50 research outputs found

    Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences becomes Biomolecules and Biomedicine

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    From February 2023 (Volume 23, Issue 1), the title of the Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences will be changed to Biomolecules and Biomedicine. The new title reflects the increasing number of published research done on subcellular/molecular level as well as translational and clinical research contained in the term Biomedicine. Biomolecules and Biomedicine will continue to be published by the Association of Basic Medical Sciences of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Read more in the PDF

    Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences becomes Biomolecules and Biomedicine

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    From February 2023 (Volume 23, Issue 1), the title of the Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences will be changed to Biomolecules and Biomedicine. The new title reflects the increasing number of published research done on subcellular/molecular level as well as translational and clinical research contained in the term Biomedicine. Biomolecules and Biomedicine will continue to be published by the Association of Basic Medical Sciences of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Read more in the PDF

    Giant paratubal serous cystadenoma in an adolescent female: Case report and literature review.

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    Paraovarian/paratubal cysts constitute 5-20% of all adnexal lesions and typically originate from the paramesonephric or Müllerian duct. The primary epithelial tumors arising from paraovarian cysts account for 25% of the cases, but giant cystadenomas of paraovarian origin are extremely uncommon during childhood and adolescence with very few cases reported in the literature. We present the case of a 15-year-old female that presented with a bulky mass in the abdomen and pelvis. An initial clinical and radiological examination indicated an ovarian cyst measuring ∼25x20 cm. However, explorative laparotomy revealed a giant paratubal cyst that was successfully treated with complete excision using fertility-sparing surgery. Histopathological examination was consistent with a serous cystadenoma. The postoperative course was uneventful and the girl was discharged on the seventh postoperative day. At the follow-up of six months, the patient was doing well. Due to their rarity and enormous size, the proper diagnosis and adequate management of giant paratubal cystadenomas are challenging. A complete excision of cystadenoma with preservation of adnexa represents a desirable treatment modality in adolescent females and should be attempted whenever possible

    Novel targetable biomarkers in clear cell carcinoma of the breast uncovered by molecular profiling: A study of nine cases.

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    We profiled nine pure clear cell carcinomas of the breast using massively parallel DNA and RNA sequencing (NGS), in situ hybridization (ISH), and immunohistochemistry (IHC). All cases were primary mammary clear cell carcinomas that were diagnosed in female patients (mean age: 53.4 years; range: 31-69 years). Based on our findings, we conclude that the majority of clear cell carcinomas are ER/PR positive and consequently amenable to anti-ER treatment modalities. A subset of clear cell carcinomas also harbored alterations in PIK3CA/PTEN/AKT pathway, particularly PTEN, indicating a potential benefit of PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors. The status of I-O biomarkers in clear cell carcinomas indicates a limited therapeutic benefit of immune checkpoint inhibitors (against PD-1/PD-L1)

    A case of extra-adrenal retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma in a 9-year-old female: A new case report with a comprehensive literature review

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    Objective - We present herein a new case and survey comprehensively literature on this rare condition. Case report - A 9-yearold girl with a medical history of surgical correction of clubfoot three months earlier presented to our department with an incidentally detected abdominal mass during diagnostic workup for orthopedic surgery. A CT scan revealed a solid right extra-adrenal mass measuring 7x6 cm. It was compressing/involving the infrahepatic part of inferior vena cava, right renal vein and artery with an incomplete encasing of the abdominal aorta. The surgery was successfully performed. The histopathological analysis confirmed GN. Conclusions - Although pediatric extra-adrenal retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma (GN) are rare, their propensity for enveloping major blood vessels is not. GNs should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any circumscribed retroperitoneal mass. These tumors can be successfully treated with surgery that leads to an excellent outcome, even in case of incomplete resections with tumor residuals <2 cm.Scopu

    Korelacija ekspresije TGF-β i MMP2 između adenokarcinoma prostate i okolnog nezahvaćenog parenhima

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    In prostate adenocarcinoma, both tumorous stroma and epithelium have important role in tumor progression. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF- β) is a promotor in advanced stages of prostate cancer. Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2), the endopeptidase that degrades extracellular matrix is considered to be overexpressed in prostatic carcinoma related to its growth and aggressiveness. Therefore, the aim was to analyze the expression of proteins TGF- β and MMP2 between both epithelium and stroma of prostatic adenocarcinoma and adjacent unaffected parenchyma. The intensity of TGF- β and MMP2 expression in epithelium, tumorous stroma and adjacent unaffected parenchyma was analyzed in 62 specimens of prostatic adenocarcinoma by microarray-based immunohistochemistry. TGF- β was more expressed in tumorous than in prostate stroma (p =0.000), while no statistical significance in case of MMP2 (p = 0.097) was found. MMP2 was more expressed in tumorous than in prostate epithelium (p =0.000), while no statistical significance in case of TGF- β (p = 0.096) was observed. The study results indicate that both tumorous stroma and epithelium have a role in tumor progression and support potential role of TGF- β and MMP2 in prostatic adenocarcinoma progression.U progresiji karcinoma prostate tumorska stroma i epitel imaju važnu ulogu. Beta transformirajući faktor rasta (TGF- β) djeluje kao promotor u uznapredovalom raku prostate, a matriks metaloproteinaza 2 (MMP2) kao endopeptidaza koja razgrađuje izvanstanični matriks te je njezina aktivnost pojačano izražena te povezana s rastom i agresivnošću ovog tumora. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio analizirati izraženost TGF- β u MMP2 između epitela i strome karcinoma prostate te okolnog tumorom nezahvaćenog parenhima prostate. Intenzitet izraženosti TGF- β i MMP2 u tumorskom epitelu i stromi te okolnom nezahvaćenom parenhimu je analiziran u 62 pacijenta s adenokarcinomom prostate metodom imunohistokemijske analize na uzorcima microarray-a. TGF- β je bio izraženiji u tumorskoj nego u ne- tumorskoj stromi (p =0.000), dok u slučaju izraženosti MMP2 nije pokazana statistička značajnost (p = 0.097). MMP2 je bila izraženija u tumorskom epitelu u odnosu na ne- tumorski epitel (p =0.000), dok statistička značajnost u slučaju izraženosti TGF- β nije pokazana (p = 0.096). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da i tumorski epitel i stroma imaju ulogu u progresiji tumora i ukazuju na potencijalnu ulogu TGF- β i MMP2 u progresiji adenokarcinoma prostate

    A free terminal ileal perforation as the presenting sign of crohn’s disease in an adolescent female

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    The authors present a rare case of Aa free terminal ileal perforation as the presenting sign of Crohn's disease in an adolescent female

    Acinic cell carcinoma of the breast: A comprehensive review

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    Acinic cell carcinoma of the breast is a rare special subtype of breast cancer in the category of salivary gland-type tumors. It is morphologically similar to acinic cell carcinomas of salivary glands and pancreas and has a triple-negative phenotype (estrogen receptor-negative, progesterone receptor-negative, and Her-2/neu negative). Its molecular genomic features are more similar to triple-negative breast cancer of no special type than to its salivary gland counterpart. However, the clinical course of the mammary acinic cell carcinoma appears to be less aggressive than the usual triple-negative breast carcinomas. This review comprehensively summarizes the current literature on the clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular features of this rare and distinct subtype of breast cancer

    High-Risk Human Papillomaviruses and Epstein-Barr Virus in Colorectal Cancer and Their Association with Clinicopathological Status.

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common malignancy with a high mortality rate worldwide. It is a complex, multifactorial disease that is strongly impacted by both hereditary and environmental factors. The role of microbes (e.g., viruses) in the pathogenesis of CRC is poorly understood. In the current study, we explored the status of high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in a well-defined CRC cohort using immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction assays. Our data showed that high-risk HPVs were common (~80%) and EBV had a low presence (14-25%) in the CRC samples. The most common high-risk HPVs are HPV16, 31, 18, 51, 52 and 45 genotypes. The co-presence of high-risk HPV and EBV was observed in ~16% of the sample population without any significant association with the clinicopathological variables. We conclude that high-risk HPVs are very prevalent in CRC samples while EBV positivity is relatively low. The co-expression of the two viruses was observed in a minority of cases and without any correlation with the studied parameters. Further studies are necessary to confirm the clinical relevance and potential therapeutic (preventive) effects of the observations reported herein.Qatar University grants: QUHI-CMED-19/20-1 and GCC#2017-002 Q