10 research outputs found

    Synergistic Enhancement of Diagnostic Imaging: Synthesis and Preliminary Safety Evaluation of Gadolinium-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots as Dual-Contrast Agent

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    The present study explores the synthesis and bio-safety evaluation of gadolinium-doped carbon quantum dots (GCQDs) as a potential dual-contrast agent for diagnostic imaging. GCQDs exhibit both fluorescent and magnetic properties, making them suitable for UV鈥揤is and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The synthesis of GCQDs was achieved via hydrothermal treatment, incorporating gadolinium into the carbon quantum dot matrix. The magnetic properties of GCQDs were analyzed, showing significantly enhanced values compared to gadobutrol, a common MRI contrast agent. However, synthesis constraints limit the gadolinium content achievable in nanodots. To assess the safety of GCQDs, their effects on the embryonic development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) were examined. Various concentrations of GCQDs were tested, observing mortality rates, hatchability, malformations, heartbeats, spontaneous movement, and GCQDs uptake. Dialysis studies indicated that gadolinium ions are incorporated into the internal structure of the carbon nanodots. Zebrafish toxicity tests revealed that while survival rates were comparable to control groups, hatchability decreased significantly with higher gadolinium concentrations in GCQDs. Fluorescence microscopy showed no statistical differences in the fluorescence intensity between groups. These findings suggest that GCQDs could serve as an effective dual-contrast agent, combining the optical imaging capabilities of CQDs with the enhanced MRI contrast provided by gadolinium. This study underscores the need for further research on the synthesis methods and biological interactions of GCQDs to ensure their safety and efficacy in medical applications

    The effect of butylhydroxytoluene on the process of apoptosis in primary culture of hippocampal neurons

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    Butylohydroksytoluen (BHT) jest lipofilnym antyoksydantem znanym w Unii Europejskiej pod numerem E 321. Ta pochodna fenolu wykorzystywana jest nie tylko jako dodatek do 偶ywno艣ci, ale r贸wnie偶 w wielu produktach codziennego u偶ytku np. kosmetykach lub farmaceutykach. Istnieje wiele doniesie艅 naukowych wskazuj膮cych na hepato- oraz pneumotoksyczno艣膰 BHT, obserwowano te偶 objawy neurologiczne po jego spo偶yciu w du偶ej ilo艣ci. Jednak wyniki niekt贸rych bada艅 sugeruj膮 protekcyjne dzia艂anie tego zwi膮zku na niekt贸re kom贸rki i narz膮dy.Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o zbadanie wp艂ywu BHT na o艣rodkowy uk艂ad nerwowy poprzez przeprowadzenie eksperymentu in vitro na neuronach w hodowli pierwotnej. Kom贸rki wyizolowano z p艂od贸w mysich i zawieszono w pozbawionym surowicy medium Neurobasal z dodatkiem suplementu B27. Hodowl臋 prowadzono przez 9-15 dni. Nast臋pnie dodawano roztwory BHT (1, 10 i 100 碌M) na 24 lub 48 godzin. W celu zbadania wp艂ywu BHT na 偶ywotno艣膰 neuron贸w oznaczano poziom dehydrogenazy mleczanowej, potencja艂 b艂ony mitochondrialnej i aktywno艣膰 kaspazy 3 metodami biochemicznymi. Ponadto, aby uwidoczni膰 zmiany morfologiczne zachodz膮ce w kom贸rkach po inkubacji z BHT, wykonano barwienie immunofluorescencyjne.Uzyskane wyniki wykaza艂y istotny statystycznie wzrost aktywno艣ci uwolnionej do medium hodowlanego dehydrogenazy mleczanowej oraz spadek potencja艂u b艂ony mitochondrialnej pod wp艂ywem BHT. Zaobserwowano te偶 wzrost aktywno艣ci kaspazy 3. Cytotoksyczne dzia艂anie BHT na neurony zosta艂o potwierdzone w barwieniu immunofluorescencyjnym.Praca ta przedstawia zale偶ny od dawki cytotoksyczny wp艂yw BHT na kom贸rki nerwowe w hodowli pierwotnej w modelu kr贸tkotrwa艂ego nara偶enia. Bior膮c pod uwag臋 otrzymane wyniki oraz szerokie zastosowanie tej substancji, badania nad neurotoksyczno艣ci膮 BHT powinny by膰 kontynuowane, r贸wnie偶 pod wzgl臋dem jego potencjalnej roli w rozwoju chor贸b neurodegeneracyjnych.Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a lipophilic antioxidant known in the European Union under E 321 code. This phenol derivative is used not only as a food additive, but also in a wide variety of every-day products i.e. cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.There are many scientific reports that BHT can induce hepato- and pneumotoxic effect, neurological symptoms after ingestion of large amount of BHT were observed as well. However, results of some experiments indicate its potential protective effect on cells and organs.The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of BHT on the central nervous system, using neurons in primary cultures. The cells were isolated from mouse embryos, plated in serum-free Neurobasal medium supplemented with B27 and cultured for 9-15 days. Afterwards, BHT (1, 10 i 100 碌M) was added for 24 and 48 hours. To investigate how it affects the central nervous system, the level of released lactate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase 3 activity were measured using appropriate assays. Furthermore, immunofluorescence staining was used to visualize morphological changes in neuron cultures after incubation with BHT.The obtained results indicated statistically significant increase of lactate dehydrogenase and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential. Also increased caspase 3 activity was observed. Cytotoxic impact of BHT on neurons was confirmed by immunofluorescence staining.This study shows dose-dependent cytotoxic influence of BHT on neurons in primary culture in short-term exposure model. Taking the results obtained into account, the investigation of its neurotoxicity should be continued, also in terms of causes of neurodegenerative diseases