18 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Multicriteria Model for Ranking Suppliers in Manufacturing Company

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    By using the methods of multi-criteria analysis it is possible to make decisions which have significant influence on companies\u27 business. The aim of this paper is to evaluate different suppliers using the integrated model that recognizes a combination of fuzzy AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and the COPRAS method. Based on six criteria, the expert team was formed to compare them, so determination of their significance is being done with fuzzy AHP method. Expert team also compares suppliers according to each criterion and on the base of triangular fuzzy numbers. Based on their inputs, COPRAS method is used to estimate potential solutions. Suggested model accomplishes certain advantages in comparison with previously used traditional models which were used to make decisions about evaluation and choice of supplier. It is vital to make the right decision when selecting a supplier, because the optimal choice ensures lower cost and higher quality of the product itself, and therefore more competitiveness in the market. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Model for Railway Infrastructure Management Organization

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    The provision of appropriate quality rail services has an important role in terms of railway infrastructure: quality of infrastructure maintenance, regulation of railway traffic, line capacity, speed, safety, train station organization, the allowable lines load and other infrastructure parameters.The analysis of experiences in transforming the railway systems points to the conclusion that there is no unique solution in terms of choice for institutional rail infrastructure management modes, although more than nineteen years have passed from the beginning of the implementation of the Directive 91/440/EEC. Depending on the approach to the process of restructuring the national railway company, adopted regulations and caution in its implementation, the existence or absence of a clearly defined transport strategy, the willingness to liberalize the transport market, there are several different ways for institutional management of railway infrastructure.A hybrid model for selection of modes of institutional rail infrastructure management was developed based on the theory of artificial intelligence, theory of fuzzy sets and theory of multicriteria optimization.KEY WORDSmanagement, railway infrastructure, organizational structure, hybrid model</p

    Economic analysis of the project of warehouse centralization in the paper production company

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    In the modern conditions, business requires constant rationalization of all activities and processes that occur in the logistics system. One of the preconditions for ensuring the competitiveness in the market is to manage the own performance. This paper presents research that relates to the project of centralization of the warehouse in the company of paper production. Currently, any production facility has its own warehouse that is, through executed decomposition, proved like a poor solution. Any project requires certain investment funds, which are in this case over half million EUR, because it is a large and complex logistics company that employs about one thousand workers. The focus of this paper is an economic analysis of the project of centralization of warehouse. The new centralized system gives better results in the comparison with the current system of decentralization. Considering the savings, which are realized by switching to a centralized warehouse system, and required investment funds, repayment period of the same is slightly less than five years, what is relatively a short period

    Evaluation of suppliers under uncertainty: a multiphase approach based on fuzzy AHP and fuzzy EDAS

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    A decision-making process requires a prior definition and fulfilment of certain factors, especially when it refers to complex fields such as supply chain management. One of the most important items in the initial stage of a supply chain, which strongly influences its further flow, is making a decision on the most suitable supplier. In this paper, a model for evaluation and supplier selection has been proposed, which has been considered in more than ten different production areas. The model consists of twenty quantitative and qualitative criteria, which are reduced to a total of nine by the application of the fuzzy AHP and the assessment of managers in production companies. The verification of the model has been presented throughout a selection of suppliers in a company for the production of plastic bags and foils, where the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) method has been used to determine the significance of the criteria, and the Fuzzy Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution (Fuzzy EDAS) to evaluate and select suppliers. The obtained results have been considered throughout a sensitivity analysis in which a total of 15 different scenarios have been formed and where the stability of the model has been determined, since the supplier one is the best solution in all the cases

    Model for Dimensioning Technology and Capacity of Border Railway Stations

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    The participation of the national rail networks in the European corridors requires certain modifications and their redefinition. Because the railway stations are special parts of the railway networks, they should be modernized, especially in south-eastern Europe. The main issue in the process of construction or reconstruction of railway stations is dimensioning (projection) of infrastructure facilities. The dimensioning of the infrastructure capacity is in direct correlation with the projected technology of work and the planned volume of traffic. This paper presents the simulation model which allows sizing facilities of border rail stations on the basis of the defined work and traffic technology

    A rough multicriteria approach for evaluation of the supplier criteria in automotive industry

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    Ensuring costs reduction and increasing competitiveness and satisfaction of end users are the goals of each participant in the supply chain. Taking into account these goals, the paper proposes methodology for defining the most important criteria for suppliers’ evaluation. From a set of twenty established criteria, i.e. four sets of criteria: finances, logistics, quality and communication and business including its sub-criteria, we have allocated the most important ones for supplier selection. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on rough numbers is presented to determine the weight of each evaluation criterion. For the criteria evaluation we have used knowledge from the expert in this field. The efficacy of the proposed evaluation methodology is demonstrated through its application to the company producing metal washers for the automotive industry. Next a sensitivity analysis is carried out in order to show the stability of the model. For checking stability the AHP method in conventional form is used in combination with fuzzy logic

    A Novel Model for Determining Public Service Compensation in Integrated Public Transport Systems

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    In free market conditions, if public passenger transport services are commercially unprofitable, there will be no interest for transport companies to perform them. However, directly because of the citizens’ interests, on the one hand, and indirectly because of the economy, passenger public transport services have become of a general public interest. The authorities must prepare appropriate legal fair market conditions, based on which public transport will be subsidized and conducted. In order to achieve that, for the mutual benefit of the public, users and transport companies, it is necessary that the right Public Service Obligation Model (PSO model or in some literature PCS—Public Service Compensation) be defined. Within this study, the optimal approach to assigning a PSC contract to transport companies for performing the PSO in integrated and regular public passenger transport systems is determined. A novel model, presented in this paper, can help national, regional and local authorities to choose and determine the way and level of PSCs for conducting the public transport of passengers and establishing a sustainable public passenger transport system.This article belongs to the Section Sustainable TransportationThis research was funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, under the Project TR36012: Research of technical-technological, staff and organizational capacity of Serbian Railways, from the viewpoint of current and future European Union

    A Novel Model for Determining Public Service Compensation in Integrated Public Transport Systems

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    In free market conditions, if public passenger transport services are commercially unprofitable, there will be no interest for transport companies to perform them. However, directly because of the citizens&rsquo; interests, on the one hand, and indirectly because of the economy, passenger public transport services have become of a general public interest. The authorities must prepare appropriate legal fair market conditions, based on which public transport will be subsidized and conducted. In order to achieve that, for the mutual benefit of the public, users and transport companies, it is necessary that the right Public Service Obligation Model (PSO model or in some literature PCS&mdash;Public Service Compensation) be defined. Within this study, the optimal approach to assigning a PSC contract to transport companies for performing the PSO in integrated and regular public passenger transport systems is determined. A novel model, presented in this paper, can help national, regional and local authorities to choose and determine the way and level of PSCs for conducting the public transport of passengers and establishing a sustainable public passenger transport system