17 research outputs found

    Water balance during parturition and early puerperium : a prospective open trial

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    Introduction: South Africa has the world's largest antiretroviral treatment (ART) programme. While services in the public sector are free at the point of use, little is known about overall access barriers. This paper explores these barriers from the perspective of ART users enrolled in services in two rural and two urban settings. Methods: Using a comprehensive framework of access, interviews were conducted with over 1200 ART users to assess barriers along three dimensions: availability, affordability and acceptability. Summary statistics were computed and comparisons of access barriers between sites were explored using multivariate linear and logistic regressions.Results: While availability access barriers in rural settings were found to be mitigated through a more decentralised model of service provision in one site, affordability barriers were considerably higher in rural versus urban settings. 50% of respondents incurred catastrophic healthcare expenditure and 36% borrowed money to cover these expenses in one rural site. On acceptability, rural users were less likely to report feeling respected by health workers. Stigma was reported to be lowest in the two sites with the most decentralised services and the highest coverage of those in need. Conclusions: While results suggest inequitable access to ART for rural relative to urban users, nurse-led services offered through primary healthcare facilities mitigated these barriers in one rural site. This is an important finding given current policy emphasis on decentralised and nurse-led ART in South Africa. This study is one of the first to present comprehensive evidence on access barriers to assist in the design of policy solutions

    Increase of bikunin and alpha1-microglobulin concentrations in urine of rats during pregnancy is due to decreased tubular reabsorption

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    Bikunin and alpha1-microglobulin are two plasma proteins of about 25 kDa which are made in the liver from a common precursor. The concentration of bikunin in human urine has been shown to increase several fold during various conditions of stress. The mechanism behind this increase is unknown. We have studied pregnant rats and found that the bikunin and alpha1-microglobulin levels in their urine increased 3-fold towards the end of the pregnancy, whereas those of albumin and orosomucoid did not. There were no significant changes in either the bikunin/alpha1-microglobulin mRNA level or the concentrations of the two proteins in serum. These findings imply that the synthesis and the clearance rates of bikunin and alpha1-microglobulin are normal during pregnancy but that the tubular reabsorption of these proteins is decreased