4 research outputs found

    New Values of Teucrium species: in Vitro Study of Cytotoxic Activities of Secondary Metabolites

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    The cytotoxicity of seven Teucrium species, a long time ago used as a food spices, for beverages and teas preparing, as well as therapeutics for digestive and respiratory diseases, were examined against human cervix adenocarcinoma HeLa, human melanoma Fem-x, human chronic myelogenous leukemia K562 and human breast adenocarcinoma MDA-MB-361 cells. MTT assay was used for determination of target cell survival. The most prominent cytotoxic effect was observed against K562 cells, especially by T. scordioides, T. montanum and T. botrys. All Teucrium extracts showed good cytotoxic activity on HeLa cells, but very low cytotoxic effect on MDA-MB-361 cells. In addition, the cytotoxic activities of T. scordioides and T. montanum extract were tested on healthy resting and phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PHA-stimulated PBMC). T. scordioides and T. montanum extracts at concentration of 200 µg/ml reduced the resting PBMC and PHA-stimulated PBMC survival up to 10% and 20%, while the reduction of K562 cell survival at the same concentration of extracts was 94% and 97%, respectively. These results point to selectivity in their antitumor actions. Teucrium species can be regarded as promising candidates for natural plant sources of effective biological compounds as a supplements in the food industry, as well as for therapeutic use

    ارزیابی کیفیت آزمون های چهار گزینه ای دروس تئوری عمومي گروه اندودانتیکس دانشکده دندانپزشکی قزوین در طی سال های تحصیلی 1388 تا 1396

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    Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati citotoksični, proapoptotski, antimigratorni i pro-antioksidacijski učinak metanolnih, acetonskih i etil-acetatnih ekstrakata dvaju vrsta lišaja, i to: Pseudevernia furfuracea i Platismatia glauca na tumorske stanične linije debelog crijeva (HCT-116 i SW-480). Citotoksični efekti na tumorskim staničnim linijama debelog crijeva uspoređeni su s onima na staničnoj liniji normalnih humanih fibroblasta (MRC-5). Citotoksičnost je ispitana MTT testom, stanična migracija Transwell esejom, dok je apoptoza praćena fluorescentnom metodom pomoću akridin narančastog bojila i etidijevog bromida. Prooksidacijski/antioksidacijski učinak praćen je spektrofotometrijskim mjerenjem koncentracije redoks parametara. Ispitani ekstrakti imali su značajan citotoksični učinak na tumorske stanične linije, bez zapaženog utjecaja na normalnu staničnu liniju. Najjača citotoksičnost postignuta je nakon 72 h obrade staničnih linija ekstraktima vrste P. furfuracea (IC50= (21,2±1.3) µg/mL pri obradi HCT-116 stanica etil-acetatnim ekstraktom i IC50=(51.3±0.8) µg/mL pri obradi stanica SW-480 acetonskim ekstraktom). Ekstrakti P. furfuracea imali su značajan proapoptotski i prooksidacijski učinak, dok je metanolni ekstrakt te vrste imao najjači antimigratorni učinak na ispitane tumorske stanične linije. Svi ispitani ekstrakti vrste P. glauca imali su znatan citotoksični učinak na stanice HCT-116 nakon 72 h tretmana (IC50<40 μg/mL), dok su metanolni i acetonski ekstrakti imali citotoksični učinak na stanice SW-480 nakon 24 h, s izraženom proapoptotskom/nekrotskom aktivnošću. Svi navedeni efekti posljedica su induciranog oksidacijskog stresa u tretiranim stanicama. Može se zaključiti da ekstrakti lišaja bitno mijenjaju vijabilnost i migratorni potencijal ispitanih tumorskih staničnih linija karcinoma debelog crijeva. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su stanice HCT-116 osetljivije na ispitane ekstrakte, pri čemu ekstrakti vrste P. furfuracea pokazuju bolji proapototski i antimigratorni učinak. Ispitane vrste lišaja mogu se smatrati izvorima antikancerogenih aktivnih tvari.The aim of this study is to investigate cytotoxic, proapoptotic, antimigratory and pro-antioxidant effects of methanol, acetone and ethyl acetate extracts of lichens Pseudevernia furfuracea and Platismatia glauca on colorectal cancer (HCT-116 and SW-480) cell lines. We compared the cytotoxic effects on colorectal cancer cells with the effects obtained from normal human fibroblast (MRC-5) cell line. Tetrazolium (MTT) test evaluated the cytotoxic effects, Transwell assay evaluated cell migration, acridine orange/ethidium bromide (AO/EB) fluorescent method followed the apoptosis, while prooxidant/antioxidant effects were determined spectrophotometrically through concentration of redox parameters. The tested extracts showed considerable cytotoxic effect on cancer cells with no observable cytotoxic effect on normal cells. Ethyl acetate and acetone extract of P. furfuracea induced the highest cytotoxicity (IC50=(21.2±1.3) μg/mL on HCT-116, and IC50=(51.3±0.8) μg/mL on SW-480 cells, respectively, after 72 h), with noteworthy apoptotic and prooxidant effects, and antimigratory potential of methanol extract. P. glauca extracts induced cytotoxic effects on HCT-116 cells after 72 h (IC50<40 μg/mL), while only methanol and acetone extracts had cytotoxic effects on SW-480 cells after 24 h, with proapoptotic/necrotic activity, as a consequence of induced oxidative stress. In conclusion, lichen extracts changed to a great extent cell viability and migratory potential of colorectal cancer cell lines. HCT-116 cells were more sensitive to treatments, P. furfuracea had better proapoptotic and antimigratory effects, and both investigated lichen species might be a source of substances with anticancer activity

    Lichens as biological indicators of air quality in the urban area of Kuršumlija (Southern Serbia)

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    In this work, we provided a first indication of Kuršumlija (town of Southern Serbia) air quality using epiphytic lichens known as bioindicators. The investigations were carried out from April to October 2014. The analysis of thalli samples (from 15 investigated points in Kuršumlija), indicates the presence of 42 lichens taxa from 23 genera. An assessment of air quality was made by using the Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP) and Index of Human Impact (IHI). IHI values ranged between 15 and 36. IAP values ranged between 10 and 28. According to the IAP values, it has been found that there are three different air pollution zones: “normal”, “struggle” and “lichen desert”. The latest characterize the majority of the urban area. The aim of this study is to formulate an indication of air quality using lichens as bioindicators on the basis of lichens diversity and frequency. This is of great importance because there are no continuous physical and chemical measurements of air quality in this area

    New Values of <i>Teucrium</i> species: <i>in Vitro</i> Study of Cytotoxic Activities of Secondary Metabolites

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    The cytotoxicity of seven Teucrium species, a long time ago used as a food spices, for beverages and teas preparing, as well as therapeutics for digestive and respiratory diseases, were examined against human cervix adenocarcinoma HeLa, human melanoma Fem-x, human chronic myelogenous leukemia K562 and human breast adenocarcinoma MDA-MB-361 cells. MTT assay was used for determination of target cell survival. The most prominent cytotoxic effect was observed against K562 cells, especially by T. scordioides, T. montanum and T. botrys. All Teucrium extracts showed good cytotoxic activity on HeLa cells, but very low cytotoxic effect on MDA-MB-361 cells. In addition, the cytotoxic activities of T. scordioides and T. montanum extract were tested on healthy resting and phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PHA-stimulated PBMC). T. scordioidesand T. montanum extracts at concentration of 200 µg/ml reduced the resting PBMC and PHA-stimulated PBMC survival up to 10% and 20%, while the reduction of K562 cell survival at the same concentration of extracts was 94% and 97%, respectively. These results point to selectivity in their antitumor actions. Teucrium species can be regarded as promising candidates for natural plant sources of effective biological compounds as a supplements in the food industry, as well as for therapeutic use.</p