3 research outputs found

    Forage Yield and Quality of Multileaflet Alfalfa

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    There has been interest among private companies in the past five years in producing multifoliolate or “multileaflet” alfalfa varieties. Conventional varieties have only three leaflets per leaf while multileaflet varieties may have plants that possess five, seven, or even nine leaflets per leaf. Although the multileaf trait of alfalfa has been known for more than 50 years, research has been limited. Recent interest has led to the development of about 10 multileaflet varieties. The promotion of these varieties has generated interest among forage and livestock producers in the potential benefits of these varieties over conventional varieties

    Estimating Grass Utilization Using Photographic Guides

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    Stocking rate, and the resulting level of grass utilization (or grass weight removed) by grazing livestock, has more impact on grass productivity than any other single factor within the range manager’s control. Determining the level of utilization for a pasture is one of the most important measurements that a manager can make when monitoring grazing Management over the years. The photo guide and procedures presented in this publication are intended to make grass utilization estimates both rapid and useful. The terms “utilization,” “use,” and “degree of use” all have similar meanings

    Clinical implications of positive blood cultures

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