6 research outputs found

    Quantifizierung des Heimvorteils im deutschen Profifußball: Eine empirische Untersuchung fĂŒr die 1. Fußball-Bundesliga

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    Im vorliegenden Arbeitspapier wird das PhĂ€nomen des Heimvorteils fĂŒr die 1. Fußball-Bundesliga untersucht. Dabei werden zunĂ€chst alle 37 bisherigen Saisons in die ĂŒberblicksartige Betrachtungen einbezogen. HerzstĂŒck des Arbeitspapiers ist die Vorstellung eines Ansatzes, der auf der Basis der einzelnen Spielergebnisse der 1999/2000 einen mannschaftsspezifischen Heimvorteil unter der BerĂŒcksichtigung der allgemeine StĂ€rke der jeweiligen Mannschaft schĂ€tzt.This paper analyzes the phenomenon of home advantage in German First Soccer League. All former 37 seasons are considered in the general survey. Furthermore a model is presented which calculates home advantage for individual clubs taking into account the general abilities of the team; the estimations are based on the match results of the 1999/2000 season

    Silicone castings on cartilage as tool mark-scientific fingerprints

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    Not infrequently, suicides or homicides are carried out by a sharp or semi-sharp tool through puncture, cut or slash injuries. Such tools have individual features through manufacturing and use that can leave individual-specific marks, especially during penetration of cartilage tissue, so that an unambiguous injury-tool assignment can be made. Since April 2012, in cooperation with the Department of Tool Marks of the Office of Criminal Investigation North Rhine-Westphalia (LKA NRW), Germany, tool marks in cartilage after puncture or cut injuries are secured by AccuTransA (R) casting material at the Institute of Legal Medicine Cologne. Together with the weapon in question, these casts are sent to the LKA NRW for a comparative tool-mark examination. Ten death cases have been included so far in the current project. In one third of the cases, the potential implements used in the crime could be clearly identified as the cause of the injury. The remaining studies provided inconclusive results. There were no false results. The casting of marks in human cartilage and possibly bones, for example by AccuTransA (R) casting material, and the tool-mark examination provide an easy-to-use method for exclusion or identification of the potential implements used in the crime as cause of an injury. In the absence of an alleged murder weapon, these analyses could help investigators make statements about the tool used. The cooperation between the LKA NRW and the Institute of Legal Medicine avoids the transport of body tissue because the casts on the injured cartilage are already taken on the autopsy table. The comparative tool-mark examinations are then carried out in the laboratory of LKA and rated by experts

    Assessment of moderate coffee consumption and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomization study

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