158 research outputs found

    Family Business, Employment, and GDP

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    We analyze the proportion of family business and its contribution to employment and gross domestic product (GDP). Our analysis adds to the literature by including all listed firms and by investigating a longer period than has heretofore been reported. The main contribution is to extend the analysis to include all firms in the economy using census data. Our study is devoted to the case of Sweden. Family business makes up half of the listed firms, and three quarters of all firms, accounting for one-fourth of total employment, and one-fifth of GDP. Their importance has increased during the period studied.Family Firms; Employment; GDP; Sweden; Ownership

    "I don`t trust him" Star Wars ur ett tillits-perspektiv

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    In this thesis I analyze the Star Wars saga and its description of the rise of dictators and compare them with common criticism of the US Congress and President. Central to the Star Wars Saga is the tale of how democratic societies transition into military dictatorships. As creator George Lucas has mentioned in interviews he sees democracies as weak during political upheaval, democratically elected polititians often in history choose safety over democracy, allowing the dictators to freely rise to power. I argue that there are quite a few similarities in the way that the fall of democracy is presented in Star Wars and critics of the US Congress. Power abdicates and transitions from the congress to the president. By using the polarity of the senate, the Chancellor (or president) manipulates the system in order to make him all powerful. This notion is in line with current and historical ideas on how the US would turn into a dictatorship. Using the framework of trust I analyze the narratives in star wars and American political science literature and journalism on ideas of death of democracies

    Riddaren i skinande rustning : narrativ om krig och intervention i Americas Army Comics

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    Min uppsats Riddaren i skinande rustning handlar om narrativ kring humanitära interventioner och hur USA gestaltar sin arméreklam. Det digitala seriealbumet Americas Army Comics är den amerikanska arméns officiella serietidning, utgiven av militären och serieförläggaren IDW Publishing. Min undersökning studerar arméns narrativ om den amerikanska interventionen och arméns betydelse för sin omvärld. I min undersökning analyseras de amerikanska skildringarna av kriget och arméns uppgift utomlands. Den tecknade serien Americas Army har ett uttalat utbildningssyfte, nämligen att visa upp den amerikanska soldatens uppoffrande och den amerikanska arméns arbetskodex dvs. ära och heder. Jag menar att den har ett säljande syfte och är framförallt riktad till fram-tida rekryter

    Europeisk identitet: Rumänien och Turkiet En jämförande studie i EU-kommissionens och parlamentets identitetskonstruktion i samband med medlemskapsförhandlingarna till EU

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    Abstract Vår uppsats handlar om Turkiets medlemskapsförhandlingar med Europeiska unionen i EU- parlamentet och kommissionen 2011-2012. Mer specifikt handlar den här uppsatsen om den europeiska identitetskonstruktionen som sker inom EU. Vi menar att inom EU-konstrueras konstrueras en identitet genom de såkallade Köpenhamnskriterierna, vilket innefattar de centrala europeiska värdena. Syftet med vår undersökning är därför att studera de argument som är knutna till köpenhamnskriterierna.. Som en del i vår argumentationsanalyshar vi valt att göra en komparativ studie EU-kommissionens framstegsrapportering av Turkiet och Rumänien kandidatur. Våra slutsatser är att man i huvudsak argumenterar för de politiska kriterierna i samtliga distanser, men att man också konstruerar den andre i parlamentet. Men vi menar att det närmast existerar en dubbelmoral i vår jämförelse med Rumänien, en stat som hade ett flertal likartade problem

    Implementing Circadian Rhythm Lighting – Two Health-Care Case Studies

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    The studies derive from two larger Danish cases, which evaluated the application of circadian rhythm lighting in sensitive health care environments and highlights the difficulties that can be experienced in the implementation of entraining, or shifting of the timing, of the biological clock through lighting design. The paper focuses on the effects of introducing new 24-hour light and dark patterns on patients and residents in the two institutions, a home for the aged with dementia and a psychiatric facility for eating disorder patients. Data was gathered through ethnographic interviews, questionnaires, mappings, and structured observations. While positive benefits for health were an intended effect of implementing 24-hour biologically attuned lighting into these two environments, its introduction was also experienced negatively by staff and patients, particularly in the early stages of implementation, by affecting the patients’ everyday routines and feeling of ownership. The paper lays out the foundation for current research projects by the author, by comparing the perceived comfort and experiences of the patients with the documented laboratory effects of the design of circadian lighting system. The paper concludes with preliminary recommendations for future implementations of circadian lighting designs, including the consideration of the context, the users’ adaptation of the technology, communication with staff, usability and personal control.publishedVersio

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Diagnosing Alzheimer's Disease in Clinical Practice: An Illustration with 3 Case Reports

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    Analysis of the brain specific biomarkers amyloid β42 (Aβ42) and total tau (t-tau) protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a sensitivity and specificity of more than 85% for differentiating Alzheimer's Disease (AD) from non-demented controls. International guidelines are contradictory in their advice on the use of CSF biomarkers in AD diagnostics, resulting in a lack of consistency in clinical practice. We present three case reports that illustrate clinical practice according to the Dutch and European guidelines and portray the value of CSF biomarker analysis as an add-on diagnostic to the standard diagnostic workup for AD