187 research outputs found

    Biological Tools to Study the Effects of Environmental Contaminants at the Feto–Maternal Interface

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    The identification of reproductive toxicants is a major scientific challenge for human health. Pre-natal life is the most vulnerable and important time-span of human development. For obvious ethical reasons, in vivo models cannot be used in human pregnancy and animal models do not perfectly reflect human physiology. This review describes the in vitro test models representative of the human feto-maternal interface and the effects of environmental chemicals with estrogen-like activity, mainly bisphenol A (BPA) and para-nonylphenol (p-NP), with a particular emphasis to the effects at low, non-toxic doses, similar to concentrations commonly detected in the population

    Pilot hearing screening in school age children in Republic of Moldova

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    Introduction: Many countries have implemented newborn hearing screening programs, resulting in early intervention and therapy. In spite of that, there is a significant number of schoolchildren with hearing problems. Hearing loss is a common and considerable disability that harms educational performance of schoolchildren in developing countries. Lack of a simple and practical screening protocol often deters routine and systematic hearing screening at school entry. Purpose and Objectives: The pilot study assessing the hearing in the population of pupils who begin their education in five random primary schools in Moldova. Material and Methods: Hearing screening was conducted in a group of 179 children from three primary schools in Chisinau in Republic of Moldova. Screening was performed using the Sense Examination Platform; on the basis of the audiometric procedure of measuring the hearing threshold. Positive result of hearing screening was defined as equal as or more than 25dB at least at one frequency in either ear. Additionally subjective assessment was carried out on the basis of parents questionnaires. Results: The study was performed in 3 schools: in the 1st were examined 69 children, from which a positive result was at 8.7%, in the 2nd - 52 (25% positive) and in the III-rd - 58, with positive result at 10.34%. A total of 179 children were examined, out of which at 13.97% - a positive test result'. All children with positive results of hearing screening were examined by local otolaryngologists. Conclusions: The obtained results confirm the significant prevalence of hearing problems in school-aged children. Based on the results, the implementation of hearing screening as a routine procedure in the medical care in schools is strongly recommended

    Speech Perception Changes in the Acoustically Aided, Nonimplanted Ear after Cochlear Implantation: A Multicenter Study

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    In recent years there has been an increasing percentage of cochlear implant (CI) users who have usable residual hearing in the contralateral, nonimplanted ear, typically aided by acoustic amplification. This raises the issue of the extent to which the signal presented through the cochlear implant may influence how listeners process information in the acoustically stimulated ear. This multicenter retrospective study examined pre- to postoperative changes in speech perception in the nonimplanted ear, the implanted ear, and both together. Results in the latter two conditions showed the expected increases, but speech perception in the nonimplanted ear showed a modest yet meaningful decrease that could not be completely explained by changes in unaided thresholds, hearing aid malfunction, or several other demographic variables. Decreases in speech perception in the nonimplanted ear were more likely in individuals who had better levels of speech perception in the implanted ear, and in those who had better speech perception in the implanted than in the nonimplanted ear. This raises the possibility that, in some cases, bimodal listeners may rely on the higher quality signal provided by the implant and may disregard or even neglect the input provided by the nonimplanted ear

    Discovery of a Distinct Superfamily of Kunitz-Type Toxin (KTT) from Tarantulas

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    BACKGROUND: Kuntiz-type toxins (KTTs) have been found in the venom of animals such as snake, cone snail and sea anemone. The main ancestral function of Kunitz-type proteins was the inhibition of a diverse array of serine proteases, while toxic activities (such as ion-channel blocking) were developed under a variety of Darwinian selection pressures. How new functions were grafted onto an old protein scaffold and what effect Darwinian selection pressures had on KTT evolution remains a puzzle. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we report the presence of a new superfamily of ktts in spiders (TARANTULAS: Ornithoctonus huwena and Ornithoctonus hainana), which share low sequence similarity to known KTTs and is clustered in a distinct clade in the phylogenetic tree of KTT evolution. The representative molecule of spider KTTs, HWTX-XI, purified from the venom of O. huwena, is a bi-functional protein which is a very potent trypsin inhibitor (about 30-fold more strong than BPTI) as well as a weak Kv1.1 potassium channel blocker. Structural analysis of HWTX-XI in 3-D by NMR together with comparative function analysis of 18 expressed mutants of this toxin revealed two separate sites, corresponding to these two activities, located on the two ends of the cone-shape molecule of HWTX-XI. Comparison of non-synonymous/synonymous mutation ratios (omega) for each site in spider and snake KTTs, as well as PBTI like body Kunitz proteins revealed high Darwinian selection pressure on the binding sites for Kv channels and serine proteases in snake, while only on the proteases in spider and none detected in body proteins, suggesting different rates and patterns of evolution among them. The results also revealed a series of key events in the history of spider KTT evolution, including the formation of a novel KTT family (named sub-Kuntiz-type toxins) derived from the ancestral native KTTs with the loss of the second disulfide bridge accompanied by several dramatic sequence modifications. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These finding illustrate that the two activity sites of Kunitz-type toxins are functionally and evolutionally independent and provide new insights into effects of Darwinian selection pressures on KTT evolution, and mechanisms by which new functions can be grafted onto old protein scaffolds

    A Family of Diverse Kunitz Inhibitors from Echinococcus granulosus Potentially Involved in Host-Parasite Cross-Talk

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    The cestode Echinococcus granulosus, the agent of hydatidosis/echinococcosis, is remarkably well adapted to its definitive host. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the successful establishment of larval worms (protoscoleces) in the dog duodenum are unknown. With the aim of identifying molecules participating in the E. granulosus-dog cross-talk, we surveyed the transcriptomes of protoscoleces and protoscoleces treated with pepsin at pH 2. This analysis identified a multigene family of secreted monodomain Kunitz proteins associated mostly with pepsin/H+-treated worms, suggesting that they play a role at the onset of infection. We present the relevant molecular features of eight members of the E. granulosus Kunitz family (EgKU-1 – EgKU-8). Although diverse, the family includes three pairs of close paralogs (EgKU-1/EgKU-4; EgKU-3/EgKU-8; EgKU-6/EgKU-7), which would be the products of recent gene duplications. In addition, we describe the purification of EgKU-1 and EgKU-8 from larval worms, and provide data indicating that some members of the family (notably, EgKU-3 and EgKU-8) are secreted by protoscoleces. Detailed kinetic studies with native EgKU-1 and EgKU-8 highlighted their functional diversity. Like most monodomain Kunitz proteins, EgKU-8 behaved as a slow, tight-binding inhibitor of serine proteases, with global inhibition constants (KI*) versus trypsins in the picomolar range. In sharp contrast, EgKU-1 did not inhibit any of the assayed peptidases. Interestingly, molecular modeling revealed structural elements associated with activity in Kunitz cation-channel blockers. We propose that this family of inhibitors has the potential to act at the E. granulosus-dog interface and interfere with host physiological processes at the initial stages of infection
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