239 research outputs found

    Experimentally testable geometric phase of sequences of Everett's relative quantum states

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    Everett's concept of relative state is used to introduce a geometric phase that depends nontrivially on entanglement in a pure quantum state. We show that this phase can be measured in multiparticle interferometry. A correlation-dependent generalization of the relative state geometric phase to mixed quantum states is outlined.Comment: Minor changes, journal reference adde

    Geometric Phases for Mixed States during Cyclic Evolutions

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    The geometric phases of cyclic evolutions for mixed states are discussed in the framework of unitary evolution. A canonical one-form is defined whose line integral gives the geometric phase which is gauge invariant. It reduces to the Aharonov and Anandan phase in the pure state case. Our definition is consistent with the phase shift in the proposed experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{85}, 2845 (2000)] for a cyclic evolution if the unitary transformation satisfies the parallel transport condition. A comprehensive geometric interpretation is also given. It shows that the geometric phases for mixed states share the same geometric sense with the pure states.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Global asymmetry of many-qubit correlations: A lattice gauge theory approach

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    We introduce a novel bridge between the familiar gauge field theory approaches used in many areas of modern physics such as quantum field theory and the SLOCC protocols familiar in quantum information. Although the mathematical methods are the same the meaning of the gauge group will be different. The measure we introduce, `twist', is constructed as a Wilson loop from a correlation induced holonomy. The measure can be understood as the global asymmetry of the bipartite correlations in a loop of three or more qubits; if the holonomy is trivial (the identity matrix), the bipartite correlations can be globally untwisted using general local qubit operations, the gauge group of our theory, which turns out to be the group of Lorentz transformations familiar from special relativity. If it is not possible to globally untwist the bipartite correlations in a state globally using local operations, the twistedness is given by a non-trivial element of the Lorentz group, the correlation induced holonomy. We provide several analytical examples of twisted and untwisted states for three qubits, the most elementary non-trivial loop one can imagine.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, title changed, results and content remain unchange

    Noncyclic geometric changes of quantum states

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    Non-Abelian quantum holonomies, i.e., unitary state changes solely induced by geometric properties of a quantum system, have been much under focus in the physics community as generalizations of the Abelian Berry phase. Apart from being a general phenomenon displayed in various subfields of quantum physics, the use of holonomies has lately been suggested as a robust technique to obtain quantum gates; the building blocks of quantum computers. Non-Abelian holonomies are usually associated with cyclic changes of quantum systems, but here we consider a generalization to noncyclic evolutions. We argue that this open-path holonomy can be used to construct quantum gates. We also show that a structure of partially defined holonomies emerges from the open-path holonomy. This structure has no counterpart in the Abelian setting. We illustrate the general ideas using an example that may be accessible to tests in various physical systems.Comment: Extended version, new title, journal reference adde

    Off-diagonal geometric phase for mixed states

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    We extend the off-diagonal geometric phase [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 3067 (2000)] to mixed quantal states. The nodal structure of this phase in the qubit (two-level) case is compared with that of the diagonal mixed state geometric phase [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 2845 (2000)]. Extension to higher dimensional Hilbert spaces is delineated. A physical scenario for the off-diagonal mixed state geometric phase in polarization-entangled two-photon interferometry is proposed.Comment: small corrections; journal reference adde

    Correlation induced non-Abelian quantum holonomies

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    In the context of two-particle interferometry, we construct a parallel transport condition that is based on the maximization of coincidence intensity with respect to local unitary operations on one of the subsystems. The dependence on correlation is investigated and it is found that the holonomy group is generally non-Abelian, but Abelian for uncorrelated systems. It is found that our framework contains the L\'{e}vay geometric phase [2004 {\it J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.} {\bf 37} 1821] in the case of two-qubit systems undergoing local SU(2) evolutions.Comment: Minor corrections; journal reference adde

    Kinematic approach to off-diagonal geometric phases of nondegenerate and degenerate mixed states

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    Off-diagonal geometric phases have been developed in order to provide information of the geometry of paths that connect noninterfering quantal states. We propose a kinematic approach to off-diagonal geometric phases for pure and mixed states. We further extend the mixed state concept proposed in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 90}, 050403 (2003)] to degenerate density operators. The first and second order off-diagonal geometric phases are analyzed for unitarily evolving pairs of pseudopure states.Comment: New section IV, new figure, journal ref adde

    Geometric phases for mixed states in interferometry

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    We provide a physical prescription based on interferometry for introducing the total phase of a mixed state undergoing unitary evolution, which has been an elusive concept in the past. We define the parallel transport condition that provides a connection-form for obtaining the geometric phase for mixed states. The expression for the geometric phase for mixed state reduces to well known formulas in the pure state case when a system undergoes noncyclic and unitary quantum evolution.Comment: Two column, 4 pages, Latex file, No figures, Few change

    Uhlmann's geometric phase in presence of isotropic decoherence

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    Uhlmann's mixed state geometric phase [Rep. Math. Phys. {\bf 24}, 229 (1986)] is analyzed in the case of a qubit affected by isotropic decoherence treated in the Markovian approximation. It is demonstrated that this phase decreases rapidly with increasing decoherence rate and that it is most fragile to weak decoherence for pure or nearly pure initial states. In the unitary case, we compare Uhlmann's geometric phase for mixed states with that occurring in standard Mach-Zehnder interferometry [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 2845 (2000)] and show that the latter is more robust to reduction in the length of the Bloch vector. We also describe how Uhlmann's geometric phase in the present case could in principle be realized experimentally.Comment: New ref added, refs updated, journal ref adde

    Kinematic approach to the mixed state geometric phase in nonunitary evolution

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    A kinematic approach to the geometric phase for mixed quantal states in nonunitary evolution is proposed. This phase is manifestly gauge invariant and can be experimentally tested in interferometry. It leads to well-known results when the evolution is unitary.Comment: Minor changes; journal reference adde