9 research outputs found

    Turn Me On or Off: A Study On Epigenetics and Merleau-Ponty in Angela Carter’s “The Lady of the House of Love”

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    This study aims to trace points of intersection between the too often divorced disciplines of literature, continental philosophy, and the hard sciences in Angela Carter’s “The Lady of the House of Love.” In short, this thesis will not only explore how such conversations surface within the short story, but will also serve as an explication of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of body and space, and the theory of epigenetics. Through these explications, the thesis itself will also gear one discipline towards the other as both theories intimately bind the environment with the body, and the body with the environment. Thus, the body and the environment are not separate and passive, but active and intertwined in a manner much like the aforementioned disciplines I posit are. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to first postulate that such conversations between literature, philosophy, and science are already occurring, and as such, stress that such conversations need further discussion and exploration

    Resolving the confused identity of Frankliniella panamensis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)

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    La figure de Jules César dans les Essais Dans les débats idéologiques en Italie, la figure de Jules César se situe au cœur de la grande polémique entamée par les humanistes florentins contre leurs homologues milanais et contre les visées expansionnistes de la tyrannie incarnée par les Visconti, et César est un des personnages les plus cités chez Machiavel. Même fascination en France : Marot se réfère à Jules César pour célébrer le vainqueur de Cérisoles, dans le Liber de militia, Pierre Ramus..

    The identification of the flower thrips, Frankliniella Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) intercepted at U.S. ports of entry

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    U.S. port of entry interception data revealed that Frankliniella Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) was the most frequently intercepted genus of Thripidae. No published identification resource for intercepted Frankliniella is available to USDA port of entry entomology identifiers. A morphological review of intercepted species was conducted. A dichotomous key for the identification of intercepted slide mounted adult females was created. Morphological diagnosis, description of each species with their geographic region(s) of origin and frequency of interception is provided. ZooBank registration. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:403B362E-9A7F-4385-A0F1-9DB87FE09AD

    FIGURES 1, 2 in Resolving the confused identity of Frankliniella panamensis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)

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    FIGURES 1, 2. Microtrichia on upper surface of hind-coxae in Frankliniella species. (1) panamensis; (2) intonsa

    A Key to Some Frankliniella

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