39 research outputs found

    Physical Fences and Social Boundaries: The Human Implications of Privatizing Nature in Patagonia Park

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    Patagonia Park has undergone a huge shift in the last decade. Monetary investments made by American entrepreneurs, Doug and Kris Tompkins, have transformed the property from the fenced-in cattle ranch that stood for over a century into an international ecotourism destination with remarkable and inspiring landscapes. In January 2017, I traveled to Patagonia Park to explore my curiosity about this transformation and to learn more about the park\u27s purpose and its impact on the local communities. Although its founders and followers forged the park’s vision with good intentions, my research suggests that there are clear social implications related to the creation of the park. The fences might have been taken down physically, but new ones were put up socially. Critical geographers have argued that park spaces frequently operate as separate entities that have a fixed, rather than fluid, socio-spatial and socio-economic relationship with surrounding areas. Patagonia Park aligns with this scholarship in three ways: (1) in the park’s design, (2) in how local ideals of nature conflict with those of the park’s staff and supporters, and most importantly, (3) in the varied ways that the park and its mission are experienced and perceived. This poster displays how environmental actions can have social implications by revealing the cultural politics that private conservation parks can forge to accommodate certain identities and reproduce inequality

    Staff Education for Registered Nurses Using the Teach-Back Method

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    This purpose of this quality improvement project was to develop an educational training curriculum designed for staff nurses to use the teach-back method with patients with low health literacy during discharge instructions. Health literacy is associated with the ability to read, comprehend, and make appropriate healthcare decisions; the teach-back method asks patients to restate or explain health information in their own words, aiding retention and literacy. Effective staff education plays a critical role in the education of patients during discharge teaching: Nurses must help to ensure that patients and their families understand healthcare information and apply this information in their daily lives. The program was planned in an ambulatory care setting and used conceptual frameworks including the Iowa model and the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle for quality improvement. The program was informed by evidence in the peer-reviewed literature. The curriculum was contextualized by needs of the care setting. The evidence was organized and analyzed using a review matrix to identify common findings among major studies that were applicable to the context. As an aid to operationalization of the program, an implementation plan and an evaluation plan were developed for use by the institution to move the program forward without additional planning. This project may effect positive social change by addressing a health care need that exists throughout the population and is prevalent in those of lower socioeconomic status. Increasing health literacy among patients is likely to promote improved health outcomes among those who are most vulnerable to illness

    Food Literacy while Shopping: Motivating Informed Food Purchasing Behaviour with a Situated Gameful App

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    Establishing healthy eating patterns early in life is critical and has implications for lifelong health. Situated interventions are a promising approach to improve eating patterns. How- ever, HCI research has emphasized calorie control and weight loss, potentially leading consumers to prioritize caloric in- take over healthy eating patterns. To support healthy eating more holistically, we designed a gameful app called Pirate Bri’s Grocery Adventure (PBGA) that seeks to improve food literacy—meaning the interconnected combination of food- related knowledge, skills, and behaviours that empower an individual to make informed food choices—through a situated approach to grocery shopping. Findings from our three-week field study revealed that PBGA was effective for improving players’ nutrition knowledge and motivation for healthier food choices and reducing their impulse purchases. Our findings highlight that nutrition apps should promote planning and shopping based on balance, variety, and moderation