4 research outputs found

    Polaronic effects in electron shuttling

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    Shuttle-like mechanism of electron transport through a single level vibrating quantum dot is considered in the regime of strong electromechanical coupling. It is shown that the increment of shuttle instability is a nonmonotonic function of the driving voltage. The interplay of two oppositively acting effects—vibron-assisted electron tunneling and polaronic blockade — results in oscillations of the increment on the energy scale of vibron energy

    Magnetopolaronic effects in electron transport through a single-level vibrating quantum dot

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    Magnetopolaronic effects are considered in electron transport through a single-level vibrating quantum dot subjected to a transverse (to the current flow) magnetic field. It is shown that the effects are most pronounced in the regime of sequential electron tunneling, where a polaronic blockade of the current at low temperatures and an anomalous temperature dependence of the magnetoconductance are predicted. In contrast, for resonant tunneling of polarons the peak conductance is not affected by the magnetic field

    REB reflection from the boundary plasma-vacuum

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    The necessary conditions of the experimentally observed reflection of "tail" of the dense relativistic electron beam from the plasma-vacuum boundary at once after full its injection into the plasma under condition of nb.>>n0, are considered in this paper.У статті розглядаються необхідні умови відбиття, що експериментально спостерігається, «хвоста» інжектованого щільного nb.>>n0 релятивістського електронного згустку від границі плазма-вакуум після повного його проникнення в плазму.В статье рассматриваются необходимые условия экспериментально наблюдаемого отражения «хвоста» инжектируемого плотного nb.>>n0 релятивистского электронного сгустка от границы плазма-вакуум после полного его проникновения в плазму

    Anomalous zero-temperature magnetopolaronic blockade of resonant electron tunneling in Majorana-resonant-level single-electron transistor

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    The magnetopolaronic generalization of a Majorana-resonant-level (MRL) model is considered for a single-level vibrating quantum dot coupled to two half-infinite g=1/2 Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) leads. A qualitatively new non-trivial formula for the effective transmission coefficient and differential conductance for resonant magnetopolaron-assisted tunneling is obtained under the assumption about a fermion-boson factorization of corresponding averages. This approach is valid for the case of weak magnetopolaronic coupling in a system. Surprisingly, it is found that despite a supposed weakness of interaction between fermionic and bosonic subsystems in that case, a strongly correlated electron transport in the system reveals features of strong (and, hence, anomalous) magnetopolaronic blockade at zero temperature if the energy of a vibrational quantum is the smallest (but nonzero) energy parameter in the system. Such an effect should be referred to as magnetic phase-coherent magnetopolaron-assisted resonant tunneling of Andreev type, that originates from a special, Majorana-like, symmetry of magnetopolaron-coupled tunnel Hamiltonian. The effect predicted in this paper can be used as an experimental fingerprint of Majorana-resonant level situation in single-electron transistors as well as for detection of ultra-slow zero-point oscillations of suspended carbon nanotubes in the Majorana-resonant level regime of electron tunneling through corresponding single-electron transistors