26 research outputs found

    Arithmetic Branching Programs with Memory

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    We extend the well known characterization of VPws as the class of polynomials computed by polynomial size arithmetic branching programs to other complexity classes. In order to do so we add additional memory to the computation of branching programs to make them more expressive. We show that allowing different types of memory in branching programs increases the computational power even for constant width programs. In particular, this leads to very natural and robust characterizations of VP and VNP by branching programs with memory. 1

    Dynamic Maintenance of Majority Information in Constant Time per Update

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    this paper. For the dynamic problem one may obtain a solution using O(log n

    Searching constant width mazes captures the AC(0) hierarchy

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    We show that searching a width k maze is complete for Pi_k, i.e., for the k'th level of the AC0 hierarchy. Equivalently, st-connectivity for width k grid graphs is complete for Pi_k . As an application, we show that there is a data structure solving dynamic st-connectivity for constant width grid graphs with time bound O(log log n) per operation on a random access machine. The dynamic algorithm is derived from the parallel one in an indirect way using algebraic tools.\u

    This document in subdirectoryRS/98/34/ The Complexity of Identifying Large Equivalence Classes ∗

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    Reproduction of all or part of this work is permitted for educational or research use on condition that this copyright notice is included in any copy. See back inner page for a list of recent BRICS Report Series publications. Copies may be obtained by contacting: BRIC

    New results on binary space partitions in the plane

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    Dynamic Algorithms for the Dyck Languages

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    We study dynamic membership problems for the Dyck languages, the class of strings of properly balanced parentheses. We also study the Dynamic Word problem for the free group. We present deterministic algorithms and data structures which maintain a string under replacements of symbols, insertions, and deletions of symbols, and language membership queries. Updates and queries are handled in polylogarithmic time. We also give both Las Vegas- and Monte Carlo-type randomised algorithms to achieve better running times, and present lower bounds on the complexity for variants of the problems