64 research outputs found

    Determination of Marine Pollution By Comparative Analysis of Metal Pollution Indices

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    Due to the specific geographical and hydrological structure of Boka Kotorska Bay, that is characterized by a low flow of water through the bay, the anthropogenic impact is pronounced, exerting direct effects on this unique ecosystem. Trace metal (Pb, Hg, Ni, Co and Cd) concentrations were measured in the winter, spring and fall of 2008 in two marine organisms (Posidonia oceanica and Mytilus galloprovincialis) selected as biomonitors of trace metals in the Boka Kotorska Bay. These marine organisms have the ability to accumulate trace metals from their environment. Metal pollution indexes (MPI) for both species were compared, confirming that the most polluted was Tivat bay and the least Kotor bay

    Mergers and acquisitions in the reflection of soap bubbles

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    Spajanja i preuzimanja (M&A - Mergers and Acquisitions) imaju dugu povijest, ali nažalost vrlo kratak životni vijek. Visok stupanj njihovog neuspjeha otvara stara pitanja i zahtijeva nove odgovore. Ovaj rad predstavlja izvorni pogled na spajanja i preuzimanja primjenom znanstvene metode analogije s mjehurima od sapunice, gdje je posebna pažnja posvećena "tvrdim" i "mekim" pokazateljima M&A uspjeha. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na određeni značaj jedva mjerljivih, takozvanih "mekih" elemenata (ne)uspjeha u M&A, a kroz analogije sa mjehurićima od sapunice pojasniti razloge neuspjeha spajanja i preuzimanja. Kako bi potvrdili sličnosti mjehurova od sapunice s realnim poslovnim situacijama, autori su pružili relevantne analogije ojačane analizom kratkih studija slučaja. Na temelju zaključaka, donositelji odluka u ovakvim poslovnim uvjetima će moći provoditi takve poslovne strategije koje će stvarati učinkovitije poslovne saveze koji će trajati duže.Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have a long history but unfortunately a very short lifespan. The high degree of their failure opens up old issues and requires new answers. This paper presents an original view on Mergers and Acquisitions applying the scientific method of analogy with soap bubbles, with a special attention devoted to the ā€™hardā€™ and ā€™softā€™ indicators of M&A success. The aim of this paper is to highlight the particular significance of hardly measurable, so-called ā€˜softā€™ elements of (un)success in M&A and through the analogy with soap bubbles to clarify the reasons of M&A failures. In order to verify the similarities of soap bubbles with real business situations, authors provided relevant analogies strengthened with an analysis of short case studies. Based on the conclusions, decision-makers in this business environment will be able to implement such business strategies in order to create more effective business alliance which will last longer

    Trace elements concentrations (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, As and Hg) in the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and evaluation of mussel quality and possible human health risk from cultivated and wild sites of the southeastern Adriatic Sea, Montenegro

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    The Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (L.) was collected from the fall 2005 to the winter 2009 from the six sites on the Montenegrin coastline. Two wild samples were collected from the open sea coastline, and two cultivated and two wild were from the Boka Kotorska Bay. The mussels soft tissue was analyzed for zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, arsenic and total mercury. Concentrations of these metals, in mg kg(-1) dry weight, ranged from 135-210 for Zn, 6.2-14.5 for Cu, 4.0-11.5 for Pb, 1.7-2.1 for Cd, 5.8-12.4 for As and 0.1-0.5 for Hg. The metals were found to be present in the samples at different levels, but not in concentrations higher than maximum residual levels prescribed by the European Union (EU) and US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) regulations for seafood. This indicates that the consumption of wild or cultivated mussels from the studied area is safe in moderate quantities

    The Profile and Antimicrobial Activity of Bacillus Lipopeptide Extracts of Five Potential Biocontrol Strains

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    In this study the efficacy of two different methods for extracting lipopeptides produced by five Bacillus strains-ethyl acetate extraction, and acid precipitation followed by methanol extraction-was investigated using mass spectrometry. High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) was also used for the simultaneous separation of complex mixtures of lipopeptide extracts and for the determination of antimicrobial activity of their components. The mass spectra clearly showed well-resolved groups of peaks corresponding to different lipopeptide families (kurstakins, iturins, surfactins, and fengycins). The ethyl acetate extracts produced the most favorable results. The extracts of SS-12.6, SS-13.1, and SS-38.4 showed the highest inhibition zones. An iturin analog is responsible for the inhibition of Xanthomonas arboricola and Pseudomonas syringae phytopathogenic strains. HPTLC bioautography effectively identified the active compounds from a mixture of lipopeptide extracts, proving in situ its potential for use in direct detection and determination of antimicrobials. In the test of potential synergism among individual extracts used in different mixtures, stronger antimicrobial effects were not observed. Biochemical and phylogenetic analysis clustered isolates SS-12.6, SS-13.1, SS-27.2, and SS-38.4 together with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, while SS-10.7 was more closely related to Bacillus pumilus

    Spatial distribution and identification of elements and oxides in surface sediments of the Boka Kotor bay

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    Ovo istraživanje sprovedeno je u Bokokotorskom zalivu radi procene kvaliteta povrÅ”inskog sedimenata, a time i stanja morske sredine. ED-XRF metodom elementarne analize određen je sadržaj velikog broja elemenata i oksida u povrÅ”inskim sedimentima uzorkovanih sa 12 lokacija u 2019. godini. Multivarijantnom statističkom analizom, kao Å”to su analiza glavnih komponenati (PCA) i klaster analiza (CA), urađena je analiza dobijenih podataka kako bi se dobila sveobuhvatna raspodela ispitivanih elemenata po lokacijama u zalivu i njihovo poreklo, kao i sličnosti/razlike grupa uzoraka u hemijskom sastavu.This study was carried out in the Bay of Boka Kotor in order to assess the surface sediment quality and thereby to evaluate the status of the marine environment. The method of elementary analysis, ED-XRF was used to determine the content of elements and oxides in surface sediments sampled at 12 stations in 2019. Multivariate statistical methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were used to analyse the data in order to obtain a comprehensive distribution of the examined elements according to locations in the bay, and their origin, as well as similarities/differences of samples in chemical composition.49. godiÅ”nja konferencije o aktuelnim problemima koriŔćenja i zaÅ”tite voda ā€žVoda 2020ā€œ, Trebinje, 19. ā€“ 20. novembar 2020

    Human exposure to trace metals and possible public health risks via consumption of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Adriatic coastal area

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    Considering the growing concern due to different levels of anthropogenic loadings, the main purpose of this study was to identify the levels of trace metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb and Hg) in the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis sampled along the marine coast of Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro. In comparison with the permissible limits set by the EU and the US FDA, all trace metal concentrations found in the mussels from the coastal area of Boka Kotorska Bay were lower than the prescribed limits. Generally, the trace metal concentrations found in Montenegrin mussels are within the range of trace metal concentrations determined in low to moderately polluted Adriatic areas. Based on these and other available literature data published by other authors for Adriatic region, the public health risks associated with the consumption of mussels in relation to reported trace metal concentrations were evaluated. In terms of the obtained trace metals concentrations in mussels and the provisional tolerable weekly intake prescribed by the JECFA and oral reference doses by the US EPA, the Pb and Cd concentrations and the Co and Cd concentrations were recognized as the limiting factor for the consumption of mussels from some Adriatic areas, respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Health risks of heavy metals in the mediterranean mussels as seafood

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    In recent years, mussels have already become commercially important seafood species worldwide. Mussels accumulate a wide range of metals in their soft tissue. Thus, the determination of accumulated concentrations of heavy metals, such as Pb, Cd, Hg, and As, in mussels is essential because of their usage as seafood and the potential adverse effects of their consumption on human health. In this review, these issues are presented and discussed using the Mediterranean mussel as an example. is very efficient at converting low value victuals into high quality animal protein. The production of in Mediterranean countries has been increasing rapidly, but Spain is still the largest producer of mussels. Only China has a larger production of these mussels than Spain. is a filter feeding animal and accumulates a wide range of metals from their environment. The metal concentrations in the soft tissue of are indicators of marine ecosystems contamination. In the same time, the bioaccumulation of heavy metals remains an issue concerning the consumption of mussels. Thereby, the Cd, Pb, Hg, and As concentration measurement in mussel soft tissue as a seafood have become significant. A review of literature data revealed large variations in the Cd, Pb, Hg, and As concentrations in from their endemic areas, e.g., Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Black Sea, and the concentrations of these toxic metals were generally in the following order: As GT Pb GT Cd GT Hg. The guidelines on heavy metals for seafood safety set by different countries and associations are reviewed. Comparison of the published data with European legislation showed that the levels of the heavy metals generally did not exceed the existing limits in all the mussels analyzed, excluding mussels from hot spots, such as lagoons and harbors, in the Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Black Sea

    Removal of toxic metals from industrial sludge by fixing in brick structure

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    The aim of this study was to test utilization possibilities of industrial sludge in masonry industry, as well as risk of toxic elements leaching potential. Sludge is generated in a hot-dip galvanizing process after waste water neutralization. This waste is considered to be hazardous due to the presence of toxic elements, which can be fixed within heavy clay matrix after thermal treatment. Relatively large amounts of toxic metals were found in used raw materials, but their leachability reduces to a negligible level after firing at 1020 degrees C. The results show that sludge can be used to produce eco-friendly bricks

    Removal of toxic metals from industrial sludge by fixing in brick structure

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    The aim of this study was to test utilization possibilities of industrial sludge in masonry industry, as well as risk of toxic elements leaching potential. Sludge is generated in a hot-dip galvanizing process after waste water neutralization. This waste is considered to be hazardous due to the presence of toxic elements, which can be fixed within heavy clay matrix after thermal treatment. Relatively large amounts of toxic metals were found in used raw materials, but their leachability reduces to a negligible level after firing at 1020 degrees C. The results show that sludge can be used to produce eco-friendly bricks

    Procena zdravstvenog rizika putem konzumiranja dagnje (mytilus galloprovincialis) iz Bokokotorskog zaliva, Crna Gora

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    Sa povećanjem koriŔćenja morskih plodova u ishrani u poslednjih nekoliko godina, Å”koljke su postale komercijalno važna vrsta u svetu. Zahvaljujući sadržaju proteina, kalcijuma i gvožđa, vitamina, omega-3 masnih kiselina, selena i joda, Å”koljka predstavlja značajnu namirnicu u ishrani ljudi. Međutim s obzirom na veliki kapacitet akumulacije kontaminanata mogu predstavljati i potencijalnu opasnost za ljude. Istovremeno, Å”koljka M. galloprovincialis se koristi kao bioindikator zagađenja morske sredine, jer toleriÅ”e velike koncentracije zagađivača iz okoline. Å koljka M. galloprovincialis je Å”iroko rasprostranjena u priobalnim vodama Crne Gore. Uzgaja se na farmama i prvenstveno je namenjena za tržiÅ”te, ali se i dalje divlje Å”koljke ove vrste prikupljaju za ličnu potroÅ”nju od strane lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva i turista. U Crnoj Gori trenutno postoji oko 16 farmi Å”koljki i svaka od njih proizvodi od 10 do 50 tona godiÅ”nje. Sve farme se nalaze u Bokokotorskom zalivu, gde su okeanografski, fizički, hemijski i bioloÅ”ki uslovi pogodni za uzgoj ove vrste. Iako se uzgoj ove Å”koljke povećao u odnosu na predhodnu deceniju ova grana industrije je i dalje nedovoljno razvijena. Cilj ovoga rada bio je da se odredi kvalitet Å”koljke Mytilus galloprovincialis, odnosno da se proceni eventualni zdravstveni rizik putem konzumiranja ove morske vrste sa viÅ”e lokacija iz Bokokotorskog zaliva. Uzorkovanje Å”koljki vrÅ”eno je sezonski (zima, proleće i jesen) u 2008. godini. Odabrano je sedam lokacije unutar samog zaliva: Herceg Novi, Perast, Sv Stasija, Opatovo i Tivat, lokacije sa kojih su uzorkovane divlje Å”koljke, i lokacije Kukuljina i KraÅ”ići sa kojih su uzorkovane uzgajane Å”koljke. U svim uzorcima Å”koljki određivane su koncentracije kadmijuma i olova. Izmerene koncentracije kadmijuma i olova upoređene su sa maksimalno dozvoljenim koncentracijama regulisanim evropskim i crnogorskim regulativama. Koncentracija Cd u svim ispitivanim uzorcima je manja od maksimalne dozvoljene koncentracije propisane evropskom i crnogorskom regulativom za kvalitet Å”koljki. U slučaju olova, lokacija Tivat je jedina lokacija gde srednja vrednost za ispitivane tri sezone prelazi maksimalno dozvoljenu koncentraciju propisanu od strane Crne Gore. Na osnovu koncentracije za ova dva ispitivana elementa i prosečne nedeljne potroÅ”nje izračunat je nedeljni unos Cd i Pb u ljudski organizam konzumiranjem Å”koljki. Nedeljni unos kadmijuma i olova ispod je preporučenog maksimalnog limita Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. U najgorem slučaju, uzimajući u obzir maksimalno izmerene vrednosti ispitivanih elemenata, nedeljna količina Å”koljki koju je neophodno uneti u organizam, a koja bi mogla da izazove zdravstvene probleme kod čoveka je 750 g u slučaju kadmijuma i 940 g u slučaju olova
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