85 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of study of clinical and immunological effectiveness of the application of the vaccine «Pneumo-23» for children of 3—7 years old, suffering from chronic nasopharyngeal ring diseases of pneumococcal etiology. The authors revealed reduction of the frequency of cases of the main disease exacerbation and cases of ARI adjoining. Reduction of the main clinical symptoms of chronic adenoiditis and chronic tonsillitis was registered. Number of specific IgMand IgGAT to PS of the vaccine doubled reliably.Представлены результаты изучения клинико-иммунологической эффективности использования вакцины «Пневмо-23» у детей 3—7 лет, страдающих хроническими заболеваниями носоглоточного кольца пневмококковой этиологии. Выявлено снижение частоты обострений основного заболевания, присоединения ОРЗ, уменьшение основных клинических симптомов хронического аденоидита и хронического тонзиллита, а также достоверный двукратный прирост специфических IgМ-АТ и IgG-АТ к ПС, входящим в состав вакцины «Пневмо 23».

    Prenatal nicotine exposure alters early pancreatic islet and adipose tissue development with consequences on the control of body weight and glucose metabolism later in life. Endocrinology 149

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    ABSTRACT Despite medical advice, 20% to 30% of female smokers continue to smoke during pregnancy. Epidemiological studies have associated maternal smoking with increased risk of obesity and type-2 diabetes in the offspring. In the present study, we investigated the impact of prenatal nicotine exposure (3mg/kg in Sprague-Dawley rats via osmotic Alzet minipumps) on the early endocrine pancreas and adipose tissue development in rat pups before weaning. Body weight, fat deposition, food intake and food efficiency, cold tolerance, spontaneous physical activity, glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity were also examined at adulthood. Prenatal nicotine exposure led to a decrease in endocrine pancreatic islet size and number at 7 days of life (PND7) which corroborates with a decrease in gene expression of specific transcription factors such as Pdx-1, Pax-6, Nkx6.1 and of hormones such as insulin and glucagon. The prenatal nicotine exposure also led to an increase in epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT) weight at weaning (PND21), and marked hypertrophy of adipocytes, with increased gene expression of proadipogenic transcription factors such as C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ and SREBP-1C. These early tissue alterations led to significant metabolic consequences, as shown by increased body weight and fat deposition, increased food efficiency on high fat diet, cold intolerance, reduced physical activity, glucose intolerance combined with insulin resistance observed at adulthood. These results prove a direct association between fetal nicotine exposure and offspring metabolic syndrome with early signs of dysregulations of adipose tissue and pancreatic development

    Fetal Window of Vulnerability to Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Proportional Intrauterine Growth Restriction

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    Background: Although the entire duration of fetal development is generally considered a highly susceptible period, it is of public health interest to determine a narrower window of heightened vulnerability to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in humans. We posited that exposure to PAHs during the first trimester impairs fetal growth more severely than a similar level of exposure during the subsequent trimesters. Methods: In a group of healthy, non-smoking pregnant women with no known risks of adverse birth outcomes, personal exposure to eight airborne PAHs was monitored once during the second trimester for the entire cohort (n = 344), and once each trimester within a subset (n = 77). Both air monitoring and self-reported PAH exposure data were used in order to statistically estimate PAH exposure during the entire gestational period for each individual newborn. Results: One natural-log unit increase in prenatal exposure to the eight summed PAHs during the first trimester was associated with the largest decrement in the Fetal Growth Ratio (FGR) (23%, 95 % Confidence Interval (CI), 25 to20%), birthweight (2105 g, 95 % CI, 2188 to 222 g), and birth length (20.78 cm, 95 % CI, 21.30 to 20.26 cm), compared to the unit effects of PAHs during the subsequent trimesters, after accounting for confounders. Furthermore, a unit exposure during the first trimester was associated with the largest elevation in Cephalization Index (head to weight ratio) (3 mm/g, 95 % CI, 1 to 5 mm/g). PAH exposure was not associated with evidence of asymmetric growth restriction in this cohort

    Phosphorylation of GFAP is associated with injury in the neonatal pig hypoxic-ischemic brain

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    Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is an intermediate filament protein expressed in the astrocyte cytoskeleton that plays an important role in the structure and function of the cell. GFAP can be phosphorylated at six serine (Ser) or threonine (Thr) residues but little is known about the role of GFAP phosphorylation in physiological and pathophysiological states. We have generated antibodies against two phosphorylated GFAP (pGFAP) proteins: p8GFAP, where GFAP is phosphorylated at Ser-8 and p13GFAP, where GFAP is phosphorylated at Ser-13. We examined p8GFAP and p13GFAP expression in the control neonatal pig brain and at 24 and 72 h after an hypoxic-ischemic (HI) insult. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated pGFAP expression in astrocytes with an atypical cytoskeletal morphology, even in control brains. Semi-quantitative western blotting revealed that p8GFAP expression was significantly increased at 24 h post-insult in HI animals with seizures in frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital cortices. At 72 h post-insult, p8GFAP and p13GFAP expression were significantly increased in HI animals with seizures in brain regions that are vulnerable to cellular damage (cortex and basal ganglia), but no changes were observed in brain regions that are relatively spared following an HI insult (brain stem and cerebellum). Increased pGFAP expression was associated with poor neurological outcomes such as abnormal encephalography and neurobehaviour, and increased histological brain damage. Phosphorylation of GFAP may play an important role in astrocyte remodelling during development and disease and could potentially contribute to the plasticity of the central nervous system

    Nutritional psychiatry research: an emerging discipline and its intersection with global urbanization, environmental challenges and the evolutionary mismatch

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