesa, pješčenjaka i dr. Pri analizi prirodnih materijala utvrđuje se najčešće sadržaj CaCOj, te je stoga od izuzetne važnosti poznavanje korelacijske veze oksida u mineralnoj sirovini. U članku prikazani su rezultati istraživanja korelacijske veze CaCOj i ostalih oksida sirovine.Up to the last two decades cement was produced from mari called »tupina« (with about 76% CaCOj) which is an ideal mixture for cement production. Due to the quantity decrease of this raw material, cement production went on using the mixture of other members of the flysch series: limestones, marls, clay, loess, sandstones a.o. By the analysis of natural materials the CaCO^ content has mostly been proved. Therefore, knowing the correlation of oxides in mineral raw material is of special significance. The article discusses investigation results of the correlation between CaCO-i and other oxides of the raw material


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    Nakon provedenih istraživanja i projektiranja započelo je podzemno otkopavanje arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena u Istri. Na taj način se uz ekonomske razloge u znatnoj mjeri rješavaju i sve utjecajniji ekološki zahtjevi. Prezentirani su rezultati dobiveni numeričkim modeliranjem. Tehnički i ekonomski rezultati pokusnog podzemnog otkopavanja su ohrabrujući. Iznose se rezultati novih proračuna i korigiranih dimenzija komora i stupova.After investigation and designing started underground exploitation of dimension stone in Istria (Croatia). On this way parallel with economical reasons, the most part of very aggressive environmental requirements will he solved. The results of numerical modeling, for design purposes, are present. New numerical models and results, with corrected dimensions of rooms and pillars, are described. Obtained, technical and economical results of experimental underground exploitation are encouraging