12 research outputs found

    Older Adults and Voice Interaction: A Pilot Study with Google Home

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    In this paper we present the results of an exploratory study examining the potential of voice assistants (VA) for some groups of older adults in the context of Smart Home Technology (SHT). To research the aspect of older adults' interaction with voice user interfaces (VUI) we organized two workshops and gathered insights concerning possible benefits and barriers to the use of VA combined with SHT by older adults. Apart from evaluating the participants' interaction with the devices during the two workshops we also discuss some improvements to the VA interaction paradigm

    Texture-Based Optimization of Crystal Plasticity Parameters: Application to Zinc and Its Alloy

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    Evolutionary algorithms have become an extensively used tool for identification of crystalplasticity parameters of hexagonal close packed metals and alloys. However, the fitnessfunctions were usually built using the experimentally measured stress–strain curves. Here, thefitness function is built by means of numerical comparison of the simulated and experimentaltextures. Namely, the normalized texture difference index is minimized. The evolutionaryalgorithm with the newly developed fitness function is tested by performing crystal plasticityparameter optimization for both pure zinc and zinc-magnesium alloy. These materials arepromising candidates for bioabsorbable implants due to good biocompatibility and optimalcorrosion rate. Although their mechanical properties in the as-cast state do not fulfill therequirements, they can be increased by means of hydrostatic extrusion. The developed modelingapproach enabled acquisition of the crystal plasticity parameters and analysis of the activedeformation mechanisms in zinc and zinc-magnesium alloy subjected to hydrostatic extrusion. Itwas shown that although slip systems are the main deformation carrier, compressive twinningplays an important role in texture evolution. However, the texture is also partially affected bydynamic recrystallization which is not considered within the developed framework

    Social Attitude to COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccinations after the Influenza Vaccination Season and between the Second and Third COVID-19 Wave in Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic affected the entire world and contributed to severe health and economic consequences. A safe and effective vaccine is a tool allowing the pandemic to be controlled. Hence, we aimed to conduct a survey on vaccinations against seasonal influenza and COVID-19 in Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. We also evaluated societal attitudes towards influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations. Materials and methods: We conducted the study between December 2020 and May 2021. At the time, the countries subject to the research were between the second and third waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. We used an anonymous and self-designed questionnaire comprised of eleven closed-ended questions and a short socio-demographic section. The questionnaire was administered by direct contact or mainly (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) by e-mail or Facebook. Finally, we included 2753 answers from Poland, 1852 from Ukraine, and 213 from Lithuania. Results: Between 61% (Poland) and 72.9% (Ukraine) of the study participants have never been vaccinated against influenza (p < 0.05). Totals of 67.6% of the respondents in Poland, 73.71% in Lithuania, and 29.5% in Ukraine responded that they want to be vaccinated against COVID-19 (p < 0.05). Vaccine hesitancy was mainly related to worries about its side effects. There were also vaccine non-adopters in the study. In Ukraine, 67% of the respondents were clearly opposed to mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, compared to 41.7% in Poland and 30.99% in Lithuania (p < 0.05). Conclusions: There are still many people who present vaccine hesitancy or are opposed to vaccines. Thus, societal education about vaccination and the pandemic is crucial. Vaccine hesitancy or refusal might be related to vaccine origin. Shortages of influenza vaccines made it impossible to vaccinate those who were determined to be vaccinated. There is room for discussion of mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations

    Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2019, nr 1 (XIX): Medycyna i Zdrowie publiczne

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    Ze wstępu: "Kolejny numer „Państwa i Społeczeństwa”, poświęcony – zgodnie ze swym podtytułem – medycynie i zdrowiu publicznemu, zawiera cztery prace oryginalne (w tym jedną w języku angielskim), dwie poglądowe i jeden opis przypadku. Szczególną uwagę chciałbym jednak zwrócić Czytelnikom na – w naszym odczuciu – ważny tekst, jakim jest wspomnienie w rocznicę śmierci naszego Kolegi i Przyjaciela, profesora Bogusława Frańczuka; słowa „wspaniały człowiek, lekarz oddany zawsze swoim Pacjentom”, jakże często nadużywane, oddają tu ściśle istotę rzeczy. Cześć Jego Pamięci!"(...