31 research outputs found

    On a Generalization of the Hanoi Towers Group

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    In 2012, Bartholdi, Siegenthaler, and Zalesskii computed the rigid kernel for the only known group for which it is non-trivial, theHanoi towers group. There they determined the kernel was the Klein 4 group. We present a simpler proof of this theorem. In thecourse of the proof, we also compute the rigid stabilizers and present proofs that this group is a self-similar, self-replicating, regular branch group. We then construct a family of groups which generalize the Hanoi towers group and study the congruence subgroup problem for the groups in this family. We show that unlike the Hanoi towers group, the groups in this generalization are just infinite and have trivial rigid kernel. We also put strict bounds on the branch kernel. Additionally, we show that these groups have subgroups of finite index with non-trivial rigid kernel, adding infinitely many new examples. Finally, we show that the topological closures of these groups have Hausdorff dimension arbitrarily close to 1

    Simple groups separated by finiteness properties

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    We show that for every positive integer nn there exists a simple group that is of type Fn−1\mathrm{F}_{n-1} but not of type Fn\mathrm{F}_n. For n≥3n\ge 3 these groups are the first known examples of this kind. They also provide infinitely many quasi-isometry classes of finitely presented simple groups. The only previously known infinite family of such classes, due to Caprace--R\'emy, consists of non-affine Kac--Moody groups over finite fields. Our examples arise from R\"over--Nekrashevych groups, and contain free abelian groups of infinite rank.Comment: 25 pages. v2: incorporated comments v3: final version, to appear, Invent. Mat

    Finiteness properties for relatives of braided Higman--Thompson groups

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    We study the finiteness properties of the braided Higman--Thompson group bVd,r(H)bV_{d,r}(H) with labels in H≤BdH\leq B_d, and bFd,r(H)bF_{d,r}(H) and bTd,r(H)bT_{d,r}(H) with labels in H≤PBdH\leq PB_d where BdB_d is the braid group with dd strings and PBdPB_d is its pure braid subgroup. We show that for all d≥2d\geq 2 and r≥1r\geq 1, the group bVd,r(H)bV_{d,r}(H) (resp. bTd,r(H)bT_{d,r}(H) or bFd,r(H)bF_{d,r}(H)) is of type FnF_n if and only if HH is. Our result in particular confirms a recent conjecture of Aroca and Cumplido.Comment: 25 pages;first part of arXiv:2103.14589v1 with the second part to appear separatel

    Homological stability for the ribbon Higman--Thompson groups

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    We generalize the notion of asymptotic mapping class groups and allow them to surject to the Higman--Thompson groups, answering a question of Aramayona and Vlamis in the case of the Higman--Thompson groups. When the underlying surface is a disk, these new asymptotic mapping class groups can be identified with the ribbon and oriented ribbon Higman--Thompson groups. We use this model to prove that the ribbon Higman--Thompson groups satisfy homological stability, providing the first homological stability result for dense subgroups of big mapping class groups. Our result can also be treated as an extension of Szymik--Wahl's work on homological stability for the Higman--Thompson groups to the surface setting.Comment: 23 pages; split off from arXiv:2103.14589v1 with the first part available as arXiv:2103.14589v

    Zipf ’s Law and Its Correlation to the GDP of Nations

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    This study looks at power laws, specifically Zipf ’s law and Pareto distributions, previously used to describe city size distribution, income distribution within firms, and word distribution within languages and documents among other things, and Gibrat’s law describing growth rate. This study seeks to discover if Zipf’s law can also be used to model the distribution of GDP’s worldwide using Gibrat’s law as a justification. The simplest method to determine Zipf's law’s applicability, and the one used in this study, was to create a log log plot, plotting rank versus size of the GDPs. Using that plot, Zipf ’s law was verified through two criteria. First the plot must appear linear and second it must have a slope of -1. For the purpose of this study, the data looked at was for all countries and then countries split into categories of emerging economies and advanced economies for the years 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. The results of this study showed that all countries and countries with emerging economies did not appear linear on the log log plot while advanced economies appeared linear with a slope roughly -.70, suggesting that GDP distribution of advanced economies instead follow a Pareto distribution. Advanced economies also showed a significantly smaller variation in growth rates over the four years as implied by Gibrat’s law. This was used as a possible explanation for the distribution discovered

    Block mapping class groups and their finiteness properties

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    A Cantor surface Cd\mathcal C_d is a non-compact surface obtained by gluing copies of a fixed compact surface YdY^d (a block), with d+1d+1 boundary components, in a tree-like fashion. For a fixed subgroup H<Map(Yd)H<Map(Y^d) , we consider the subgroup Bd(H)<Map(Cd)\mathfrak B_d(H)<Map(\mathcal C_d) whose elements eventually send blocks to blocks and act like an element of HH; we refer to Bd(H)\mathfrak B_d(H) as the block mapping class group with local action prescribed by HH. The family of groups so obtained contains the asymptotic mapping class groups of \cite{SW21a,ABF+21, FK04}. Moreover, there is a natural surjection onto the family symmetric Thompson groups of Farley--Hughes \cite{FH15}; in particular, they provide a positive answer to \cite[Question 5.37]{AV20}. We prove that, when the block is a (holed) sphere or a (holed) torus, Bd(H)\mathfrak B_d(H) is of type FnF_n if and only if HH is of type FnF_n. As a consequence, for every nn, Map(Cd)Map(C_d) has a subgroup of type FnF_n but not Fn+1F_{n+1} which contains the mapping class group of every compact subsurface of Cd\mathcal C_d.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur