13 research outputs found

    Survival of Myocardial Infarction Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at the Invasive Era (Results from the VĂĄrosmajor Myocardial Infarction Registry)

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    Introduction. Due to the lifelong nature of diabetes mellitus (DM), it has been demonstrated to have significant effects on patients’ morbidity and mortality. The present study aimed to assess the effects of DM on the clinical outcome and survival in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) due to myocardial infarction (MI) and to examine the relationship of DM to the type of the MI and to left ventricular (LV) and renal functions. Methods. A total of 12,270 patients with ST-elevation MI (STEMI) or non-ST-elevation MI (NSTEMI) were revascularized at our Institution between 2005 and 2013. In this pool of patients, 4388 subjects had DM, while 7018 cases had no DM. Results. In both STEMI and NSTEMI, the 30-day and 1-year survival were worse in diabetic patients as compared to non-diabetic cases. In the patients with DM, NSTEMI showed worse prognosis within 1-year than STEMI similarly to non-diabetic subjects. Regarding survival, the presence of DM seemed to be more important than the type of MI. Regardless of the presence of DM, reduced LV function was a maleficent prognostic sign and DM significantly reduced the prognosis both in case of reduced and normal LV function. Survival is primarily affected by LV function, rather than DM. Worse renal function is associated with worse 30-day and 1-year survival in both cases with and without DM. Considering different renal functions, the presence of DM worsens both short- and long-term survival. Survival is primarily affected by renal function, rather than DM. Conclusions. The results from a high-volume PCI center confirm significant the negative prognostic impact of DM on survival in MI patients. DM is a more important prognostic factor than the type of the MI. However, survival is primarily affected by LV and renal functions, rather than DM. These results could highlight our attention on the importance of recent DM treatment with new drugs including SGLT-2 inhibitors and GLP-1 antagonists with beneficial effects on survival

    Koronáriaintervenció akut miokardiális infarktusban SARS-COVID-19-járvány alatt

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    Célkitűzés: A SARS-COVID-19-járvány 2. és 3. hulláma tetőzésekor intervenciós centrumukba került akut ST-elevá- ciós és nem-ST-elevációs szívinfarktusos betegek kezelési adatainak összehasonlítása az egy évvel korábbi ugyanazon naptĂĄri időszakéval. Betegek és módszerek: A szerzők 6 hónapos időtartamban vizsgálták a panasz kezdetétől az első egészségügyi kontaktusig (EKG-készítés), innen a centrumba kerülésig, intervenció esetén a felvételtől a katéteres műtőbe kerüléséig és ott a ballon nyitásáig eltelt időt. A hasonló időintervallumok szignifikáns különbséget a két periódusban nem mutattak. A kontrollidőszakhoz képest a járvány alatt csökkent a felvett (602 versus 532, p=0,0002) és intervencióra került esetek (543 versus 465, p=0,0001) száma. A diagnosztikus katéterezést és az intervenciót igyekeztek a legkorábbi lehetséges időpontban elvégezni. Eredmények: Az intervencióra került ST-elevációs infarktusos esetek száma lényegében azonos volt (234 versus 236) a két periódusban, a nem-ST-elevációsoké jelentősen csökkent (309 versus 229, p=0,0001). A kontrollidőszakhoz képest nem szignifikáns mértékben nőtt a légzés eszközös segítését igénylők száma (8,7 versus 12,3%), a keringés eszközös segítését igénylőké azonos volt, mindkét csoportban 1,7%. Akut vagy halasztott koszorúérműtét mindkét időszakban közel hasonló arányban vált szükségessé (2,3 versus 2,6%). A 30 napos halálozási arány az összes felvett infarktusos betegeknél nőtt a járvány időszakában (9,3 versus 16,5%, p=0,003). Intervención átesetteknél a különbség statisztikailag nem volt szignifikáns (9,0 versus 13,4%), az intervencióra nem kerülteknél az arány jelentősen különbözött (11,3 versus 39,7%). Az éves összes halálozás a kontrollidőszakhoz képest a járvány alatt magasabb volt az összes infarktusos betegnél (19,0 versus 24,4%, p=0,03). Megbeszélés: A SARS-COVID-19-járvány alatt jelentősen csökkent a felvett akut infarktusos betegek száma, ennek oka a kevesebb nem-ST-elevációs eset. Részben ez is okozhatja az összes felvett beteg magasabb 30 napos és egyéves halálozási arányát. A panaszok kezdetétől a ballonnyitásig eltelt idő részintervallumai sem a centrumba bekerülésig, sem a ballon nyitásĂĄig lényegesen nem különböztek a két időszakban. Az összes esetre vonatkozóan a primer intervenciók száma szignifikánsan csökkent, ezen belül az ST-elevációs infarktusoké nem. Az eszközös légzéssegítés aránya nőtt a jĂĄrvĂĄny időszakĂĄban, de nem érte el a statisztikai szignifikancia mértékét. Az eszközös keringéssegítés és a bypass műtéti arány lényegében azonos volt. | Aim of the study: Treatment data comparison of the acute ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients admitted to their intervention center at the peak of the 2nd and 3 rd waves of the SARS-COVID-19 epidemic with those of the same calendar period one year earlier. Results: The number of ST-elevation infarction cases undergoing intervention was essentially the same (234 versus 236) in the two periods, while the number of non-ST-elevation infarction cases decreased significantly (309 versus 229, p=0.0001). Compared to the control period, number of those requiring respiratory assistance increased non- significantly (8.7 versus 12.3%), while the number of those requiring circulatory assistance was the same, 1.7% in both groups. Need of acute or delayed coronary artery surgery became necessary in almost the same proportion in both periods (2.3 versus 2.6%). The 30-day mortality rate increased in all enrolled patients with infarcts during the epidemic period (9.3 versus 16.5%, p=0.003). For those who underwent the coronary intervention, difference was not statistically significant (9.0 versus 13.4%), for those who did not undergo the intervention, the ratio was significantly different (11.3 versus 39.7%). Compared to the control period, the annual total mortality during the epidemic was higher for all patients with infarction (19.0 versus 24.4%, p=0.03). Discussion: During SARS-COVID-19 epidemic, the number of admitted acute myocardial infarction patients decreased significantly, probably the reason for this was the diminished number of non-ST elevation cases. In part, this may be the reason for the higher 30-day and one-year mortality rates of all admitted patients too. The sub-intervals of the time from the onset of complaints to the opening of the balloon did not differ significantly in the two periods, neither until admis- sion to the interventional center nor until the opening of the balloon. For all cases, the number of primary interventions decreased significantly, but not for ST elevation infarctions. The rate of assisted breathing increased during the period of epidemic, but did not reach statistically significant values. The rates of assisted circulatory support and bypass sur- gery were essentially the same

    Prognosis of the non-ST elevation myocardial infarction complicated with early ventricular fibrillation at higher age

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    Early ventricular fibrillation (EVF) predicts mortality in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Data are lacking about prognosis and management of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) EMI with EVF, especially at higher age. In the daily clinical practice, there is no clear prognosis of patients surviving EVF. The present study aimed to investigate the risk factors and factors influencing the prognosis of NSTEMI patients surviving EVF, especially at higher age. Clinical data, including 30-day and 1-year mortality of 6179 NSTEMI patients, were examined; 2.44% (n=151) survived EVF and were further analyzed using chi-square test and uni- and multivariate analyses. Patients were divided into two age groups below and above the age of 70 years. Survival time was compared with Kaplan-Meier analysis. EVF was an independent risk factor for mortality in NSTEMI patients below (HR: 2.4) and above the age of 70 (HR: 2.1). Mortality rates between the two age groups of NSTEMI patients with EVF did not differ significantly: 30-day mortality was 24% vs 40% (p=0.2709) and 1-year mortality was 39% vs 55% (p=0.2085). Additional mortality after 30 days to 1 year was 15% vs 14.6% (p=0.9728). Clinical characteristics of patients with EVF differed significantly from those without in both age groups. EVF after revascularization-within 48 h-had 11.2 OR for 30-day mortality above the age of 70. EVF in NSTEMI was an independent risk factor for mortality in both age groups. Invasive management and revascularization of NSTEMI patients with EVF is highly recommended. Closer follow-up and selection of patients (independent of age) for ICD implantation in the critical first month is essential

    A hazai szĂ­vinfarktus-ellĂĄtĂĄs eredmĂ©nyĂ©t befolyĂĄsolĂł tĂ©nyezƑk elemzĂ©se

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    A mindenki szĂĄmĂĄra elĂ©rhetƑ korszerƱ invazĂ­v szĂ­vinfarktus-ellĂĄtĂĄs ellenĂ©re, a jĂł korai eredmĂ©nyekkel szemben, a hazai infarktusos betegek halĂĄlozĂĄsa hosszĂș tĂĄvon jelentƑsen meghaladja a hasonlĂł ellĂĄtĂĄsban rĂ©szesĂŒlƑ eurĂłpai betegekĂ©t. Ahhoz, hogy ezen vĂĄltoztatni lehessen, szĂŒksĂ©ges az ide vezetƑ okok rĂ©szletes elemzĂ©se, feltĂĄrĂĄsa. A hazai heveny szĂ­vinfarktusos betegek adatainak elemzĂ©sĂ©vel megĂĄllapĂ­tottuk, hogy a betegek rövid Ă©s hosszĂș tĂĄvon bekövetkezƑ halĂĄlozĂĄsĂĄt milyen tĂ©nyezƑk befolyĂĄsoljĂĄk. Az elemzĂ©s a 2003-tĂłl napjainkig tartĂł idƑszakot öleli fel több regiszter adatainak vizsgĂĄlatĂĄval (Semmelweis Egyetem, Vå­rosmajori SzĂ­v- Ă©s ÉrgyĂłgyĂĄszati Klinika VMAJOR I. Ă©s VMAJOR II. regiszter, Eu­ró­pai KardiolĂłgiai TĂĄrsasĂĄg Stent for Life I. Ă©s II. programja, a KözĂ©p-magyarorszĂĄgi In­fark­tusellĂĄtĂĄs ÁNTSZ-regisztere, a Buda­pest Modell adatbĂĄzisa). A rĂ©szletes elemzĂ©sek alapjĂĄn megĂĄllapĂ­thatĂł, hogy ST-elevĂĄciĂłs infarktus (STEMI) esetĂ©ben a primer percutan coronariaintervenciĂł arĂĄnya eurĂłpai szintƱ, az ST-elevĂĄciĂłval nem jĂĄrĂł akut coronaria szindrĂłmĂĄs (NSTEMI) betegek invazĂ­v ellĂĄtĂĄsa a szĂŒksĂ©ges arĂĄny alatt van. A hazai ST-elevĂĄciĂłs myocardialis infarktusos betegek Ășgynevezett hezitĂĄciĂłs ideje a környezƑ orszĂĄgokĂ©nĂĄl lĂ©nyegesen hosszabb, a hazai infarktusos populĂĄciĂł ĂĄltalĂĄnos cardiovascularis rizikĂłja a GRACE regiszter ĂĄtlagĂĄnĂĄl szignifikĂĄns mĂ©rtĂ©kben magasabb. ElemzĂ©seink Ă©s eredmĂ©nyeink alapjĂĄn komplex, szakmapolitikai döntĂ©seket is befolyĂĄsolĂł stratĂ©giai terv dolgozhatĂł ki a korszerƱ ellĂĄtĂĄsban rĂ©szesĂŒlƑ infarktusos betegek kĂ©sƑi halĂĄlozĂĄsĂĄnak csökkentĂ©se cĂ©ljĂĄbĂłl

    Miokardiális infarktusos nƑk halálozásának epidemiológiai vizsgálata = Epidemiologic research of mortality rates in women surviving acute myocardial infarction

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    BevezetĂ©s: Nemzetközi Ă©s hazai irodalmi adatok egy rĂ©sze alapjĂĄn az akut miokardiĂĄlis infarktusos nƑk halĂĄlozĂĄsa magasabb, mint a fĂ©rfiakĂ©. Ezt az ĂĄtlagĂ©letkorbeli kĂŒlönbsĂ©ggel, a nƑk kĂ©slekedƑ, kevĂ©sbĂ© invazĂ­v szemlĂ©letƱ ellĂĄtĂĄsĂĄval, valamint kĂŒlönösen fiatalabb Ă©letkorban, az eltĂ©rƑ patomechanizmussal magyarĂĄzzĂĄk. CĂ©l: NagyforgalmĂș invazĂ­v centrumban 10 Ă©v alatt kezelt nƑk Ă©s fĂ©rfiak halĂĄlozĂĄsi adatainak ĂĄtfogĂł epidemiolĂłgiai vizsgĂĄlata. MĂłdszer: A VĂĄrosmajori SzĂ­v- Ă©s ÉrgyĂłgyĂĄszati KlinikĂĄn 2005 Ă©s 2014 között akut miokardiĂĄlis infarktuson ĂĄtesett 12120 konszekutĂ­v beteg adatainak retrospektĂ­v elemzĂ©sĂ©t vĂ©geztĂŒk. EredmĂ©nyek: A nƑk ĂĄtlagĂ©letkora (70±12,5 Ă©v) szignifikĂĄnsan magasabb (p<0,001), mint a fĂ©rfiakĂ© (64±12,8 Ă©v). A teljes korosztĂĄlyban nƑknĂ©l szignifikĂĄnsan alacsonyabb volt a szĂ­velĂ©gtelensĂ©g (p=0,046), a helyszĂ­ni reszuszcitĂĄciĂł (p=0,017), a kamrafibrillĂĄciĂł (p=0,008) elƑfordulĂĄsa, valamint a csĂșcs Troponin-T-szint (p=0,04). Az ĂĄtlagos idƑablakot tekintve, a nƑk hamarabb jutottak megfelelƑ ellĂĄtĂĄshoz (p=0,02). A 45 Ă©v alatti nƑk esetĂ©ben szignifikĂĄnsan gyakoribb a szĂ­velĂ©gtelensĂ©g (p=0,005), magasabb a NSTEMI-arĂĄny (61%). A fĂ©rfiak Ă©s nƑk halĂĄlozĂĄsĂĄt összehasonlĂ­tva, a 12 ĂłrĂĄn tĂșli STEMI esetĂ©ben mind a 30 napos (7%/10%; p=0,68), mind az egyĂ©ves (16,5%/21%; p=0,13) halĂĄlozĂĄs tendenciajelleggel magasabb volt a nƑk esetĂ©ben, de a kĂŒlönbsĂ©g nem volt szignifikĂĄns. KövetkeztetĂ©s: EredmĂ©nyeink azt igazoljĂĄk, hogy több mint 10000 beteg adatainak elemzĂ©se alapjĂĄn invazĂ­v szemlĂ©letƱ ellĂĄtĂĄssal a nƑk nemzetközi irodalombĂłl ismert magasabb halĂĄlozĂĄsa elkerĂŒlhetƑ. A 45 Ă©v alatti Ă©letkorban, illetve a megkĂ©sett (12 ĂłrĂĄn tĂșli) STEMI esetĂ©ben Ă©szlelt tendenciajelleggel magasabb, de nem szignifikĂĄns halĂĄlozĂĄs jelzi ezen populĂĄciĂł fokozottan veszĂ©lyeztetett voltĂĄt. = Background: According to some international and national studies, mortality rates in females surviving acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are higher than those in males. Differences in age, patomechanism, especially at younger age, as well as the less invasive aspect of the treatment are suggested as possible reasons. The aim of our extensive epidemiologic study was to examine the mortality rates of men and women treated in the last 10 years in an interventional cardiology centre handling high amount of patients. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis on the data of 12120 consecutive patients surviving acute myocardial infarction between 2005 and 2014 at the Heart and Vascular Center of Semmelweis University. Results: There was a significant difference (p<0.001) between the mean age of women (70±12.5 years) and men (64±12.8 years). The incidence of heart failure (p=0.046), CPR (p=0.017) and ventricular fibrillation (p=0.008) was significantly lower among women just as the peak troponin level (p=0.04). Considering the mean time frame, women got proper care (p=0.02) sooner. Among women below the age of 45 heart failure was more common (p=0.005) and the NSTEMI rate was higher (61%). Comparing the one month (7%/10%; p=0.68) and one-year mortality rates (16.5%/21%; p=0.13) in case of STEMI performed after 12 hours, women had worst prognosis than men. Conclusion: Based on our examination of more than 10000 patients, our results prove that with more invasive treatment, the higher mortality of women can be avoided. The tendency of higher – but not significant – mortality rates we noticed, at younger age (<45 years) and by STEMIs performed after 12 hours, shows the higher risk of this population

    Survival of Myocardial Infarction Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at the Invasive Era (Results from the V&aacute;rosmajor Myocardial Infarction Registry)

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    Due to the lifelong nature of diabetes mellitus (DM), it has been demonstrated to have significant effects on patients&rsquo; morbidity and mortality. The present study aimed to assess the effects of DM on the clinical outcome and survival in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) due to myocardial infarction (MI) and to examine the relationship of DM to the type of the MI and to left ventricular (LV) and renal functions. A total of 12,270 patients with ST-elevation MI (STEMI) or non-ST-elevation MI (NSTEMI) were revascularized at our Institution between 2005 and 2013. In this pool of patients, 4388 subjects had DM, while 7018 cases had no DM. In both STEMI and NSTEMI, the 30-day and 1-year survival were worse in diabetic patients as compared to non-diabetic cases. In the patients with DM, NSTEMI showed worse prognosis within 1-year than STEMI similarly to non-diabetic subjects. Regarding survival, the presence of DM seemed to be more important than the type of MI. Regardless of the presence of DM, reduced LV function was a maleficent prognostic sign and DM significantly reduced the prognosis both in case of reduced and normal LV function. Survival is primarily affected by LV function, rather than DM. Worse renal function is associated with worse 30-day and 1-year survival in both cases with and without DM. Considering different renal functions, the presence of DM worsens both short- and long-term survival. Survival is primarily affected by renal function, rather than DM. The results from a high-volume PCI center confirm significant the negative prognostic impact of DM on survival in MI patients. DM is a more important prognostic factor than the type of the MI. However, survival is primarily affected by LV and renal functions, rather than DM. These results could highlight our attention on the importance of recent DM treatment with new drugs including SGLT-2 inhibitors and GLP-1 antagonists with beneficial effects on survival