178 research outputs found

    Embolisation of Posttraumatic Superior Mesenteric Artery Pseudoaneurysm in a Patient with Short Bowel Syndrome Preceding Bowel Transplantation

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    Penetrating abdominal trauma often causes bowel injuries which may lead to “short bowel syndrome” which is a potential indication for bowel transplantation. Posttraumatic pseudoaneurysms of abdominal arteries are often a result of penetrating abdominal trauma. We report a successful embolisation of posttraumatic superior mesenteric artery (SMA) branch pseudoaneurysm using microcoil, in a patient with short bowel syndrome who was successfully transplanted three months after embolisation

    Could Determinants of PCS and MCS Serve for Public Health Intervention regarding Chronic Diseases in Croatia?

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    The aim of this article was to identify parameters that determinate PCS and MCS values, and analyze 5-year changes in those values according to the age, sex and geographic region. Cohort of 3229 participants was obtained from the CAHS 2003–2008. Results revealed no statistically significant differences between same age group, sex, and different region regarding PCS and MCS. When chronic conditions were in themodel difference was present, PCS beingmore influenced by all conditions but bronchial asthma. The strongest influence comes from musculoskeletal conditions; followed by weak heart. Values for PSC and MSC decreased in 2008 compared with 2003, but only in few cases decrease was statistically significant. Values of PCS and MCS are higher in men in all regions, but they show higher variability than woman. Our results support the findings that data obtained through SF-36 could be the useful for public health interventions regarding chronic diseases

    Could Determinants of PCS and MCS Serve for Public Health Intervention regarding Chronic Diseases in Croatia?

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    The aim of this article was to identify parameters that determinate PCS and MCS values, and analyze 5-year changes in those values according to the age, sex and geographic region. Cohort of 3229 participants was obtained from the CAHS 2003–2008. Results revealed no statistically significant differences between same age group, sex, and different region regarding PCS and MCS. When chronic conditions were in themodel difference was present, PCS beingmore influenced by all conditions but bronchial asthma. The strongest influence comes from musculoskeletal conditions; followed by weak heart. Values for PSC and MSC decreased in 2008 compared with 2003, but only in few cases decrease was statistically significant. Values of PCS and MCS are higher in men in all regions, but they show higher variability than woman. Our results support the findings that data obtained through SF-36 could be the useful for public health interventions regarding chronic diseases

    Gangliosides in milk

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    Gangliozidi su vrsta glikosfingolipida. Prisutni su u tkivima i biološkim tekućinama uključujući i mlijeko sisavaca gdje se nalaze u membrani mliječne lipidne globule. Gangliozidima se daje sve veća važnost zbog njihovih brojnih funkcija. Tako se gangliozidi hrane dovode u vezu s razvojem crijevnog imunološkog sustava. Količina gangliozida koja se unosi hranom mogla bi pridonositi njihovom povoljnom utjecaju na zdravlje, no njihova prosječna količina prisutna u bilo kojoj ljudskoj hrani nije poznata. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su odrediti koncentracije gangliozida i sijaloglikoproteina u mlijeku (ljudsko, kravlje, ovčje, kozje i napitak od soje), te utvrditi postoji li razlika u odnosu na ljudsko mlijeko te ispitati utjecaj pasterizacije na sadržaj gangliozida i sijaloglikoproteina u kravljem mlijeku. Lipidi su ekstrahirani iz mlijeka, te su potom kvantitativno određeni gangliozidi i sijaloglikoproteini. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na razliku u koncentracijama gangliozida u kravljem mlijeku različitog udjela mliječne masti. Koncentracija gangliozida u kravljem mlijeku je značajno manja, a u napitku od soje značajno veća u odnosu na ljudsko mlijeko. Koncentracija sijaloglikoproteina u napitku od soje značajno je manja u odnosu na ljudsko mlijeko. Koncentracije gangliozida i sijaloglikoproteina ne razlikuju se značajno u sirovom i pasteriziranom kravljem mlijeku.Gangliosides belong to a group of glycosphingolipids which are naturally found in biological tissues and fluids including mammalian milks. Considering milk, gangliosides are exclusively found in the membrane of the milk fat globule. Recently, gangliosides are becoming more and more interesting due to their numerous functions. Dietary gangliosides have been related to the development of the intestinal immune system. The content of gangliosides ingested by a diet may be an important factor contributing to health benefits from gangliosides. The average amount of gangliosides in any human food is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of gangliosides and sialoglycoproteins in milk (human, cow’s, sheep’s, goat’s) and soya drink. Additionally, the aim was to compare the concentrations regarding to human milk and to investigate the effect of pasteurization. Lipids were extracted from milk and gangliosides and sialoglycoproteins were determined quantitatively. The results of this research illustrate differences between the concentrations of gangliosides in cow’s milk with various content of milk fat. The concentration of gangliosides in cow’s milk is significantly lower regarding to human milk. The concentration of gangliosides in soya drink is significantly higher regarding to human milk. The concentration of sialoglycoproteins in soya drink is significantly lower than in human milk. The concentrations of gangliosides and sialoglycoproteins in cow’s milk were not significantly different before and after pasteurization

    Računarski modeli za predviđanje transporta lekova posredovanog P-glikoproteinom

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    P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is a transmembrane transporter which can, by transporting structurally diverse compounds, influence the absorption, distribution and efficacy of a number of drugs. Pgp overexpression in cells is a major contributing factor to the development of drug resistance. For these reasons, potential for compound efflux by Pgp should be assessed early on in the drug discovery process, preferably even prior to compound synthesis. To meet this demand, numerous computational models have been developed during the past decade, capable of predicting Pgp-mediated transport based solely on chemical structures. This paper summarizes the various approaches that have been used for model development, discusses their advantages and disadvantages and focuses on key factors that influence model reliability. The promiscuous nature of the transport can be seen as a major challenge for most computational chemistry methods. Nevertheless, the attained level of accuracy of literature models suggests that they can be useful in the drug discovery setting. Greater availability of experimental data and integration of predictions made by different modeling methods has the potential to further improve the reliability of computational predictions.P-glikoprotein (Pgp) je transmembranski transporter koji, transportujući strukturno raznovrsne lekove iz unutrašnjosti ćelije u ekstracelularnu sredinu, može uticati na resorpciju, distribuciju i efikasnost većeg broja lekova. Prekomerna ekspresija Pgp-a u ćelijama predstavlja jedan od mehanizama razvoja rezistencije na lekove. Iz ovih razloga, potrebno je u ranoj fazi otkrića leka predvideti da li je potencijalni lek supstrat za Pgp, idealno i pre same sinteze. U tu svrhu, tokom poslednje decenije razvijen je veliki broj računarskih modela koji omogućavaju predviđanje transporta posredstvom Pgp-a samo na osnovu hemijske strukture. U ovom radu prikazan je pregled različitih pristupa koji su korišćeni u razvoju modela, razmotrene su njihove prednosti i nedostaci, kao i faktori koji u najvećoj meri utiču na pouzdanost predviđanja. Polispecifičnost ovog transportera predstavlja značajan izazov za većinu metoda računarske hemije. Ipak, dostignut nivo tačnosti modela koji su prikazani u litearaturi ukazuje na činjenicu da oni mogu doprineti racionalizaciji procesa dizajniranja novih lekova. Šira dostupnost eksperimentalnih podataka, kao i kombinovanje različitih pristupa modelovanju transporta, mogu dodatno unaprediti postojeće modele

    Using Spatial and Seasonal Panel Model to Determine Impact of Climatic Factors on Maize Yields in Serbia

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    Maize production significantly contributes to the growth in crop production and Serbian agriculture in general. The climate in Serbia can be described as temperate continental, which favourably affects the output of crop production lines. However, temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation is uneven. According to the projections of global climate changes in the region of Southern Europe (increase in air temperatures, prolonged heat waves, decrease in precipitation and intensive droughts), crop producers could expect increased damage to their plants. The main goal of the paper is to evaluate the impact of climate factors on maize yields in Serbia, by substituting the irrigation effects with empirical longitudinal panel data on different climatic conditions (temperature, rainfall and extra-terrestrial radiation), altitudes and share of maize in the total arable land of selected municipalities. The research led us to conclusions: water shortage is statistically significant in the second phenophase; irrigation of arable land at altitudes above 200 m does not result in growth of average maize yield; the growth of temperature by 1° C above 30° C during the vegetative period results in decrease of maize yields; 1 mm increase in water deficit in phenophase 2 leads to reduction in maize yields; increase in planted acreage by one percentage point results in reduction in maize yield per hectare

    Influence of cadmium chloride on the frequency of micronuclei in da and AO rats

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    Heavy metal cadmium (Cd), a well-known environmental hazard, exerts a number of toxic and genotoxic effects. Experimental animals, Albino Oxford (AO) and Dark August (DA) rat strains, were treated intraperitoneally with three different concentrations of cadmium chloride (CdCl2): 0.5, 1, and 2 mg CdCl2 per kg of body weight, while the control animals received equal volume of sterile phosphate buffered saline. In this investigation individuals of both sexes aged 3, 6 and 12 month were used. Frequency of micronuclei formation was evaluated in polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs), 24h hours after treatment. The results showed that that cadmium-cloride (CdCl2) exibits the genotoxic effects causing an increase of the frequency of micronuclei depending on concentration, sex, age and strain

    Osteometrijska analiza kostiju metapodija i članaka prstiju jelena lopatara (Dama dama L.) s Brijuna (Hrvatska).

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    The purpose of this study was to measure the length and width proportions of the metapodial bones and phalanges of fallow deer (Dama dama L.) from the Brijuni Islands (Croatia) and correlate those osteometrical values with body mass. The osteometrical analysis included 28 metapodial bones and 168 phalanges of seven individual fallow deer of known age, sex and weight. The descriptive statistics for the obtained measurements show that the variability coefficient is less than 10% for the metapodial bone measurements and the phalanges length values, and greater than 10% for the width measurements. Comparison of osteometrical values for all the bones with body mass shows a negative correlation. After excluding the measurement values for the three juvenile individuals, the correlation becomes highly positive. Width measurements correlate better with body mass than the length measurements. Osteometrical studies are invaluable as only these data derived from recent populations can be compared with ancient animal populations in interdisciplinary archaeo-zoological investigations.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je izmjeriti dužinu i širinu kostiju metapodija i članaka prstiju jelena lopatara (Dama dama L.) s Brijuna i usporediti dobivene osteometrijske vrijednosti s tjelesnom masom. U radu je obavljena osteometrijska analiza 28 kostiju metapodija i 168 članaka prstiju sedam jedinki jelena lopatara poznate dobi, spola i težine. Opisna statistika izmjera pokazuje da je koeficijent varijabilnosti kod izmjera metapodija i dužinskih vrijednosti članaka prstiju ispod 10%, dok je kod širinskih izmjera članaka prstiju iznad 10%. Usporedbom osteometrijskih vrijednosti svih kostiju s tjelesnom težinom korelacija je negativna. Izuzećem mjernih vrijednosti tri juvenilne jedinke korelacija postaje visoko pozitivna. Širinski su izmjeri bolje korelirani s tjelesnom težinom od dužinskih. Osteometrijska istraživanja su neprocjenjiva stoga što se samo podatci dobiveni od današnjih populacija mogu usporediti s populacijama drevnih životinja u interdisciplinarnim arheozoološkim istraživanjima

    The metal finds from the site of Osijek – Barracks, Faculty of Education as traces of military presence

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    Zaštitna arheološka istraživanja na prostoru Vojarne u Osijeku obuhvatila su prostor gradnje Učiteljskoga fakulteta. Među nalazima iz razdoblja antike izdvajaju se brojni keramički nalazi iz 1. i prve polovice 2. st. po Kr., s naročito bogatom građom iz razdoblja vladavine Flavijevaca. Prisutnost rimske vojske u istome razdoblju predmet je rasprave, stoga se prikazuju pojedini metalni nalazi koji se mogu povezati upravo s rimskom vojnom opremom i time pružiti dodatne argumente raspravi. Riječ je o dijelovima pojasne garniture (pojasne kopče i okov te privjesak) i konjske opreme (privjesci, zvona) koji se datiraju u 1.-2. st. po Kr.The rescue archaeological excavations in the Barracks area in Osijek encompassed the area of the future Faculty of Education. Among the finds dated to Antiquity, there are numerous ceramic finds from the 1st and 2nd century AD, with the particularly notable presence of material datable to the Flavian era. The presence of the Roman army during this period remains debatable, so selected metal finds associated with the Roman army are presented here in order to contribute to the discussion. These are parts of military belt sets (belt fittings and buckles, a pendant) and horse gear (pendants, bells) dated to the 1st – 2nd century AD

    Stereohemijski aspekti dejstva i farmakokinetike lekova

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    The action and fate of drugs in the organism are determined by their interactions with endogenous macromolecules which are predominantly chiral in character. Consideration of the stereochemical aspects of drug action and pharmacokinetics has been intensified since the 1980s and has led to extensive documentation of significant differences existing between stereoisomeric forms of a single drug. Enantiomers can posses different efficacies, exhibit different pharmacological and toxicological effects, and consequently be characterized by different safety profiles. The growing wealth of evidence on the importance of stereochemistry, regulatory incentives, development of asymmetric synthesis methods and analytics - all contributed to fundamental changes in the way new chiral drugs are developed, tested, registered and market-managed. Today, enantiomers need to be treated as separate chemical entities and investigated correspondingly. Development of single enantiomer drugs can facilitate the reduction of total dose of xenobiotic administered to patients; improve the accuracy of doseresponse estimation; simplify pharmacokinetic studies and therapeutic monitoring. The stereochemical characteristics of biologically active compounds should, therefore, be considered from the earliest stages of drug development. Based on the established impact of stereochemistry, a single enantiomer formulation should be favored, whenever justified.Dejstvo i sudbina leka u organizmu zavise od hiralnosti samih lekova kao i endogenih makromolekula sa kojima stupaju u interakciju. Razmatranje stereohemijskih aspekata dejstva i farmakokinetike lekova intenzivirano je početkom 80-tih godina prošlog veka i doprinelo je opsežnom dokumentovanju značajnih razlika između stereoizomernih oblika jednog leka. Enantiomeri tako mogu posedovati različitu efikasnost, mogu ispoljavati drugačije farmakološke i toksikološke efekte i sledstveno mogu imati različite bezbednosne profile. Sve veći broj dokaza o važnosti stereohemije, podsticaji regulatornih agencija, razvoj metoda asimetrične sinteze i analitike - doveli su do suštinskih promena u načinu na koji se novi hiralni lekovi razvijaju, ispituju, registruju i tržišno plasiraju. Enantiomere je danas neophodno tretirati kao zasebne entitete i zasebno ih ispitivati. Razvoj enantiomerno čistih formulacija lekova može omogućiti smanjenje ukupne količine ksenobiotika kojoj se pacijent izlaže, omogućiti precizniju procenu odnosa doze i efekta, pojednostaviti farmakokinetička ispitivanja i terapijski monitoring. Stoga je stereohemijske osobine biološki aktivnih jedinjenja neophodno razmatrati od najranijih faza procesa stvaranja novog leka da bi se blagovremeno napravio racionalan izbor jednog enantiomera za terapijsku primenu, kad god je to opravdano