1,523 research outputs found

    Suppression of nuclear spin diffusion at a GaAs/AlGaAs interface measured with a single quantum dot nano-probe

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    Nuclear spin polarization dynamics are measured in optically pumped individual GaAs/AlGaAs interface quantum dots by detecting the time-dependence of the Overhauser shift in photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Long nuclear polarization decay times of ~ 1 minute have been found indicating inefficient nuclear spin diffusion from the GaAs dot into the surrounding AlGaAs matrix in externally applied magnetic field. A spin diffusion coefficient two orders lower than that previously found in bulk GaAs is deduced.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Quantum Deconstruction of a 5D SYM and its Moduli Space

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    We deconstruct the fifth dimension of the 5D SYM theory with SU(M) gauge symmetry and Chern-Simons level k=M and show how the 5D moduli space follows from the non-perturbative analysis of the 4D quiver theory. The 5D coupling h=1/(g_5)^2 of the un-broken SU(M) is allowed to take any non-negative values, but it cannot be continued to h<0 and there are no transitions to other phases of the theory. The alternative UV completions of the same 5D SYM -- via M theory on the C^3/Z_2M orbifold or via the dual five-brane web in type IIB string theory -- have identical moduli spaces: h >= 0 only, and no flop transitions. We claim these are intrinsic properties of the SU(M) SYM theory with k=M.Comment: 46 Page

    Three-Point Functions of Quarter BPS Operators in N=4 SYM

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    In a recent paper hep-th/0109064, quarter-BPS chiral primaries were constructed in the fully interacting four dimensional N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(N). These operators are annihilated by four supercharges, and at order g^2 have protected scaling dimension and normalization. Here, we compute three-point functions involving these quarter-BPS operators along with half-BPS operators. The combinatorics of the problem is rather involved, and we consider the following special cases: (1) correlators of two half-BPS primaries with an arbitrary chiral primary; (2) certain classes of and < quarter quarter quarter > three-point functions; (3) three-point functions involving the Delta correlators with the special quarter-BPS operator made of single and double trace operators only. The analysis in cases (1)-(3) is valid for general N, while (4) is a large N approximation. Order g^2 corrections to all three-point functions considered in this paper are found to vanish. In the AdS/CFT correspondence, quarter-BPS chiral primaries are dual to threshold bound states of elementary supergravity excitations. We present a supergravity discussion of two- and three-point correlators involving these bound states.Comment: 44 pages, Latex, eps figures, uses epsfig.sty; references adde

    Deconstruction, Lattice Supersymmetry, Anomalies and Branes

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    We study the realization of anomalous Ward identities in deconstructed (latticized) supersymmetric theories. In a deconstructed four-dimensional theory with N=2 supersymmetry, we show that the chiral symmetries only appear in the infrared and that the anomaly is reproduced in the usual framework of lattice perturbation theory with Wilson fermions. We then realize the theory on the world-volume of fractional D-branes on an orbifold. In this brane realization, we show how deconstructed theory anomalies can be computed via classical supergravity. Our methods and observations are more generally applicable to deconstructed/latticized supersymmetric theories in various dimensions.Comment: 1+27 pages, 2 figures, references adde

    Non-renormalization of next-to-extremal correlators in N=4 SYM and the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We show that next-to-extremal correlators of chiral primary operators in N=4 SYM theory do not receive quantum corrections to first order in perturbation theory. Furthermore we consider next-to-extremal correlators within AdS supergravity. Here the exchange diagrams contributing to these correlators yield results of the same free-field form as obtained within field theory. This suggests that quantum corrections vanish at strong coupling as well.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex, 9 eps figures, typos corrected and references adde

    Preliminary studies of sediments from the Dobczyce drinking water reservoir

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    The analysis of river and lake sediments indicates that the physical, chemical, biochemical and geochemical processes that influence the fate of toxic compounds and elements in sediments are numerous and complex (for example: sorption - desorption, oxidation - reduction, ion-exchange, biological activity). Due to the above-mentioned general statement, only a long term and complex research programme can lead to satisfactory answers to the questions relating to possible changes of water and environmental quality in the future. The aim of our study consisted in physical and chemical characterisation of sediments in in-depth profiles taken from the Dobczyce reservoir in southern Poland that is a main source of drinking water for the city of Kraków. Due to morphological reasons, 7 layers of sediment samples were distinguished from the ground level to about 90 cm below (total thickness of the sediments in the sampling site). Analysis of grain size distribution and application of x-ray diffraction method, enabled mineralogical description of sediments. The use of proton-induced x-ray emission (PIXE) and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) revealed elemental composition of the samples (Al, P, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn). Concentrations of natural 40K and artificial 137Cs radionuclides were determined by the use of gamma spectrometry. The following facts were established: 1) the oldest (deepest) and newest, recently deposited layers of sediments are similar in their physical and chemical properties. It means that the inflow of contaminants and biogenic compounds to the reservoir has changed little since it was constructed and filled with water; 2) the severe flood in 1997 changed significantly sediment composition and, in fact, led to purification of sediments in the Dobczyce reservoir

    Multi giant graviton systems, SUSY breaking and CFT

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    In this article, we describe giant gravitons in AdS_5 x S^5 moving along generic trajectories in AdS_5. The giant graviton dynamics is solved by proving that the D3-brane effective action reduces to that of a massive point particle in AdS_5 and therefore the solutions are in one to one correspondence with timelike geodesics of AdS_5. All these configurations are related via isometries of the background, which induce target space symmetries in the world volume theory of the D-brane. Hence, all these configurations preserve the same amount of supersymmetry as the original giant graviton, i.e. half of the maximal supersymmetry. Multiparticle configurations of two or more giant gravitons are also considered. In particular, a binary system preserving one quarter of the supersymmetries is found, providing a non trivial time-dependent supersymmetric solution. A short study on the dual CFT description of all the above states is given, including a derivation of the exact induced isometry map in the CFT side of the correspondence.Comment: latex, 27+1 pages. v2: comment on mixing of states in section 4.3 added, reference added, typos corrected, final versio

    Giant Gravitons, BPS bounds and Noncommutativity

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    It has been recently suggested that gravitons moving in AdSm×SnAdS_m \times S^n spacetimes along the SnS^n blow up into spherical (n2)(n-2) branes whose radius increases with increasing angular momentum. This leads to an upper bound on the angular momentum, thus ``explaining'' the stringy exclusion principle. We show that this bound is present only for states which saturate a BPS-like condition involving the energy EE and angular momentum JJ, EJ/RE \geq J/R, where RR is the radius of SnS^n. Restriction of motion to such states lead to a noncommutativity of the coordinates on SnS^n. As an example of motions which do not obey the exclusion principle bound, we show that there are finite action instanton configurations interpolating between two possible BPS states. We suggest that this is consistent with the proposal that there is an effective description in terms of supergravity defined on noncommutative spaces and noncommutativity arises here because of imposing supersymmetry.Comment: 15 pages, harvmac, corrected some typo

    Smoking-gun signatures of little Higgs models

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    Little Higgs models predict new gauge bosons, fermions and scalars at the TeV scale that stabilize the Higgs mass against quadratically divergent one-loop radiative corrections. We categorize the many little Higgs models into two classes based on the structure of the extended electroweak gauge group and examine the experimental signatures that identify the little Higgs mechanism in addition to those that identify the particular little Higgs model. We find that by examining the properties of the new heavy fermion(s) at the LHC, one can distinguish the structure of the top quark mass generation mechanism and test the little Higgs mechanism in the top sector. Similarly, by studying the couplings of the new gauge bosons to the light Higgs boson and to the Standard Model fermions, one can confirm the little Higgs mechanism and determine the structure of the extended electroweak gauge group.Comment: 59 pages, 10 figures. v2: refs added, typos fixed, JHEP versio

    Reconstructing Sparticle Mass Spectra using Hadronic Decays

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    Most sparticle decay cascades envisaged at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) involve hadronic decays of intermediate particles. We use state-of-the art techniques based on the \kt jet algorithm to reconstruct the resulting hadronic final states for simulated LHC events in a number of benchmark supersymmetric scenarios. In particular, we show that a general method of selecting preferentially boosted massive particles such as W, Z or Higgs bosons decaying to jets, using sub-jets found by the \kt algorithm, suppresses QCD backgrounds and thereby enhances the observability of signals that would otherwise be indistinct. Consequently, measurements of the supersymmetric mass spectrum at the per-cent level can be obtained from cascades including the hadronic decays of such massive intermediate bosons.Comment: 1+29 pages, 12 figure