19 research outputs found

    Standardization Needs for Effective Interoperability

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    The Electronic Health Record (EHR) has brought unique challenges in the effort to share information. How data is captured varies from institution to institution. In order for data to be well understood, data should have a definition that is consistent and comprehensively understood by all users of the data. Standardization of how data is captured is critical to allow the production and export of data needed to support quality assessment, decision support, exchange of data for patients with multiple health care providers and public health surveillance. Patient safety and quality improvement are dependent upon embedded clinical guidelines that promote standardized, evidence-based practices. Unless we can achieve standardization with terminology, technologies, apps and devices, the goals of EHR implementation won’t be realized

    Academic Performance of Texas 4-H Alumni

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    Academic achievement is one of the central outcomes targeted by all major models of youth development. Youth who succeed academically are well-positioned to thrive through meaningful careers, positions of community leadership, and fulfilling personal and family lives (Arnold, 2018). As such, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) has established a set of ambitious goals for the postsecondary education of Texas youth. Almost in tandem with the establishment of these goals, outcomes of academic achievement in relation to membership in Texas 4-H have become a keen interest for stakeholders. Through our study, we compared postsecondary academic achievement of Texas 4-H Alumni who graduated from high school in 2013, 2014, and 2015 against the Texas population. Data sources included the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), the THECB, and an online survey. Results found that Texas 4-H alumni substantially outperformed the population of Texas higher education students on completion rates, baccalaureate graduation rates, marketable skills, student debt, ACT scores, and dual credit enrollment. To provide further direction and context, opportunities for Texas 4-H to build upon this success are provided in the recommendations section

    Sustainability Survey report

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    Although the idea of sustainability means different things to different people, one of the most common definitions comes from the UN’s 1987 Brundtland Report, which states that sustainability is that which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In practice, sustainability means balancing environmental protection with economic vitality and social justice. Since the 1990s, sustainability has become a powerful framework for organizational transformation, particularly at institutions of higher education. Today over 1,350 colleges and universities offer degrees in sustainability and use sustainability as a guiding principle for administrative decisions across campus. On our own campus, the Environmental Studies and Sustainability major grew 144% in the past year while enrollment in other programs declined. For many people born in the early twenty-first century, sustainability is an exciting movement that seeks solutions to the daunting economic, environmental, and social problems that their generation will face. As training grounds for the future, universities like Northern have a responsibility to prepare today’s students for these global challenges

    Academic Motivation and Success of Texas High School Graduates Who Were and Were Not Involved in Texas 4-H

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    The purposes of this study were to (a) examine if Texas 4-H alumni perform better academically than the population of Texas post-secondary education students, with respect to the four Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) 60x30TX goals, (b) examine if Texas 4-H alumni are better prepared for post-secondary education entry than the population of Texas higher education students, and (c) to determine if 4-H participation (sparks and dosage) is associated with post-secondary academic motivation and success of Texas 4-H alumni. Existing data regarding high school students who graduated in 2013 and 2014 were secured from THECB. Original data were collected through a supplemental survey of Texas 4-H alumni. A subset of the sample surveyed were Texas 4-H members who also received a Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship. Tests of hypotheses about relations between select dimensions of Texas 4-H participation (e.g., sparks and dosage) and academic motivation and success (degree and certificate completion, development of marketable skills, collegiate qualifying exam scores, and dual credit enrollment) were conducted. Texas 4-H alumni were found to have significantly greater five-year completion rates and marketable skills, lower student loan debt, and they reported substantially higher rates of enrollment in dual-credit courses. Texas 4-H alumni also had higher 4-year completion rates, but the difference was not statistically significant. Increased dosage did not lead to significantly greater academic success

    Uso del alcohol entre estudiantes de la Maestría en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de Michigan.

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    Alcohol use is a national and international public health problem, playing a role in 25% of deaths in persons 15 to 29 years old and costing millions of dollars annually. The objective of the present study was to learn more about the type of drinking postgraduate students engage in and the resulting consequences for themselves. By analyzing 243 surveys of MBA students at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business in April 2010, the present thesis provides a starting point for understanding drinking behavior in this population. The results demonstrate that 85.6% of students drank alcohol in the last week, 55% were infrequent or frequent binge drinker, and 25% were frequent binge drinkers. The main reasons for drinking were to celebrate, to have a good time with friends, the taste, to relax or relieve tension, and as a reward for working hard. Of those who drank alcohol, 50.2% drink to get drunk, 56.4% drank alcohol on 10 or more occasions in the last month, and 48.7% reported having been drunk three or more times in the last month. Frequent binge drinkers are more likely to experience serious health and other consequences of their drinking behavior than other students. Frequent binge drinkers are between five and 28 times more likely than non-binge drinkers to not use contraceptives during sex, engage in unplanned sex, and to be hurt or injured. Binge drinkers are also more likely to drink and drive and ride with a drunk driver than non-binge drinkers. The results point to the need for a comprehensive approach that goes beyond individual students and focuses on alcohol consumption within the university community and its surroundings.El consumo de alcohol es un problema de salud pública nacional e internacional, desempeñando un papel en el 25% de las muertes en personas de 15 a 29 años y un costo de millones de dólares anuales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue obtener más información sobre el consumo del alcohol de los estudiantes de postgrado y las consecuencias de su consumo. Mediante el análisis de 243 encuestas de estudiantes de la MBA de la Universidad de Michigan Ross School of Business en abril de 2010, el presente tesis presenta un punto de partida para entender el comportamiento del consumo de alcohol en esta población. Los resultados demuestran que el 85.6% de los estudiantes bebían alcohol en la última semana, el 55% eran bebedores excesivos episódicos infrecuentes o frecuentes, y el 25% eran bebedores excesivos episódicos frecuentes. Las principales razones para consumir el alcohol eran para celebrar, para pasar un buen tiempo con amigos, por el sabor, para relajarse o aliviar tensión, y como recompensa por trabajar duro. De los que bebieron alcohol, el 50.2% bebieron para emborracharse, el 56.4% bebieron en 10 o más ocasiones en el último mes, y el 48.7% reportan que fueron emborrachados tres o más veces durante el último mes. Los bebedores excesivos episódicos frecuentes son más propensos que otros estudiantes a tener problemas serios de salud y otras consecuencias. Los bebedores excesivos episódicos frecuentes fueron entre cinco y 28 veces más propensos que los bebedores no excesivos episódicos a no usar protección anticonceptiva, tener relaciones sexuales no planificadas, y ser herido o lesionado. Los bebedores excesivos episódicos son más propensos a beber y conducir y viajar con un conductor ebrio que los bebedores no excesivos episódicos. Los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de un enfoque amplio que va más allá de los estudiantes individuales y enfoca sobre el ambiente del consumo de alcohol en la comunidad universitaria y sus alrededores

    Contracts in a Nutshell

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    This Nutshell provides a comprehensive guide to the law of contracts. It contains expert explanations of contract concepts under both the common law and Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code. It also includes the basics of the Law of Restitution and an introduction to digital contracting.https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/facultyteaching/1055/thumbnail.jp

    Contracts in a Nutshell

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    This Nutshell provides a comprehensive guide to the law of contracts. It contains detailed explanations of contract concepts under both the common law and Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, as well as the basics of restitution law. It also provides an extensive introduction to contracts in the digital age.https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/facultyteaching/1094/thumbnail.jp

    Contracts in a Nutshell

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    This Nutshell provides a comprehensive guide to the law of contracts. It contains detailed explanations of contract concepts under both the common law and Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, as well as the basics of restitution law. It also provides an extensive introduction to contracts in the digital age.https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/facultyteaching/1094/thumbnail.jp