10 research outputs found

    Hučivá Cave: a Magdalenian hunting camp in the Tatra Mountains

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    This article discusses the objectives of the Stone Age Man in Caves of the Tatra Mountains project, which aims to explain the mysterious absence of evidence for the Palaeolithic in the Tatra Mountains of Eastern Europe. We present preliminary work from Hučivá Cave, which demonstrates clear traces of Magdalenian settlement within this region

    Lithic assemblage from the southern part of the Eastern Kom at Tell el-Farkha : seasons 2015-2016

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    Flint assemblages from Tel Erani site in Israel from polish-israeli mission research in 2013

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    Rok 2012 to początek polsko – izraelskiego projektu Trade Routes of the Near East (TRONE). Celem tego projektu jest zbadanie relacji pomiędzy Egiptem i południowym Lewantem we Wczesnej Epoce Brązu. Te relacje z Egiptem zostały zidentyfikowane podczas wcześniejszych badań na stanowisku Tel Erani – stanowisko znajdujące się w północnej części pustyni Negew, w Izraelu – dlatego zdecydowano się powrócić na to stanowisko i kontynuować badania. Podczas pierwszego sezonu badan polsko – izraelskiej ekspedycji, zebrano zbiór krzemieni, który został przeanalizowany przez autora tej pracy. Analiza i jej wyniki prezentowane są w tej pracy. Na początku opisano lokalizację, historię badań, stratygrafię, chronologię i związki kulturowe. Potem opisano metodologię pracy, w tym aspekt surowca. Kolejnym krokiem było zaprezentowanie wyników analizy z konkluzją. Na końcu zaprezentowano artykuły i książki, które użyto w tej pracy. Artefakty krzemienne są bardzo ważną częścią kultury materialnej. Również na ich podstawie, można badać stopień kontaktów, pomiędzy tymi dwoma obszarami. W zbiorze zabytków krzemiennych z Tel Erani pojawiło się kilka Egipskich elementów, co dowodzi o kontaktach Egiptu z południowym Lewantem we Wczesnej Epoce Brązu2012 is the beginning of the polish – israeli project Trade Routes of the Near East (TRONE). The aim of this project is research relations between Egypt and the southern Levant in the Early Bronze Age. That relations with Egypt have been identified during previous research at Tel Erani – site located in the north part of Negev desert in Israel – that’s why decided to return at this site and continue research. During the first season of polish-israeli expedition, collected flint assemblage, which was have been analyzed be the author of this work. Analysis and results are presented in this paper. On the beginning described location, history of research, stratigraphy, chronology and cultural relation this site. Then described work methodology, including raw material aspect. Another step was present the results of the analysis with the conclusions. At the end presented papers and books, which have been used. Flint artifacts are very important part of material culture. Also on their basis can research the degree of contact between the two areas. In flint assemblage from Tel Erani, were appeared few Egyptian elements, which proves Egyptian contacts with the southern Levant in Early Bronze Age

    Corded Ware culture at Zagórze in the Middle Beskid (Polish West Carpathians)

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    In 2012, series of archaeological rescue excavations were carried out at Zagórze, due tothe construction of the Świnna Poręba retention reservoir on the Skawa River in Wadowice district (Lesser Poland voivodeship). During this research, in one of the excavated sites - no. 8 – a flint tool was discovered below the top of the slope in the diluvial cover, in the secondary position. The preliminary analysis showed that it is a so-called flame knife, characteristic tool of the Corded Ware culture. Sometime later, feature no. 894 was discovered, located approximately 35 meters from the aforementioned flame knife, at the top of the slope. Five fragments of pottery were found in this feature. Fourth of them have been classified as a fragments of CWC ceramics, including fragments of a beaker and an amphora. On the basis of these finds, as well as comparisons to other sites, two hypotheses were formulated regarding the nature of the discovered feature: a flat grave or a feature of a settlement character. The aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive analysis (including use-wear analysis of the flame knife) and interpretation of these discovered finds

    The Egyptian presence at Tel Erani

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    Fire striker from Federmesser campsite Nowa Biała 1 (Poland)

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    In 2012 on the site of Nowa Biała 1 (Nowy Targ district, Poland), close to the remains of a Final Palaeolithic dwelling structure, a small piece of a strange rock was found. Petrographic and EDS analysis showed that this specimen is a small piece of ore. The context and the unique character of the artefact with a high content of iron compounds led to the hypothesis of the function of this object as a fire striker. The method called traseology is used to determine the function of prehistoric tools. The results of such an analysis are presented in this article

    The first results of excavations in the Huciva Cave in the Belianske Tatras

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    Late Glacial environment and human settlement of the Central Western Carpathians : a case study of the Nowa Biała 1 open-air site (Podhale Region, southern Poland)

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    Nowa Biała 1 is a unique site of the Federmesser culture in the area of Carpathian Mountains, and also one of the few Final Palaeolithic sites known from this territory. From taxonomic point of view the artefacts represent the Federmesser culture as an element of Arch-backed points technocomplex (APT) – well known from the European Plain and practically quite unknown from the mountains till now. Hunters’ camp, with the dwelling structure and workshop, was situated on a terrace of the Białka River close to its gorge, and in the proximity of a rocky hill (the Obłazowa Rock) – which itself was a great observation spot. The cultural layer found in the site was connected with an initial soil, the presence of which was observed within the aeolian loess-like deposits. Thie age of pedogenic processes (based on OSL dating) was undoubtedly younger than 14.7 ka and older than 11 ka. Radiocarbon dating suggests the Late Allerød age of the site. The present paper contains the results of fieldwork as well as geological and palaeobotanical analyses, provided data on the natural environment at the time when prehistoric hunters settled and also in the preceding period. According to study results, in the Late Glacial, during the time of this settlement in the vicinity of the Białka River gorge the patches of coniferous forests grew, in the valley habitats – alder and willow, and mires formed in the wetlands, rocky hills were covered with open plant communities with steppe and tundra elements. Variability of surrounding environs resulted in diversity of animal species and allowed Final Palaeolithic people to explore differentiated geoecosystems. Access to water and possibility of fishing was provided by the proximity of the river