19 research outputs found

    Molecular flexibility in ab initio drug docking to DNA: binding-site and binding-mode transitions in all-atom Monte Carlo simulations

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    The dynamics of biological processes depend on the structure and flexibility of the interacting molecules. In particular, the conformational diversity of DNA allows for large deformations upon binding. Drug–DNA interactions are of high pharmaceutical interest since the mode of action of anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial and other drugs is directly associated with their binding to DNA. A reliable prediction of drug–DNA binding at the atomic level by molecular docking methods provides the basis for the design of new drug compounds. Here, we propose a novel Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm for drug–DNA docking that accounts for the molecular flexibility of both constituents and samples the docking geometry without any prior binding-site selection. The binding of the antimalarial drug methylene blue at the DNA minor groove with a preference of binding to AT-rich over GC-rich base sequences is obtained in MC simulations in accordance with experimental data. In addition, the transition between two drug–DNA-binding modes, intercalation and minor-groove binding, has been achieved in dependence on the DNA base sequence. The reliable ab initio prediction of drug–DNA binding achieved by our new MC docking algorithm is an important step towards a realistic description of the structure and dynamics of molecular recognition in biological systems

    Methylene blue binding to DNA with alternating GC base sequence: Continuum treatment of salt effects

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    1-6Methylene blue (MB), an efficient singlet oxygen generating photoactive dye, binds to DNA and allows photosensitized reactions to be used for sequence-specific cleavage of the DNA backbone. Intercalation and groove binding are possible binding modes of the dye, depending on base sequences and environmental conditions. In a recent modeling study of methylene blue binding to a double stranded DNA decamer with an alternating GC sequence, six structural models for intercalation structures and for minor and major groove binding have been obtained. By estimating the binding energies (including electrostatic reaction field contributions of a salt-free aqueous solvent), symmetric intercalation at the 5'-CpG-3' and 5'GpC-3' steps was found as the predominant binding mode, followed by a slightly weaker binding of the dye in the minor groove. In this study, the stability of the modeled structures has been analysed as a function of salt concentration. The results of finite difference numerical solutions of the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation show that the stabilizing effect of salt is larger for free DNA than for the modeled MB-DNA complexes. Accordingly, the estimated binding energies decrease with increasing ionic strength. A slightly higher stabilization of the groove binding complexes results in comparable binding energies for symmetric intercalation and minor groove binding at high salt concentration. Both results are in qualitative agreement with experimental data

    Conformation of d(GGGATCCC) 2

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    Force field based conformational analysis of RNA structural motifs: GNRA tetraloops and their pyrimidine relatives

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    ... the selection of conformers that agree with experimentally determined structures. The continuum model accounts for solvent polarization by means of the electrostatic reaction field. In the case of GNRA loop sequences, the contributions of the reaction field shift relative stabilities towards conformations showing most of the structural features derived from NMR studies. The agreement of computed conformations with the experimental structures of GAAA, GCAA, and GAGA tetraloops suggests to conclude that the continuum treatment of the solvent represents a definitive improvement over methods using simple damping models in electrostatic energy calculations. Application of the procedure described here to the evaluation of the relative stabilities of conformers resulting from searching the conformational space of RNA structural motifs provides some progress in (non-homology based) RNA 3D-structure predicition

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the 136 Unique Tetranucleotide Sequences of DNA Oligonucleotides. II: Sequence Context Effects on the Dynamical Structures of the 10 Unique Dinucleotide Steps

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations including water and counterions on B-DNA oligomers containing all 136 unique tetranucleotide basepair steps are reported. The objective is to obtain the calculated dynamical structure for at least two copies of each case, use the results to examine issues with regard to convergence and dynamical stability of MD on DNA, and determine the significance of sequence context effects on all unique dinucleotide steps. This information is essential to understand sequence effects on DNA structure and has implications on diverse problems in the structural biology of DNA. Calculations were carried out on the 136 cases embedded in 39 DNA oligomers with repeating tetranucleotide sequences, capped on both ends by GC pairs and each having a total length of 15 nucleotide pairs. All simulations were carried out using a well-defined state-of-the-art MD protocol, the AMBER suite of programs, and the parm94 force field. In a previous article (Beveridge et al. 2004. Biophysical Journal. 87:3799–3813), the research design, details of the simulation protocol, and informatics issues were described. Preliminary results from 15ns MD trajectories were presented for the d(CpG) step in all 10 unique sequence contexts. The results indicated the sequence context effects to be small for this step, but revealed that MD on DNA at this length of trajectory is subject to surprisingly persistent cooperative transitions of the sugar-phosphate backbone torsion angles α and γ. In this article, we report detailed analysis of the entire trajectory database and occurrence of various conformational substates and its impact on studies of context effects. The analysis reveals a possible direct correspondence between the sequence-dependent dynamical tendencies of DNA structure and the tendency to undergo transitions that “trap” them in nonstandard conformational substates. The difference in mean of the observed basepair step helicoidal parameter distribution with different flanking sequence sometimes differs by as much as one standard deviation, indicating that the extent of sequence effects could be significant. The observations reveal that the impact of a flexible dinucleotide such as CpG could extend beyond the immediate basepair neighbors. The results in general provide new insight into MD on DNA and the sequence-dependent dynamical structural characteristics of DNA