3 research outputs found

    Trajanje imunosti nakon cijepljenja s Avishield IB H120, cjepivom protiv ptičjeg zaraznog bronhitisa

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    The most effective means of controlling infectious bronchitis in poultry is by vaccination. Live attenuated vaccines based on the H120 strain (Mass serotype) are the most commonly used vaccines. Since vaccination is often performed in the hatchery, long duration of immunity is preferred. Avishield IB H120, a live attenuated vaccine based on the strain H120 is registered across the European Union and other countries, and has a declared immunity period of up to 5 weeks after vaccination. This study presents the results of an additional survey demonstrating protection against challenge with the IBV strain M41 up to 8 weeks after a single vaccination with Avishield IB H120. Seven weeks after vaccination, 94% of chickens vaccinated by spray were protected against the challenge. Eight weeks after vaccination, 80% of spray vaccinated chickens and 75% of orally vaccinated chickens were still protected against the challenge with virulent IBV.Cijepljenje je najučinkovitiji način kontrole zaraznog bronhitisa u peradi. Najčešće korištena cjepiva su živa atenuirana cjepiva temeljena na soju H120 (pripadaju Mass serotipu). Budući da se cijepljenje često provodi već u valionici, poželjno je dugo trajanje imunosti. Avishield IB H120, živo atenuirano cjepivo koje sadrži cjepni soj H120, registrirano je u brojnim zemljama Europske unije i na drugim tržištima s deklariranim trajanjem imunosti od 5 tjedana nakon cijepljenja. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati dodatne studije gdje smo dokazali zaštitu od izazivačke infekcije s patogenim virusom M41 i 8 tjedana nakon cijepljenja s Avishield IB H120 putem spreja ili vode za piće

    Rapid transient expression of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in two industrial cultivars of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) by agroinfiltration

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    We report the production of hGM-CSF cytokine in leaves of industrial tobacco cultivars DH-17 and DH-27 by using Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression. We prove the concept that very high biomass industrial tobacco plants are suitable platforms for rapid, low cost production of foreign proteins. Successful transient expression of the GM-CSF was achieved in less than three months, opening the possibility for future applications of this approach in rapid response production of various proteins of non-plant origin in industrial tobacco

    Safety and efficacy profile of live, intermediate plus vaccine against infectious bursal disease based on strain G6

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    Abstract Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute, highly contagious, immunosuppressive disease of young chickens that causes considerable economic loss in the poultry industry worldwide. Vaccination with live attenuated vaccines is still the most important method used for the control and prevention of IBD in chickens. Here we present the results of in vitro characterization, as well as efficacy and safety testing of a live, intermediate plus vaccine against IBD based on strain G6. Strain characterization confirmed that G6 strain is an intermediate plus strain, showing a high degree of homology with the existing vaccine strains of the same virulence. Safety studies showed that chickens can be vaccinated from 10 days of age. Onset and duration of immunity in specific pathogen free and maternally derived antibodies (MDA) chickens was proven to be 14 and 35 days after vaccination, respectively. When immunizing MDA-positive chickens, vaccine is capable of breakthrough at a titer of ≤500 ELISA units. The field trial conducted on commercial broilers showed a 95% protection against vvIBDV challenge. Stability of the freeze-dried vaccine after reconstitution was confirmed over a period of 3 h. Overall, IBD G6 vaccine has shown good safety and efficacy profile in accordance with European Pharmacopoeia requirements