1 research outputs found

    Web service development with JBoss Fuse

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    Naloga obravnava razvoj spletne storitve z JBoss Fuse. Ta odprtokodni sistem je namenjen integraciji spletnih storitev, ki temeljijo na različnih tehnologijah. Kratko so opisane arhitekturne komponente: orodje Maven, posredniški strežnik Nexus, indeksni strežnik Solr, sistem OSGi, JBoss Fuse in orodje za orkestracijo procesa Apache Camel. Podrobno je opisan razvoj spletne storitve (zajem tečajnice in indeksiranje v strežnik Solr): - priprava razvojnega okolja, - priprava podatkovnega modela spletne storitve, - orkestriranje s potjo Camel in - izdelava konfiguracijske datoteke. Zagon razvite spletne storitve je obsegal: - pripravo distribucije spletne storitve, - pripravo kontejnerja in - pripravo konfiguracijskega profila kontejnerja. Odkrivanje nepravilnega delovanja storitve je kompleksno, krivulja učenja razvoja spletne storitve pa na začetku nizka. Kasneje, ko razvijalec razume arhitekturne komponente, je razvoj spletne storitve z JBoss Fuse hiter in učinkovit.In this research development of web service with JBoss Fuse is presented. This open source system is used for integration of web services which are based on different technologies. There are short descriptions of architectural components: Maven tool, Nexus proxy server, Solr index server, OSGi system, JBoss Fuse and the tool for orchestration of processes Apache Camel. Development of web service is described in details (fetch fund data and index it in Solr server): - setup of development environment, - preparation of data model for web service, - orchestration with Camel route, - creation of configuration file. The run of developed web service included: - preparation of distribution of web service, - setup fabric container, - preparation of configuration container profile. Testing and debugging of web service were complex, the learning curve of developing web sevice was low at the begining. After comprehension of architectural components development of web service is fast and efficient with JBoss Fuse