14 research outputs found

    Cost efficiency of different cropping systems encompassing the energy crop Helianthus annuus L.

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    ArticleCrop rotation and green manure are the most ancient and popular cropping systems. This study sought to analyze the economic efficiency of sunflower where pea (Pisum sativum L.) either harvested or incorporated at the flowering stage in the soil before the sowing of sunflower in Europe and the final agricultural profit of such a cultivation system. Therefore, the main objectiveof this paper is to report the production costs and to find out which of the tested cultivation system gets sunflower cultivation economically viable in Greece and in Mediterranean region. To assess the economic efficiency, three-year field experiments were established in two contrasting environments in central Greece (Trikala and Larisa) and contained three different cultivation practices using legumes comprised the main-factor (T1: control, T2: legume incorporated at the flowering stage, T3: legume incorporated after seed harvest), while nitrogen fertilization comprised the sub-factor (N1:0, N2:50, N3:100 and N4:150 kgNha-1).The results derived from this study revealed the positive effect of the legume incorporation treatment (T2:legume incorporated at the flowering stage) where the final yield increased up to 5tha-1regardless region. Moreover, depending on the year the T2 treatment increases the final yield 30–50%and a yield increase was also noticed to the treatment where the legume was harvested (T3: legume incorporated after seed harvest). Therefore the introduction of this scheme into future land use systems in Greece and more generally in Mediterranean basin should be seriously taken into consideration

    Comparison of two perennial energy crops for biomass production at the end of their life cycle

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    Nowadays fossil fuels are decreasing, causing the world's interest in renewable energy sources to rapidly grow. One of the most interesting renewable and ecologically pure fuels is biomass, which is considered to be carbon neutral. Biomass is a promising source of energy, as it can be used directly as an energy resource. Its quality characteristics such as gross calorific value and ash content are of paramount importance so as to improve the combustion process. Furthermore, during the last three decades, there has been an increasing interest in the production of biomass pellets for domestic and industrial use. Alternative feed stocks will need to be sourced to meet the demand for biomass pellets. Investigation for new energy crops that produce high amounts of biomass under low inputs and of high energy efficiency are the main tasks of this field. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the biomass yield and the quality characteristics (gross calorific value and ash content) of two perennial energy crops (Cynara cardunculus L. and Panicum virgatum L.) growing in a typical soil (Fluventic Xerochrept) of the main agricultural land of central Greece. The comparison for both cultivated crops was made in order to show the results during their 8th growing year. The examined factors were the irrigation (two levels: irrigated and rainfed) and the nitrogen fertilization (two levels: 0 and 80 kg N ha-1 ) as well as their effect on the dry biomass yield and the gross calorific value. It was found that higher dry biomass yield was produced from cardoon (21.3 vs. 14.23 t ha-1 ), while the higher average gross calorific value was observed for switchgrass biomass (17.31 vs. 15.65 Mj kg-1 ). Finally, multiplying the dry biomass yield (t ha-1 ) with the gross calorific value (Mj kg-1 ) it was found that 334 and 245 Gj ha-1 from a cardoon and a switchgrass cultivation could be produced, respectively. Cardoon has better results than switchgrass probably due to the fact that switchgrass is growing from March till October; while cardoon’s growing period is from October to June and in such areas precipitation is in shortage during summer months. Both crops could achieve high amounts of energy per hectare and thus their introduction in future land use systems, for an environmentally friendly energy production should be seriously taken into consideration

    Sorghum dry biomass yield for solid bio-fuel production affected by different N-fertilization rates

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    The objective of this study was to examine the effect on the dry biomass yield of two dfferent sorghum hybrids (H1 and H2) under five different N-fertilization levels (0, 70, 140, 210 and 280 kg ha-1 ) in a soil which was formed by lacustrine deposits of Karla Lake and is characterized from the downward movement of calcium carbonate from the surface horizons due to leaching (Fluventic Xerochrept) during 2017. The results demonstrated a significant effect (P < 0.05) of fertilization only for one hybrid. Biomass yield ranged from 22.2 to 37.5 t ha−1. For both hybrids, sorghum accumulated a high amount of biomass in stems. Dry stem/total biomass ratio was rather constant throughout the different fertilization treatments achieving 81.6 and 77.5% for the first (H1) and the second hybrid (H2), respectively. The second hybrid (H2) had a higher percentage of leaf biomass (20.1 vs. 13.8%) than the first (H1), but lagged behind in seed production (2.4 vs. 4.6%). Biomass dry matter partitioning and total dry weight are important selection criteria for energy crops, due to different gross calorific value and ash content but also because of the different economic importance they may have e.g. the seed is also used as animal feed. The above high biomass yields of sorghum, confirming the high potential of this crop, should be taken into serious consideration regarding land use planning, but further investigation for the gross calorific value and the ash content is needed as well as biomass characteristics that are quite important in case to improve the combustion process

    Assessing the efficiency of different fertilizer type and levels on maize yield

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    Many commercial compounds exist that promise the increasing efficiency of urea fertilizers by inhibiting urease activity in soils. Such a compound gaining in commercial importance in the last decades is N-(n-butyl) thiophosphorictriamide, broadly known with its registered trade name of “Agrotain”. In this study, the effect of nitrogen fertilizer dressings using Agrotain versus conventional (urea) fertilizers was studied under field conditions. In particular, the effect of three different nitrogen dressings using conventional N-fertilizers and Agrotain was investigated on the growth and final yield of maize cultivation at 2 different sites (Palamas and Velestino) and two years (2014 and 2015) in central Greece. Urease inhibitor ensures crops N-nutrition for longer period compared to conventional fertilizers. This results in better utilization of supplied nitrogen, achieving ultimately higher yields. It was demonstrated that crop fertilized with Agrotain obtained greater chlorophyll contents and reached significantly higher biomass and grain yields comparing to the treatments receiving traditional nitrogen fertilization, due to the more effective nitrogen release and uptake by the crops. The differences between the examined fertilizers are possibly due to smoother and stable N-nutrition and the higher photosynthesis rates. Therefore, application of urease inhibitor fertilizers, such as Agrotain, might reduce nitrogen application dressings, reduce N-losses and nitrification, and their introduction to existing crop rotations is highly advisable. © 2020, Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria. All rights reserved

    Innovative Nitrogen Fertilizers Effect on Cotton Cultivation

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    Fertilizer enhancement is determined by chemical and physical characteristics, environmental safety, and mechanical stress stabilization, etc. In order to assess the reaction of cotton cultivation to distinct kinds of fertilizer (Agrotain: fertilizers with urease inhibitor versus standard urea) and different nitrogen dressings on chlorophyll content and yield, field studies were performed at two distinct locations (Palamas and Velestino) for 2 years (2014 and 2015). Cotton variety Flora was cultivated using Agrotain (with urease inhibitor) versus standard (urea) fertilizers under various N-dressings (0, 70, 140, and 210 kg ha−1). It was found that plants fertilized with Agrotain obtained higher chlorophyll content and achieved considerably higher yield during the second experimentation year owing to the efficient release and uptake of nitrogen from the plants. The variations between the examined fertilizers may be due to smoother, more stable N-nutrition and greater rates of photosynthesis. Nitrogen Use Efficiency was the same independently fertilization type, reinforcing the hypothesis that Agrotain fertilizers can lead to less N-losses, which is confirmed from the higher Agrotain recovery fraction. Therefore, the application of urease inhibitor fertilizers may decrease N-application and N-losses and it is advisable to introduce them to nutrition situations. © 2020, © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Cost efficiency of different cropping systems encompassing the energy crop helianthus annuus L.

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    Crop rotation and green manure are the most ancient and popular cropping systems. This study sought to analyze the economic efficiency of sunflower where pea (Pisum sativum L.) either harvested or incorporated at the flowering stage in the soil before the sowing of sunflower in Europe and the final agricultural profit of such a cultivation system. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to report the production costs and to find out which of the tested cultivation system gets sunflower cultivation economically viable in Greece and in Mediterranean region. To assess the economic efficiency, three-year field experiments were established in two contrasting environments in central Greece (Trikala and Larisa) and contained three different cultivation practices using legumes comprised the main-factor (T1: control, T2: legume incorporated at the flowering stage, T3: legume incorporated after seed harvest), while nitrogen fertilization comprised the sub-factor (N1:0, N2:50, N3:100 and N4:150 kgNha-1). The results derived from this study revealed the positive effect of the legume incorporation treatment (T2: legume incorporated at the flowering stage) where the final yield increased up to 5 t ha-1 regardless region. Moreover, depending on the year the T2 treatment increases the final yield 30–50% and a yield increase was also noticed to the treatment where the legume was harvested (T3: legume incorporated after seed harvest). Therefore the introduction of this scheme into future land use systems in Greece and more generally in Mediterranean basin should be seriously taken into consideration. © 2019, Eesti Pollumajandusulikool. All rights reserved

    Growth and productivity of Salvia officinalis L. under Mediterranean climatic conditions depends on biofertilizer, nitrogen fertilization, and sowing density

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    Salvia officinalis L. is an important medicinal herb of high soil and climatic adaptability and thus the main goal of the current study is to investigate the effect of mycorrhizae, the plant density and the nitrogen fertilization (using bio-fertilizers) on the yield and growth characteristics. For the purpose of the study, a field experiment was established at the Experimental Farm of the University of Thessaly, Velestino, in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. The experimental design was a factorial split-split-plot design with Mico-plus being the main factor (Trt1: control, Trt2: mico-plus which contains non composed plant residues, 3% Glomus mosseae and Glomus intradices, 1 × 108UFC/g Bacillus spp, Pseudomonas spp., and Streptomyces spp., and 1 × 108UFC/g Trichoderma), plant density the sub-factor (P1: 10,000 and P2: 20,000 plants ha−1) and N-fertilization the sub-sub factor using bio-fertilizers (N1: 0, N2: 40, and N3: 80 kg N ha−1) with three replicates. Height, leaf area index and leaf yield were measured by samplings at the ideal collection stage (start of the flowering period). The use of mico-plus and nitrogen fertilization resulted in significantly higher yield. Furthermore, plant density had a negative effect on measured values, leading to reduced leaf yield and lower leaf area. The higher produced leaf yield and leaf area (7296 kg ha−1 and 4.47 leaf area index, respectively) were recorded in the third year for the treatment of the lower plant density with the higher N-dressing where mico-plus was used (MP1N3). Therefore, sage seems to be a promising perennial cultivation characterized by satisfactory yields under low inputs in similar soil-climatic environment, while the use of mico-plus should be taken into consideration, especially in the case of poor and abandoned lands. © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    Comparison of two perennial energy crops for biomass production at the end of their life cycle

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    Nowadays fossil fuels are decreasing, causing the world's interest in renewable energy sources to rapidly grow. One of the most interesting renewable and ecologically pure fuels is biomass, which is considered to be carbon neutral. Biomass is a promising source of energy, as it can be used directly as an energy resource. Its quality characteristics such as gross calorific value and ash content are of paramount importance so as to improve the combustion process. Furthermore, during the last three decades, there has been an increasing interest in the production of biomass pellets for domestic and industrial use. Alternative feed stocks will need to be sourced to meet the demand for biomass pellets. Investigation for new energy crops that produce high amounts of biomass under low inputs and of high energy efficiency are the main tasks of this field. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the biomass yield and the quality characteristics (gross calorific value and ash content) of two perennial energy crops (Cynara cardunculus L. and Panicum virgatum L.) growing in a typical soil (Fluventic Xerochrept) of the main agricultural land of central Greece. The comparison for both cultivated crops was made in order to show the results during their 8th growing year. The examined factors were the irrigation (two levels: irrigated and rainfed) and the nitrogen fertilization (two levels: 0 and 80 kg N ha-1) as well as their effect on the dry biomass yield and the gross calorific value. It was found that higher dry biomass yield was produced from cardoon (21.3 vs. 14.23 t ha-1), while the higher average gross calorific value was observed for switchgrass biomass (17.31 vs. 15.65 Mj kg-1). Finally, multiplying the dry biomass yield (t ha-1) with the gross calorific value (Mj kg-1) it was found that 334 and 245 Gj ha-1 from a cardoon and a switchgrass cultivation could be produced, respectively. Cardoon has better results than switchgrass probably due to the fact that switchgrass is growing from March till October; while cardoon’s growing period is from October to June and in such areas precipitation is in shortage during summer months. Both crops could achieve high amounts of energy per hectare and thus their introduction in future land use systems, for an environmentally friendly energy production should be seriously taken into consideration. © 2020, Eesti Pollumajandusulikool. All rights reserved

    Could a Legume–Switchgrass Sod-Seeding System Increase Forage Productivity?

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    Nowadays, the lack of cattle feed, particularly green fodder, has become a key limiting factor in the agricultural economy. Switchgrass appears to offer a viable solution to the feed shortage. An improved cultivation practice might be needed to boost switchgrass forage production all season long. This study was conducted to quantify the positive effects of introducing different legume crops (vetch and pea), optimally fertilized, on the production and quality of mixed harvested switchgrass–legumes hay in late spring (May) and switchgrass hay harvested once more in early fall (September). The studied intercropping systems, independently of the legume species used, increased forage productivity (almost threefold), reaching 7.5 t ha−1 and quality characteristics, with protein content almost rising threefold, reaching 12.5%. The aforementioned practice can assist the perennial crop (switchgrass) in providing a high hay production during the early fall harvest, even without fertilization. The overall annual economic benefit for the farmers may be increased by 90–720 € per ha, depending on the prevailing weather conditions. Overall, it may be concluded that the suggested cropping system produces a significantly higher yield of cattle feed compared to traditional monocultures, improving the agricultural economy while reducing the negative effects of modern agriculture on the environment. © 2022 by the authors

    Green Manuring for Low-input Irrigated Maize Cultivation as an Energy Crop in Mediterranean Climates

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    Introduction of high input crops to existing rotation schemes for bio-energy production such as corn in Mediterranean areas would only be possible by improving its yield and decreasing the cultivation costs. This work focusses on the combined effect of irrigation rate and green manuring on growth and productivity of irrigated corn grown in typical Mediterranean lowland. On a flat, calcareous clay-loam soil, a three-year field experiment was conducted. Pisum sativum was sown in specific plots every year in November and grew as cover crop under rainfed conditions until mid-April where its biomass was incorporated into the soil, while maize was sown by the end of April. A 3 × 2 factorial split-plot design was used in 3 blocks. Corn irrigation comprised the main plots and pea incorporation comprised the sub-plots. Soil moisture was monitored at weakly intervals at 10 layers of 10 cm each down to 1 m soil depth. Corn growth and final yield were monitored by means of distracting samplings. The overall conclusion is the significant positive effect of green manuring on corn biomass and seed yield. This effect was mainly attributed to greater water use efficiency as green manuring was associated with greater moisture content within the rooting zone compared to control plots. The increased yield obtained could offset the increased costs of growing pea as green manure (increase in farmers’ income of 20–110 € ha−1), allowing green manuring to become more widely used to reduce fertilization and irrigation inputs while also allowing corn to be introduced into current crop rotations for bio-energy production. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG