3 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to investigate internal and external determinants that impact the Net Interest Margin (NIM). The paper employs an OLS-PSCE procedure using quarterly Panel Data (From March 2013 to December 2019) for commercial banks in Kosovo. Results suggest that the Net Interest Margin in the banking sector in Kosovo is mostly influenced by factors within the bank such as: Loan-to-Deposit Ratio; Operation Costs and Fee Income, but less affected by external factors besides inflation. In addition, results suggest that external factors do not influence the net interest margin; therefore, a governmental policy intervention might not have an impact on Net Interest Margin. The results of the research are important for commercial banks in Kosovo, since they can help improve the efficiency through the internal and external indicators that are impacting the NIM.Cilj ovog rada je istražiti unutarnje i vanjske determinante koje utječu na neto kamatnu maržu (NIM). Rad koristi proceduru OLS-PSCE koristeći tromjesečne podatke panela (od ožujka 2013. do prosinca 2019.) za poslovne banke na Kosovu. Rezultati pokazuju da je neto kamatna marža u bankarskom sektoru na Kosovu uglavnom pod utjecajem čimbenika unutar banke kao što su: omjer kredita i depozita i operativnih troškova i prihodi od naknada, ali manje pod utjecajem vanjskih čimbenika osim inflacije. Osim toga, rezultati sugeriraju da vanjski čimbenici ne utječu na neto kamatnu maržu; stoga intervencija vladine politike možda neće imati utjecaja na neto kamatnu maržu. Rezultati istraživanja važni su za poslovne banke na Kosovu, jer mogu pomoći u poboljšanju učinkovitosti kroz interne i vanjske pokazatelje koji utječu na NIM

    The 6th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

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    After a three-year quarantine from the deadliest global pandemic of the last century, ASTES is organizing to gather all health professionals in Tirana, The 6th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery(ACTES 2022) on 11-12 November 2022, with the topic Trauma & Emergency Surgery and not only...with the aim of providing high quality, the best standards, and the best results, for our patients ...ACTES 2022 is the largest event that ASTES (Albanian Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery) has organized so far with 230 presentations, and 67 foreign lecturers with enviable geography, making it the largest national and wider scientific event.The scientific program is as strong as ever, thanks to the inclusiveness, where all the participants with a mix of foreign and local lecturers, select the best of the moment in medical science, innovation, and observation.The scientific committee has selected all the presentations so that the participants of each medical discipline will have something to learn, discuss, debate, and agree with updated methods, techniques, and protocols.I hope you will join us on Friday morning, and continue the journey of our two-day event together