17 research outputs found

    Piramida mediteranske prehrane

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    Bakterijsko onečiŔćenje emulzija za obradu metala - rizični čimbenik profesionalnih bolesti

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    An outbreak of occupational diseases involving 38 metal workers with local infections on the hands and the face (53%), bronchitis (29%), and bronchopneumonia (18%) urged an examination of 150 samples of emulsions which the 38 workers used in processing metals. Among the isolated bacteria, the most frequent was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (48%), followed by Escherichia coli (44%), Proteus spp. (11%), Enterococcus faecalis (9%), Enterobacter aerogenes (7%), Citrobacter spp. (5%), Shigella spp., Staphylococcus aureus (3%), and the sulphite reducing Clostridia (1%). Moulds and yeasts were isolated from all tested samples. Most samples counted about 3x105/ml of colony forming units. It was concluded that all emulsions and other substances which come in direct contact with the workers should be regularly monitored. Furthermore, preservatives should be added to prevent microbial infection.Epidemija u 38 metalaca s lokalnim infekcijama kože ruku i lica (53%), bronhitisa (29%) i bronhopneumonije (18%) mahom uzrokovanih bakterijom Pseudomonas aeruginosa, potaknula je ispitivanje 150 uzoraka uljnih emulzija za obradu metala. NajčeŔće izolirani mikroorganizam bio je Pseudomonas aeruginosa (48%), a slijedili su Escherichia coli (44%), Proteus spp. (11%), Enterococcus faecalis (9%), Enterobacter aerogenes (7%), Citrobacter spp. (5%), Shigella spp., Staphylococcus aureus (3%) i sulfito reducirajući klostridiji (1%). Kvasci i plijesni izolirani su iz svih pretraženih uzoraka. Broj živih bakterija u većini uzoraka iznosio je do 3x105/ml. Zaključeno je da bi sve emulzije i druge tvari s kojima metalci dolaze u izravan ili neizravan dodir trebalo redovito nadzirati. Nadalje, trebalo bi dodavati aditive za konzerviranje maziva da se spriječe mikrobijalne infekcije radnika

    Identifikacija kritičnih točaka u preradi i pasterizaciji mlijeka

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    PACCP koncepcija ukazuje kompleksno na kritične točke tijekom prerade mlijeka uz moguće rizike kontaminacije mehaničkim, fizikalnim, kemijskim i mikrobioloÅ”kim putem. U radu su prikazane sheme minimalno potrebnih uvjeta i kritičnih točaka u preradi konzumnog mlijeka i pasterizacije uz moguću kontaminaciju

    Prisutnost bakterija Campylobacter spp. u klaonicama i mesu peradi

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    The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Campylobacter spp. in poultry carcasses in poultry slaughterhouse areas and in poultry meat samples from the examined poultry slaughterhouses, following its placement on the market. The research was conducted in spring 2007 at 5 poultry slaughterhouses in Međimurje County, followed by an examination of poultry meat placed on the market for sale. A total of 75 poultry meat swabs, 15 samples of carcass cooling water and 15 samples of poultry meat collected in retail shops were examined. None of the samples collected in the premises of poultry slaughterhouses was found positive for Campylobacter spp. In 10 samples of poultry meat collected at the retail level the presence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli was determined.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prisutnost Campylobacter spp. na trupovima peradi u klaonicama peradi i u uzorcima mesa iz klaonica peradi koje je stavljeno u prodaju. Istraživanje je provedeno u proljeće 2007. godine na 5 klaonica peradi na području Međimurske županije. Pregledano je 75 obrisaka mesa peradi, 15 uzoraka vode za hlađenje trupova te 15 uzoraka mesa peradi u prodaji. Ni u jednom uzorku iz klaonice nije ustanovljena prisutnost Campylobacter spp. Kod 10 uzoraka mesa peradi iz prodaje ustanovljene su vrste Campylobacter jejuni i Campylobacter coli

    HistoloÅ”ke i kemijske osobitosti mehanički iskoÅ”tenog mesa tovnih pilića.

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    In evaluation of the suitability of mechanically deboned poultry (MDP) for use in food products, the functional properties of this meat must be taken into consideration. The basic principle of meat separation varies among machines which in turn could affect the functional properties of the MDP produced. The MDP used in this study was produced from broiler carcass, back, wings and necks after commercial cutting. Separation was mechanically performed on a ā€œBeehiveā€ separator, which separates muscular, adipose tissue and skin from cartilage, bone and lymphatic tissues (ā€œoffal productsā€). Histological examination was performed on histological slides, stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Also, analysis of the content of water, lipid, protein, ash and calcium was carried out. Average water content was highest in deboned carcass meat samples (69.14%). Total lipids (20.85%) were highest in deboned back and total proteins (15.57%) in the deboned carcass. In deboned wings the content of total ash was very high (1.65%) as well as the content of calcium (0.29%). In ā€œoffal productsā€ the highest average water content was in the whole carcass (59.02%). Total lipids (11.56%) were highest in wings, total proteins (23.88%), total ash (20.19%) and calcium content (7.41%) were highest in the back. Results of chemical analyses confirmed the results of histological examination. This parallel histological and chemical analytic approach could give relevant insights into raw material content, which directly influences the quality of final products.U procjeni mehanički iskoÅ”tene peradi (MDP), a u vezi s namjenom kao sirovine za prehrambene proizvode, moraju se promatrati njihove funkcionalne vrijednosti. Osnovno načelo separacije mesa ovisi o svrhovitosti strojeva za separaciju koji mehanički iskoÅ”teno meso pripremaju za proizvode u smislu djelotvornih vrijednosti. Mehanički iskoÅ”teno meso peradi u ovom radu bilo je proizvedeno od pilećih trupova, krila i vratova nakon komercijalnoga rasjeka. Separacija je provedena na stroju ā€žBeehiveā€œ koji je iskoÅ”tio miÅ”ićno i masno tkivo te kožu, odvojeno od hrskavice, kosti i limfatičkoga tkiva (nusproizvodi). HistoloÅ”ka su pretraživanja obavljana na mikroskopskim preparatima obojenim hemalaun-eozinom. Kemijskom analizom određen je sadržaj vode, masti, bjelančevina, pepela i kalcija. Srednja vrijednost sadržaja vode bila je najviÅ”a u uzorcima iskoÅ”tenoga trupa (69,14%). Ukupne masti (20,85%) bile su najviÅ”e u iskoÅ”tenom mesu leđa, ukupne bjelančevine (15,57%) u iskoÅ”tenom mesu trupa. Sadržaj pepela bio je najviÅ”i u iskoÅ”tenom mesu krila (1,65%), kao i sadržaj kalcija (0,29%). U ā€œnusproizvoduā€ najviÅ”a vrijednost udjela vode bila je u trupu (59,02%). Ukupne masti (11,56%) bile su najviÅ”e u ā€œnusproizvoduā€ krila, a ukupne bjelančevine (23,88%), pepeo (20,19%) i kalcij (7,41%) bili su najviÅ”i u leđima. Rezultati kemijskih pretraga u korelaciji su s rezultatima histoloÅ”kih ispitivanja. Takve uzajamne histoloÅ”ke i kemijske pretrage daju relevantne rezultate u smislu funkcionalnih komponenata sirovine koje izravno utječu na kakvoću zavrÅ”noga proizvoda

    Određivanje prisutnosti gram-negativnih bakterija u zraku dvaju odgajaliÅ”ta prasadi

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    Farm environments represent a source of gram-negative bacteria and endotoxins that generate the significant health risk of developing respiratory diseases in farm workers and animals. The aim of this study was to conduct a quantitative analysis of gram-negative airborne bacteria and their correlation with the total number of mesophilic bacteria and environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, air velocity, ammonia and carbon dioxide). Air sampling was conducted in two swine nursery buildings. The average values of the total number of mesophilic bacteria were 76Ɨ103 and 99Ɨ103 CFU/m3, while the range of gram-negative bacteria were 14103 and 22Ɨ103 CFU/m3 in both pig houses. The average concentration of gram-negative bacteria was approximately 18-22% in comparison with the total number of mesophilic bacteria. The number of total mesophilic and gramnegative bacteria was significantly lower in House 1 than in House 2 (P = 0.05). In both houses, there was no significant correlation between bacteria count and environmental parameters (P>0.05), except for a small negative correlation between gram-negative bacteria count and air velocity (r = -0.48, P = 0.05). The most prevalent species in both pig houses was Escherichia coli. The number of gram-negative bacteria in both swine houses exceeded recommended threshold limit values.Stočne farme kao glavni izvor gram-negativnih bakterija i endotoksina predstavljaju velik rizik za pojavu bolesti diÅ”noga sustava ljudi i životinja. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti prisutnost gram-negativnih bakterija u zraku u odnosu na ukupan broj mezofilnih bakterija i njihovu povezanost s mikroklimatskim čimbenicima (temperatura, vlaga, brzina strujanja zraka, amonijak i ugljični dioksid). BakterioloÅ”ko uzorkovanje zraka provodilo se u dva odgajaliÅ”ta svinja. Prosječne vrijednosti ukupnoga broja mezofilnih bakterija bile su 76Ɨ103 i 99Ɨ103 CFU/m3, te gram-negativnih bakterija 14Ɨ103 i 22Ɨ103 CFU/m3. Prosječne vrijednosti gram-negativnih bakterija iznosile su od 18 do 22% u odnosu na ukupni broj mezofilnih bakterija. Koncentracija mezofilnih i gram-negativnih bakterija bila je statistički značajno niža u odgajaliÅ”tu 1 u odnosu na odgajaliÅ”te 2 (P = 0,05). U oba odgajaliÅ”ta nije ustanovljena statistički značajna povezanost između broja mezofilnih i gram-negativnih bakterija te mikroklimatskih pokazatelja (P>0,05), osim male ali statistički značajne korelacije između gramnegativnih bakterija i brzine strujanja zraka (r = -0,48, P = 0,05). NajčeŔće izdvojena vrsta u oba odgajaliÅ”ta prasadi bila je E. coli. U oba odgajaliÅ”ta prasadi navedene koncentracije gram-negativnih bakterija prelazile su preporučene dozvoljene vrijednosti u zraku

    Monitoring atrazina i njegovih metabolita u podzemnim vodama Republike Srbije

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    The intensive use of atrazine herbicides in the Republic of Serbia during recent decades has led to the accumulation of residues of atrazine and its metabolites in the environment, which endangers groundwater. With the objective to check the presence of atrazine and its metabolites deethylatrazine (DEA) and deisopropylatrazine (DIA) in the groundwater, the monitoring programme was carried out over the period from 2007 to 2009 in the localities where the atrazine-based herbicides were intensively applied for a number of years. Samples were taken from 327 localities, in total there were 1408 samples of groundwater of the first welling-up collected. The atrazine and its metabolites were extracted with methanol by means of ENVI-C18 (47mm) disc, and the residue level of the studied compounds was analyzed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In the most of groundwater samples collected from agricultural regions, the average value of all tested analytes was above 0.1 Āµg/dm3. The highest values of atrazine and its metabolites were in the localities that are known for intensive maize production and in the areas of this region under orchards and vineyards, where atrazine was used in large quantities. The average content values of this active substance in the analyzed samples are the result of intensive and long-term usage of this group of herbicides, as well as the high level of groundwater in this region.Ekspanzija u primeni herbicida na bazi atrazina u Republici Srbiji poslednjih decenija dovela je do nagomilavanja ostataka atrazina i njegovih degradacionih produkata u životnoj sredini, čime su naročito ugrožene podzemne vode. Radi provere prisustva atrazina i njegovih metabolita deetil-atrazina (DEA) i deizopropil-atrazina (DIA) u podzemnim vodama sproveden je monitoring program u periodu 2007-2009. godine na područjima pod intenzivnom poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Podzemna voda prve izdani uzorkovana je na 327 lokaliteta, ukupno je prikupljeno 1408 uzoraka. Ekstrakcija analita iz vode izvedena je metanolom uz primenu C18-ENVI diska (47 mm), dok je nivo rezidua određen primenom gasne hromatografije sa masenim spektrometrom (GC/MS). Analizom je utvrđeno prisustvo atrazina, DEA i DIA iznad 0,1 |Āµg/dm3 u podzemnim vodama većine lokaliteta obuhvaćenih ispitivanjem. Najveće vrednosti ispitivanih analita utvrđene su na lokalitetima sa intenzivnom proizvodnjom kukuruza, kao i na povrÅ”inama pod voćnjacima i vinogradima, gde je atrazin primenjivan u velikim količinama

    Potencijal za proizvodnju fumonizina kod izolata Fusarium verticillioides sa zrna kukuruza i pŔenice iz Srbije

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    The production of fumonisins by potentially toxigenic Fusarium verticillioides isolates originating from Serbian maize and wheat kernels was tested in vitro. A total of six F. verticillioides isolates were incubated on yeast extract sucrose medium (YESA) for 4 weeks at 25 Ā°C in the dark. Their toxin production potential was tested by applying a modified HPLC method for determination of fumonisins in cereals, since the TLC method gave no results. Analyses were performed on a HPLC-FLD system after sample extraction from YESA and extract clean-up on a SPE column. Although the isolates were tested for fumonisin B1, B2 and B3, only fumonisin B1 was detected. The results showed that all tested isolates had toxigenic potential for fumonisin B1 production. The average fumonisin B1 production of the isolates ranged from 7 to 289 Āµg/kg, thus indicating a highly variable toxigenic potential among the isolates. Isolate 1282 expressed the highest toxigenic potential for fumonisin B1 production (289 Āµg/kg), while isolate 2533/A showed a questionable potential for fumonisin production (7 Āµg/kg).Proizvodnja fumonizina kod potencijalno toksikogenih Fusarium verticillioides izolata sa zrna kukuruza i pÅ”enice poreklom iz Srbije testiran je in vitro. Ukupno Å”est izolata F. verticillioides inkubirano je na agarizovanoj podlozi sa ekstraktom kvasca i saharozom (YESA) tokom četiri nedelje, u mraku na 25 Ā°C. Kapaciteti odabranih izolata za proizvodnju toksina detektovani su primenom modifikovane HPLC metode za određivanje fumonizina u zrnu žitarica, jer brza trijažna TLC metoda nije dala pozitivne rezultate. Analiza je izvedena na HPLC-FLD sistemu nakon ekstrakcije uzorka iz YESA kultura izolata i prečiŔćavanja ekstrakta na SPE koloni. Sve analize su urađene u tri ponavljanja. Iako su izolati F. verticillioides testirani na prisustvo fumonizina B1, B2 i B3, samo je fumonizin B1 bio detektovan. Rezultati su pokazali da svi testirani izolati imaju potencijal u sintezi fumonizina B1. Prosečna vrednost proizvedenog fumonizina B1 kod izolata F. verticillioides kretala se od 7 do 289 Āµg/kg, Å”to ukazuje na izuzetno varijabilan toksigeni potencijal istih izolata. Izolat označen sa 1282 pokazao je najveći potencijal za biosintezu fumonizina B1 (289 Āµg/kg), dok je izolat 2533/A ispoljio diskutabilan potencijal za proizvodnju istog fumonizina (7 Āµg/kg)


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    Background: Previous research has documented multiple chains of risk in the development of PTSD among war veterans. However, existing studies were mostly carried out in the West, while they also did not analyze specific symptom clusters of PTSD. The aim of this study was to examine the role of socio-demographic characteristics, war experiences and subjective quality of life in the prediction of three clusters of PTSD symptoms (i.e., avoidance, intrusion, hyperarousal). Subjects and methods: This study comprised 184 male participants who have survived war imprisonment during the Croatian Homeland War in the period from 1991 to 1995. The data was collected through several self-report measuring instruments: questionnaire on socio-demographic data, war experiences (Questionnaire on Traumatic Combat and War Experiences), subjective quality of life (WHO-Five Well-being Index), and PTSD symptoms (Impact of Events Scale - Revised). Results: The level of three symptom clusters of PTSD was found to be moderate to high, as indicated by the scores on the IES-R. Results of the three hierarchical regression analyses showed the following: traumatic war experiences were significant predictors of avoidance symptoms; traumatic war experiences and subjective quality of life were significant predictors of hyperarousal symptoms; and traumatic war experiences, material status and subjective quality of life were significant predictors of intrusion symptoms. Conclusions: These findings support the widespread belief that the development of war-related PTSD is accounted for by multiple chains of risk, while traumatic war experiences seem to be the only predictor of all three symptom clusters. Future research should put more emphasis on specific PTSD symptom clusters when investigating the etiopathogenesis of this disorder among waraffected populations