8 research outputs found

    FDE Circumscription

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    In his article "Reassurance via Translation" Marcel Crabbe proposed a formalism to obtain reassurance and classical recapture in the setting of minimal FDE. His formalism proved to be general enough to be extended in order to formalize other forms of non-monotonic systems based on preference relations. It is the aim of this article to show how his result can be extended in a natural way by combining two different reasoning systems, namely minimal FDE and circumscription, in order to get a paraconsistent and paracomplete version of circumscription, which we will call paracomplistent circumscription, which has the advantages of FDE and circumscription but is neither explosive nor lacks modus ponens in consistent contexts. Furthermore, we will complete a proof Crabbe left unfinished

    Negation as Cancellation, Connexive Logic, and qLPm

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    In this paper, we shall consider the so-called cancellation view of negation and the inferential role of contradictions. We will discuss some of the problematic aspects of negation as cancellation, such as its original presentation by Richard and Valery Routley and its role in motivating connexive logic. Furthermore, we will show that the idea of inferential ineffectiveness of contradictions can be conceptually separated from the cancellation model of negation by developing a system we call qLPm, a combination of Graham Priest’s minimally inconsistent Logic of Paradox with q-entailment (quasi-entailment) as introduced by Grzegorz Malinowski

    On Definability of Connectives and Modal Logics over FDE

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    The present paper studies two approaches to the expressiveness of propositional modal logics based on first-degree entailment logic, FDE. We first consider the basic FDE-based modal logic BK and certain systems in its vicinity, and then turn to some FDE-based modal logics in a richer vocabulary, including modal bilattice logic, MBL. On the one hand, model-theoretic proofs of the definability of connectives along the lines of [McCullough, “Logical connectives for intuitionistic propositional logic”, Journal of Symbolic Logic 36, 1 (1971): 15–20. DOI: 10.2307/2271511] and [[17] Wansing, “Logical connectives for constructive modal logic”, Synthese 150, 3 (2006): 459–482. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-005-5518-5] are given for various FDE-based modal logics. On the other hand, building on [Odintsov and Wansing, “Disentangling FDE-based paraconsistent modal logics, Studia Logica 105, 6 (2017): 1221–1254. DOI: 10.1007/s11225-017-9753-9], expressibility is considered in terms of mutual faithful embeddability of one logic into another logic. A distinction is drawn between definitional equivalence, which is defined with respect to a pair of structural translations between two languages, and weak definitional equivalence, which is defined with respect to a weaker notion of translations. Moreover, the definitional equivalence of some FDE-based modal logics is proven, especially the definitional equivalence of MBL and a conservative extension of the logic BK□×BK□, which underlines the central role played by BK among FDE-based modal logics

    Negation as Cancellation, Connexive Logic, and qLPm

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    In this paper, we shall consider the so-called cancellation view of negation and the inferential role of contradictions. We will discuss some of the problematic aspects of negation as cancellation, such as its original presentation by Richard and Valery Routley and its role in motivating connexive logic. Furthermore, we will show that the idea of inferential ineffectiveness of contradictions can be conceptually separated from the cancellation model of negation by developing a system we call qLPm, a combination of Graham Priest’s minimally inconsistent Logic of Paradox with q-entailment (quasi-entailment) as introduced by Grzegorz Malinowski

    FDE Circumscription

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    In his article "Reassurance via Translation" Marcel Crabbe proposed a formalism to obtain reassurance and classical recapture in the setting of minimal FDE. His formalism proved to be general enough to be extended in order to formalize other forms of non-monotonic systems based on preference relations. It is the aim of this article to show how his result can be extended in a natural way by combining two different reasoning systems, namely minimal FDE and circumscription, in order to get a paraconsistent and paracomplete version of circumscription, which we will call paracomplistent circumscription, which has the advantages of FDE and circumscription but is neither explosive nor lacks modus ponens in consistent contexts. Furthermore, we will complete a proof Crabbe left unfinished

    New perspectives on some non-classical logical systems

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    Ziel der Dissertation ist die Weiterentwicklung bestimmter Theoreme nichtklassischer Logiken aus vier unterschiedlichen Teilgebieten. Im Speziellen wird dabei folgendes gezeigt: 1) Eine beliebige n-wertige Łukasiewicz-Logik in einer Sprache bestehend nur aus Negation und Implikation lässt sich bzgl. Roman Suszkos These zweiwertig charakterisieren. 2) Es werden ein Vollständigkeits- und ein Korrektheitsbeweis für die biintuitionistische Logik bzgl. Arnold Koslows Implikationsstrukturen vorgestellt. 3) Es wird eine Kombination der parakonsistenten und paravollständigen Logik FDE und der nichtmonotonen Logik Circumscription unter Verwendung von Techniken von Marcel Crabbé vorgestellt. 4) John Kearns‘ nicht-deterministische hierarchische Semantiken für die Modallogiken T, S4 und S5 werden dahingehend weiterentwickelt, dass sie auch normale Modallogiken wie K, D und B und nicht-normale Subsysteme davon charakterisieren können

    A Note on Two’s Company: “The Humbug of Many Logical Values”

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