35 research outputs found

    The ā€˜Self-Regulated Learning Opportunities Questionnaireā€™: a Diagnostic Instrument for Teacher Educatorsā€™ Professional Development

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    Many recent studies have stressed the importance of studentsā€™ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills for successful learning. Although primary teacher educators are aware of the importance of SRL for their students, they often find it difficult to implement SRL opportunities in their teaching. To support teacher professional development, an SRL model was described in a previous theoretical study. In the present article, this SRL model is elaborated towards the ā€˜SRL Opportunities Questionnaireā€™ (SRLOQ) that can be applied by primary teacher educators as a diagnostic instrument for classroom settings. A four-phase research design is applied consisting of scale development, score validation, further validation of the SRLOQ in primary teacher education, and a confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, a single case study is described that illustrates the usefulness of the SRLOQ in classroom practice

    Effects of increased self-regulated learning opportunities on student teachersā€™ metacognitive and motivational development.

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    This intervention study focused on the relationships between student teachersā€™ self-regulated learning (SRL) opportunities, their use of metacognitive learning strategies and their motivation for learning. Results indicate that student teachersā€™ use of metacognitive learning strategies increases significantly in learning environments with increased SRL opportunities. In opposite to these findings, no significant difference was shown between student teachersā€™ motivation for learning before and after the research period. However, student teachersā€™ expectancy, a component within the motivational construct, did increase significantly in the research period. Finally, minor significant positive correlations were found between the metacognitive and motivational constructs measured. In general, the level of SRL opportunities turns out to be a moderate predictor of student teachersā€™ use of metacognitive learning strategies and motivation for learning, both important constructs for their academic career

    Using online learning networks to promote self-regulated learning in primary teacher education

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    Many recent studies have stressed the importance of studentsā€™ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills for successful learning. Consequently, teacher educators have begun to increase student teachersā€™ SRL opportunities in educational pre-service programs. Although primary teacher educators are aware of the importance of SRL, they often find it difficult to implement opportunities in their teaching. To provide more insight into relevant SRL aspects and support implementation in pre-service teacher education, this study first explores the benefits of online SRL learning networks. The authors then present seven SRL design principles for primary teacher education, and show the results of implementing these principles in non-formal learning contexts. Finally, based on the positive results of the implementation process, the authors describe emerging trends for SRL learning networks to enhance further use in pre-service teacher learning programs. In such educational settings, the SRL design principles can be used as a holistic framework

    Process-oriented design principles for promoting self-regulated learning in primary teacher education

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    Many recent studies have stressed the importance of studentsā€™ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills for successful learning. Consequently, primary teacher educators are stimulated by their policy makers to increase their studentsā€™ SRL opportunities in the educational pre-service program. However, primary teacher educators often find it difficult to implement these innovations in their teaching. In the present study, a literature search concerning SRL was conducted. Based on this search, seven process-oriented design principles were formulated, resulting in a SRL model for primary teacher education. This SRL model provides more insight into relevant SRL aspects and can support SRL implementation in pre-service teacher education

    Kritische vragen ter bevordering van de reflectiekwaliteit van pabostudenten

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    Er komt steeds meer aandacht voor zelfgestuurd leren (ZGL) als manier om studenten actiever en bewuster te laten leren. Vanuit het beleidskader Opleiden in School zijn in het studiejaar 2013-2014 intervisiemomenten voor pabostudenten op de werkplek georganiseerd met de intentie de mogelijkheden tot ZGL van de studenten geleidelijk te implementeren op de werkplek. Om hierbij een verdieping in reflectiekwaliteit van pabostudenten (n=28) te bewerkstelligen, hebben twee pabodocenten, vier leerkrachten basisonderwijs en drie onderzoekers samengewerkt aan een instrument met stimulerende vragen, gericht op toenemende verdieping in reflectieniveaus. Een belangrijk principe is er dat er een geleidelijke ontwikkeling plaatsvindt van docentsturing naar studentsturing. De eerste bevindingen laten zien dat het instrument (aanstaande) leraren ondersteunt bij het stellen van betekenisgerichte vragen ter bevordering van het reflectieniveau. Tevens stijgt het percentage betekenisgerichte reflectie

    The role of feedback and social presence in an online peer coaching program for student teachers

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    Feedback is essential in any kind of learning. This study focused on feedback in online learning and conceptualized feedback as a social interaction process. Online learning rests on social interaction, which is affected by feelings of social presence. Therefore, we investigated received and perceived online feedback, and the coherence between them. In addition, we studied the influence of social presence on feedback processes. Sixteen Dutch student teachers, who followed a 1 year customized postgraduate teacher education course, engaged in an online peer coaching program using Skype. Data could be collected from 8 different participants and 966 feedback utterances were analysed. In order to determine the quality of this received feedback, an observational instrument was used. In addition, questionnaires were filled in that addressed student teachersā€™ feedback perceptions and feelings of social presence. Findings showed that participants with higher feedback perceptions received more effective observed feedback than participants with lower perceptions. Feelings of social presence affected perceived and observed feedback, however the social presence items need further validation. This study has practical implications for providing effective online feedback as well as providing a more holistic view on the processes of feedback among teachers

    Understanding feedback: A learning theory perspective

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    This article aims to review literature on feedback to teachers. Because research has hardly focused on feedback among teachers, the reviewā€™s scope also includes feedback in class- rooms. The review proposes that the effectiveness of feedback and feedback processes depend on the learning theory adhered to. Findings show that regardless of the learning theory effective feedback is goal- or task-directed, speciļ¬c, and neutral. In addition, four rules of thumb were formulated that reļ¬‚ect what a majority of learning theories suggested as effective for learning. Finally, some feedback characteristics were considered effective from only one learning theory. The article shows that feedback processes are complicated and many variables inļ¬‚uence and mediate the processes. Most reviewed studies did not investigate the whole feedback processes, and therefore, we suggest that future research is needed to further understand feedback

    Investigating Feedback on Practice Among Teachers: Coherence of Observed and Perceived Feedback

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    Despite that beneļ¬ts of feedback in student learning are reported in much research, little has been reported regarding the use of feedback from teach- ers to other teachersā€”a key tool in professional development. In this study, we triangulated data from videotaped peer coaching sessions, ques- tionnaires, and interviews regarding 12 primary school teachers in four peer groups in the Netherlands. We focused our research on two issues: the interplay of observed feedback dimensions and elements and perceptions of that feedback. Feedback dimensions were generally effective and the inļ¬‚uence of the elements on the dimensions mostly aligned with the expectations. Teachers generally perceived feedback as effective. More- over, effective observed feedback was perceived as effective. Findings indicate that peer coaches should stimulate coached teachers to become goal directed, speciļ¬c, detailed, and neutral (neither positive nor negative) by using feedback elements so as to optimize feedback processes

    Van actiegerichte naar betekenisgerichte reflectie

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    Iselinge Hogeschool, een lerarenopleiding voor primair onderwijs (pabo) in Doetinchem, heeft het belang van zelfgestuurd leren van de studenten hoog in het vaandel staan. In nauwe samenwerking met het Welten-instituut is in de vorm van co-creatie samengewerkt aan de verdieping van de reflectiekwaliteit van pabostudenten tijdens intervisiegesprekken. Belangrijke opbrengsten betreffen een overzicht van reflectieniveaus en stimulerende vragen voor reflectie die begeleiders houvast kunnen bieden bij het in kaart brengen en bevorderen van de reflectiekwaliteit van pabostudenten. Ter illustratie worden de reflectieniveaus en de stimulerende vragen in een voorbeeld uitgewerkt. Ook wordt beschreven hoe de transitie van docent- naar studentsturing vorm kan krijgen in gesprekssituaties