4 research outputs found


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    Moksliniais tyrimais įrodyta, kad fizinis aktyvumas, nepriklausomai nuo įgalumo, stiprina asmens fizines ypatybes, didina savarankiškumą bei gerina gyvenimo kokybę. Darbo tikslas - įvertinti taikomosios fizinės veiklos programos (TFVP) poveikį sėdimojo tinklinio atletų fizinių ypatybių ugdymui. Tyrimas atliktas Vilniaus mieste 2014 metų vasario – balandžio mėnesiais. Dalyvavo Vilniaus „Fenikso“ neįgaliųjų sėdimojo tinklinio komandos 8 neįgalūs sportininkai. TFVP taikyta neįgaliems tinklininkams 6 savaites. Sėdimojo tinklinio atletai buvo apmokyti taisyklingos pratimų atlikimo technikos. Vėliau treniravosi savarankiškai. Treniruotės vyko 2 kartus per savaitę ne mažesniu nei 72 valandų periodiškumu. Treniruotės trukmė – ne ilgiau nei 45 minutės, neįskaičiuojant apšilimui skirto laiko. Po jėgos lavinimo treniruočių buvo atliekami sėdimojo tinklinio technikos elementai, treniruojamos žaidybinės situacijos. Sportininkų fizinės savybės buvo testuojamos prieš TFVP ir po 6 savaičių. Matematiniai skaičiavimai atlikti standartine Microsoft Windows Exel 2003 operacine programa bei matematinės statistikos SPSS 19.0 programa. Taikomosios fizinės veiklos programa taikyta 6 savaites pagerino neįgaliųjų sportininkų fizinius parametrus bei kompleksinio fizinio pasirengimo rodiklius.Research has shown that physical activity regardless of disabled, enhances a person‘s physical characteristics, increase independence and improve quality of life. The aim - to evaluate the application of physical activities (TFVP) on the sciatic volleyball athletes physical properties development. Analyzes were carried out in 2014 February - April. Participated in Vilnius Phoenix „sheltered seating 8 volleyball team athletes with disabilities. TFVP disabled volleyball applied for 6 weeks. Sciatic volleyball athletes were trained in the techniques of regular exercise. Later, self-trained. Training was held 2 times a week for at least 72 hours intervals. Training time - no longer than 45 minutes, not including the warm-up for the time. After strength training exercise was carried out in the sciatic volleyball technical elements trained to dominate the situation. The physical characteristics of the athletes were tested before and after TFVP 6 weeks. Numerical calculations were performed with standard Microsoft Excel for Windows 2003 operating program and mathematical statistics program SPSS 19.0. Adapted physical activity program from 6 weeks improved disabled athletes and the physical parameters of complex physical fitness indicators

    Identification of good practices in long-term exercise-based rehabilitation programs in stroke patients

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    Physical activity is an important factor for primary and secondary stroke prevention. The process of stroke rehabilitation includes early and late physical activity and exercise, which prevents further stoke and improve patients' quality of life. MY WAY project, an ERASMUS+ SPORT program, is aimed at analyzing and developing or transferring best innovative practices related to physical activity and exercise enhancing health in poststroke patients. The aim of the study was to identify, analyze, and present the good practices and strategies to encourage participation in sport and physical activity and engage and motivate chronic stroke patients to perform physical activity changing their lifestyle and to maintain a high adherence to long-term exercise-based rehabilitation programs. Our results demonstrated that unified European stroke long-term exercise-based rehabilitation guidelines do not exist. It seems that low training frequency with high aerobic exercise intensity may be optimal for improved physical performance and quality of life in combination with a high adherence. It is important to optimize the training protocols suitable for each patient. The continuous education and training of the specialized professionals in this field and the presence of adequate structures and cooperation between different healthcare centers are important contributors. The clear objective for each country should be to systematically make the necessary steps to enhance overall exercise-based stroke rehabilitation attendance in the long term. Long-term interventions to support the importance of physical exercise and lifelong exercise-based rehabilitation in chronic stroke patients should be created, what coincides with the goal of the MY WAY project

    Parental Burnout Across the Globe during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all societies worldwide. The heightened levels of stress that accompanied the crisis were also expected to affect parenting in many families. Since it is known that high levels of stress in the parenting domain can lead to a condition that has severe consequences for health and well-being, we examined whether the prevalence of parental burnout in 26 countries (9,923 parents; 75% mothers; mean age 40) increased during COVID-19 compared to few years before the pandemic. In most (but not all) countries, analyses showed a significant increase in the prevalence of parental burnout during the pandemic. The results further revealed that next to governmental measures (e.g., number of days locked down, homeschooling) and factors at the individual and family level (e.g., gender, number of children), parents in less (vs. more) indulgent countries suffered more from parental burnout. The findings suggest that stricter norms regarding their parenting roles and duties in general and during the pandemic in particular might have increased their levels of parental burnout